If I yawn anymore,


You know how your supposed to cover your mouth when you yawn, well instead, just cover your eyes, and hold your eye lids down! Then im sure its less likely for them to pop out!

Welcome to The Revivial 'VoiceOfTheVoiceless' Smile


Lol yeah.. One hand over your mouth and the other over your eyes! Just expect weird looks though! Blum 3

And thank you! Smile

Sometimes i yawn when im not tired or bored. It just happens!

Regardless of how wierd it seems, id rather do that then let my eyes pop out. It probably looks similar to this: Shok

Just remembering the times when people used to say, cover your mouth otherwise the Shaytan will pee in it!



Hmmm.. That's true! I mean I can live with weird looks but no eyes?! 0_0

I guess we have to be really grateful for what we have..

VoiceOfTheVoiceless wrote:

I guess we have to be really grateful for what we have..


And I'd love to know what happens at sleeping clinics! (I'm just imagining the waiting room full of people lying around, kind of leaning on each other..)


Hummus wrote:

Just remembering the times when people used to say, cover your mouth otherwise the Shaytan will pee in it!




i have yawned like that. and its crazy. it just comes on and you cant do anything to stop it!

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:

i have yawned like that. and its crazy. it just comes on and you cant do anything to stop it!

Thank you.

Let's form a yawn committee.


what do you do in a yawn commitee? and you're welcome

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:

what do you do in a yawn commitee? and you're welcome

we sit in a circle and hold hands. One person yawns. The next person yawns. And we turn it into a game. The aim is to beat the time on how quickly we can spread the yawn around the circle. 


Hummus wrote:

Sometimes i yawn when im not tired or bored. It just happens!

Regardless of how wierd it seems, id rather do that then let my eyes pop out. It probably looks similar to this: Shok

Just remembering the times when people used to say, cover your mouth otherwise the Shaytan will pee in it!


you yawn because you don't think there's enough air (or jusy oxygen?) in the room.


http://www.answering-christianity.com/mahir/yawning_from_satan_rebuttal.htm(link is external)

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

do you like yawning? i dont really... it just takes over your face and it feels like you cant control anything...

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

I just imagined the yawning committee (currently Lilly and s.b.f)  sitting in some sort of yoga position and when its not their turn to yawn, then they say 'Ahmmm'! ROFL


Hummus wrote:

I just imagined the yawning committee (currently Lilly and s.b.f)  sitting in some sort of yoga position and when its not their turn to yawn, then they say 'Ahmmm'! ROFL

Join us.


I am officially the third member of the 'yawning committee'! (: Thanks for the personal invite, much appreciated! *yawn* Wink


Golden Darkness wrote:

Right i just read all of that and i basically could NOT stop yawning...... maybe the yawn committee is somethign for me...ask hummus....she sees me alot and most of the time i'm yawning...or nattering away *natter, natter, natter......yawwwwwwwwwwwn.......natter natter natter...........yawn....(and so on* Biggrin


I hope you're not calling my blog boring.


Golden Darkness wrote:

Sorry if it sounded like i was calling your blog boring =/

Cray 2


Don't worry fellow yawner. No need for the tears! I'm around for you when your feeling down and yawning away!