We, the female population of Revvy (aka TheRevival) would like a female only tribune.
May we have a female only tribune?
below is all the signatures of people who would like a fembune/support the cause.
And no..we can't have a no topic in the sisters section, that's boring.
LOL, yeah sometimes we do just need it (: And if the male population on Revvy want their own, then they can ask for it too. It sounds mean, but Lilly aint the only one who wants it!
Here, Signature: HUMMUS!
we wouldnt need a fembune if there wasnt so much of us. unlike the guys which are a minority, fi they wanna talk they can pm but the girls cant coz the girl numbers are growing Growing GRowing GROwing GROWing GROWIng GROWINg GROWING.
urgh..i said that word too many time..it doesnt sound like english in my head anymore
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Me too..
Signature : NS
Yo u got my vote too.
Lol just hoping admin don't curse me for the extra work he's gna have to put in
I'll help
If I help, I can place a snooper in the programming that'll email the conversations to me every 20 minutes.

Stop trying to be nosey! Theres a BIG reason why its called 'Fembune', for the females only, for the female population, girls and women only, get it?
i'd love to help but i dont know anything!!
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
We need to become ICT geeks! All i have is a GCSE ICT- not much in there to be honest!
Titanium: He was? Maybe i just didn't realise. Is that what adults call teasing?!
GD: And thanks a bunch for not believing in my amazing ability to interpret NS's sarcasm/wishes/dreams/things he's not allowed to do!
Very much doubt this is gna happen...
According to studies women are more religious than men.
I thought that could be a reason for the over representation of girls here but apparently studies show it's the opposite in Muslims. :s
This is from my revision today
Signature: TPOS
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
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