Free Quran Intensive Ebrahim College London (2 weekends)



To attend this course for free:

  1. You need to be one of the first 300 people to register – so register now!
  2. You need to complete the registration by paying the course fees
  3. You need to attend all 4 days of the course
  4. As long as you have done all of the above, we will refund you the full course fees after the course ends. Thats it.

As part of our mission, we try to make Islamic education as widely available as possible and this Ramadan we wish to have as many people as possible benefit from the Ramadan Quran Intensive. So we are giving away 300 places for free.

However, we want to make sure that those 300 places only go to people that are going to attend the course and therefore we are asking the first 300 people to pay for the course initially. As long as they attend the full course, we will refund the course fees at the end of the course. Thats all there is to it. No nasty catches and no unpleasant surprises.

Remember: you need to attend all four days of the course to qualify for a refund of the course fees.

WOW! Sometimes i wish i lived closer to these places! I like the catch, pay the course fees then get it refunded as long as you attend all four days! I've never heard of that one before!

Well if there's any of you who want to register, here's the link. There's an inviting video to it too, which just persuades you, even more! is external)



me go. Bilan no go. Bilan no give me her address.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

fine...Bilan go too...

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

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