Here are three questions that the audience were asked at the awesome event that i attended today. Think HARD and DEEP!
1) What are 'your' aspirations?
2) What is 'Akbar' in your life?
3) When you're six feet under the ground, what will 'you' have left behind?
Why are these three questions special?
One of the speakers was talking about all three! It just stayed glued into my head and its good to make others think about it too!
akbar means greatest btw. roughly translated that is.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
My aspirations...well i'm here for one reason and one reason only and that is to please Allah swt the almighty. I believe i have a role to play in this world and my aim is to find that role and then hopefully fullfil it insha Allah. I know there are going to be points in my life where i will fail but my goal is to never give up, to learn from my mistakes. I want to change the world, if i can't do that than i wish to atleast inspire a change.
The only thing that is great in this life is Islam, is Allah swt. It is only when i look through the lense of Islam that something else becomes good in my life. Islam gives me a whole different outlook on life which i would otherwise only see as this short limited life. Through Islam i see everything as either a blessing, a test or a punishment by Allah so whichever it is i should be pleased with it.
As for what will i be taking with me to my grave? Only my deeds and nothing else.
That question though it has a short answer should always remain in our deepest thoughts. For the only thing guaranteed in life is death.
Jazakallah khairun for the much needed reminder
May Allah guide us all. Ameen
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
Can I just ask, and you do not have to answer on here, but I think it's something you may need to reflect on. Or pehaps you already do and I'm just saying this for no reason.
How do you plan on changing the world? Perhaps this question is answered by you saying you have not found your role. But you seem to have ideas which are good but then not carried out (I'm thinking of last ramadhan) or maybe you did carry them out and I don't know, which is fine, great.
But I think you need to refine you 'goal' as it is something you mention a lot but there isn't anythinf specific there. You want to obviously be a good Muslim etc - but how do you intend to do that. And don't be vague. Be very specific. I think that will help you find your role too.
And as I'm sure you know just living your life working towards being a scholar or something is not the only way to be a good Muslim and spend your time well. And if you haven't been able to start any arabic classes or whatever then find something else to do, find a new goal. Re-define an action you already do and make it for the sake of Allah.
Even coaching kids football is a great thing to do, which makes a postive impact on society and helps others. It helps people live a more healthy life, it keeps kids from being bored and being anti-social and so it helps the local community just that little bit more. It is good. Therefore it is something Allah will be pleased with inshaAllah and it may be one of the ways you leave a good mark on this world (those kids).
Yeah, just felt I should mention that. As I said you perhaps already have thought of this kinda stuff but just haven't mentioned it. But I notice you using terms like "fulfilling your goal" and living for Allah etc and it sounds too wishy washy and I just thought I'd give you something to think about, help you out a little maybe...
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Well i was being vague and wishy washy on here but i didn't think it was the place for a detailed explanation on my specific goals etc. as for what my role is, i'm still trying to figure that out, it depends on my capabilities and what i'm going to be accountable for really.
I know i'm still being vague here but i can't really help it, i always feel unsure of myself and second guess my thoughts.
Anyway you've asked a few questions up there and i haven't answered them properly, you've given me alot to think about. When i'm ready i'll get back to you.
Thanks for this by the way, i admire your honesty and your inquistive(is that the right word?) nature.
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
As humans, we are the best of creation. We've been created as servants of Allah and we have been given the ability to differentiate between the right and the wrong. We should strive and encourage ourselves and others to do good and we should prevent ourselves and stay as far away as possible, from the bad!
Being Muslim as well as being human, is a great blessing in itself. We are a member of the best of religions, Islam and we have the best example to follow, our prophet, Muhammad (S). So, we should aspire to be the best. We should aim to be the best of students, the best of sisters, the best of brothers, the best of friends, the best of neighbours and so on!
We wern't created to increase the population size of Britain or to simply do nothing at all. We do need to dream and we need to fulfill our dreams, whatever they may be, if they are for the sake of Allah! We need to achieve, be the best and ultimately gain Allah's pleasure whilst doing so!
We need to aspire to want to make a difference to our immediate families, to the rest of our blood relations, to the rest of our community and to the rest of makind. We need to make a difference, we need to make a change and we need to leave something behind. Then, that is when, we have made use of the many years that Allah has let us live for!