why is there so many islamic/muslim charities?
human aid
islamic relief
human relief foundation
ummah welfare trust
islamic aid (? does this one exist?)
families relief
WHY do you think that is?
why is there so many islamic/muslim charities?
human aid
islamic relief
human relief foundation
ummah welfare trust
islamic aid (? does this one exist?)
families relief
WHY do you think that is?
The list is endless. You have BIG charities and then you have the small charities. Each chartity has its own aim and what it wants to achieve. Some focus on specific areas like Interpal's country is Palestine! I just think poverty is increasing, theres more natural disasters, and more war, so that means people in MEDCs or the people who can spare some change, just want to help those suffering through humanitarian aid.
hence why i didnt put Interpal on the list. see? im not THAT [banned word]
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
LOL, your not blonde, dont worry! Well there just isn't enough happening! Im sure i read somewhere that if everyone in this world gave the correct amount of Zakah per year, there would be no poverty?
There will ALWAYS be poverty.
I've asked myself this question many times before. Why is it that most of the wealth in the world is owned by about 10% of the people(don't quote me on this)?
Why is it that the entertainment and sports industries are making millions from us(the consumers)? Yet we don't have enough money to share with the third world?
We live in a time where everything is 'advanced' now, in terms of technology, medicine, resources etc. yet you find that it is all being privatised and hoarded by the superpowers.
It is sad to hear that children in Africa, Asia are dying of illnesses on a daily basis all because of companies that put patents on their medicine. Education is now being privatised and people cannot afford it anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if in a few years time the air we breathe will be privatised.
I am by no means against charity organisations but charities will never solve the problem How can it when the governments of today thrive on putting others in debt?
You've got to get to the root of the problem and that is the government, capitalism. Politics is supposed to be about looking after the affairs of the people. Alot of muslims say that there is no room in Islam for politics. How can they say that when Islam is all about looking after the affairs of the people.
Surah 83, at-mutaffifin: verses 1-3
"Woe to those that deal in fraud,- Those who, when they have to receive by measure from men, exact full measure, But when they have to give by measure or weight to men, give less than due."
if my memory serves correctly, these ayats were among some of the very first ayats to be revealed. Are these ayats not about the affairs of the people?
This is why Islam was sent down in the first place, Islam gave justice to the poor, to the women, to the father, mother, daughter and the son.
Now there is no justice in the world, so these problems will always be here as long as the people do not rule by what Allah swt decreed.
And Allah knows best
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
It's so hard choosing between the different aims of charities! Everything sounds (is) important. Obviously you can give different ones at different times but like I wouldn't know who to choose I wanted to give to one charity every month.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Regardless of what charity it is, if its reliable, then they're all similar! They all have different aims but aslong as there is someone on the other side of the world or someone in your own country who is benefitting, then you'll gain the reward.
In my opinion, (not all of you have to agree), but i would donate towards a charity which focusses on long term development a little more. For example, by planting a tree or building a well or helping to fund a school. Its lasts a very long time and even after you die, you'll gain reward because it's a form of Sadaqah-e-Jaariyah! A lot of people benefit and to some extent i would rather donate to those causes than give money directly to a person in needs' hands because the money will benefit them to a certain extent and then they'll finish that and need more.
Yeh, I know I'd still get the reward but I want to give to a cause that really needs it and will have the most benefit.
And I get what you mean about the longterm stuff but then I think what about those dying from lack of clean water and not having enough food! Surely thy should be helped first :S
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
If you want something that people will benefit from the most, research and look at the variety of things that charities do. Ask them how many people will benefit, who will benefit and for how long. Then pick one, whichever you think is best!
Not having enough food is all short term. If your feeling more generous, then divide what you can give, and donate some for giving shelter, food and water after a natural disaster and the rest for other causes.
do you tink it'd be possible to unite charities? then there'd be less money going into admin.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
It's not a Muslim organisation but this charity called sevenly https://www.sevenly.org/(link is external) supports a different cause every week, which is pretty good.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
If I'm passionate about cancer charities because I lost my Grandmother to cancer, I'll set up a DD to support a cancer charity.
If I'm passionate about a child abuse charity because I was abused as a child, I'll set up a DD to support Childline (or something like that)
If I heard there's a charity who just "wing it" I'm not sure if I personally want to sponsor them.
The thing with the specialist ones is that they are passionate as me about the cause so I'm more willing to give them financial and other support.
wing it?
The money goes to the cause, which is the important thing. I think it's good because there are so many causes out there that you don't even realise and you don't know who to give your money to, so this helps you. Every little helps and you support so many causes through this.
But I see your point, and yh it's understandable that not everyone will like this approach and prefer to support a specialist.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Daft question
But is it supposed to be ...
'Why are there so many charities?'
most probably. tis Lilly who created this topic afterall. she's pretty blonde at the best of times..
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
It's only 7 dollars of each donation that goes to the cause...(but I like that site..some of the T-shirts theyve sold this year have been so cool (: ).
I haven't actually used it, I just liked the idea
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi