Janet and Trudy we laughing quite uncontrollably as they sat into Trudy’s little red car on their way to town. The sun was shining bright, almost blinding. Not warm enough to be wearing vest tops and miniskirts as the two girls who just walked past though which is why Janet and Trudy were snuggled up in their cosy summer jackets.
Life was good as a pensioner despite incidents like pulling up to the lights on Upper Market Street and the salesman like gentleman in the car behind honking his horn. “It’s OK Trudy” reassured Janet “just ignore him. You were right to stop at the amber coloured light. It’s the safest thing to do. You can never be too careful you know. He should learn to be a little more patient”
As Trudy looked through the rear view mirror she could see him mouthing off. He was saying “If I didn’t have these laptops in the boot, I’d get out and smash…..” She had learned to lip read as her husband had lost his voice box after being shot in the neck during the world war. How she missed him. The salesman wouldn’t have been mouthing off if her Thomas was sat in Janet’s place right now. She loved him dearly and had thought about him every day for the past twelve years. “Come on Trudy, the lights green”
They strolled down the High Street enjoying the hustle and bustle of this bright Tuesday afternoon. The policemen walking as a pair, the mother with a double buggy, the children who should be at school but are hanging around by the water fountain, the chap with a beard and a cap on his head handing out leaflets to passers-by from his little stand on the corner of the High Street, the hooded youngster walking out of the newsagent getting suspicious looks from the shop owner, the smart suited herds of office workers taking a late lunch to the sandwich shop, the couple on the corner have a minor domestic dispute, the toddler giving his mother a hard time about something, the chirpy tramp sat by the rubbish bin having found something edible, the chap stood perfectly still pretending to be a statue in exchange for loose change, the overweight group of scruffy men slumped in the Ladbrokes shop, the old lady getting helped off the bus by a random passer-by. It was all happening, they were all out on this fine Tuesday afternoon.
“This place has changed so much since that cold Tuesday evening in June fifty eight years ago when we first met coming out of the disco” said Janet in a reminiscent tone.
“It sure has Janet, it sure has” agreed Trudy.
This is an extract from a deeply meaningful book. It has a message hidden in it. Can anyone guess what this passage is trying to say? (if you’re a psychology student, please refrain from cheating)
Tomorrow (or later on this evening) I’ll let you all know what the true message of this passage is (if no one has guessed it by then - but PLEASE do put your thoughts down)
I think this passage is saying.........
I think this because.........
I am defineatly not a psychology student and i hope that by commenting, i'm not making a fool out of myself!
Hmmm.. lets spill out whats going on in my head!
Reads the whole extract again!
This is confusing! Please put me out of my misery soon!
oh i love this. i cant htink of anything righ tnow but somehow i love this!!
58 years ago..thats a long time..and she was at a disco.. so maybe 17 or so... that makes her nearly 80..thats pretty old.
i like the idea of them two being one person. i'm going with that idea too.
what could have happened on a cold JUNE morning to give her split personality...
and that huge paragraph describing in so much details..dodgy suspicious stuff..and the last sentence "it was happening" something's up i say...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
I thought it was just 2 old women in a car, one describing or thinking (cba to read it again) about the society we live in today. I would imagine the times she is comparing it to when she says "since that day" is probably when the 2nd world war was taking place, or even when they had achieved the victory. I'm assuming ofcourse that these two women are in the UK.
Then you said there was a secret meaning to this and what i've described is more or oess the obvious. I would love to hazard a guess but i got nothing.
Do you like know the answer or is it your theory? *confused face*
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
It won't work.
My experement was a serious flop.
I'm going to assume that no one took interest in answering this article because they are busy revising for exams and stuff rather than taking it personally.
Depending on what subjects you are doing this could have helped with your revision? Analysing a piece of writing is covered in most exams?
Ah well, maybe I should give it another day or so?
Yepp, i failed in convincing people, but don't give up, im sure we're all just as intereted in finding this mystery! Just wait, Patience is a virtue!
waiiiiit??? nooooooooooo. Im going to get the dawah brother on you NS!
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
i think my brain has officially changed to amathemical/scientific one and i cannot interpret texts anymore...
this is scary
and sad.
im upset.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Wana swap, i'm sick of analysing law case reports
you'll fail... im doing 6 exams. 4 of which are mathematics another one is MOSTLY math, (but in context of chemistry) and the rest are chemistry. still want to swap?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
i tried to cheat and google the first two paragraph:
that'll teach me.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Bless Lilly for trying that out. That really did make me laugh, lots and lots!
One place to find it- here on The Revival and nowhere else! This must all be written solely by NS, knowing the way he narrates stories and experiences in such an amazing and unique way, i wouldn't be surprised.
You shouldn't cheat and advertise the fact at this time of day.

I'm already low of energy and can't be doing this much laughing.
This is one of the few things that even Sheikh-Ul-Google don't know the answer to.
The concept is copied from an experiment, the material is fully mine (copyright and all that)
The experiment had a simmilar title to this (can't remember exactly what it was).
It was trying to proove that people take from writings (and life in general) anything they chose to.
It was concluded, in the experement, that 10% of your life depends on what happens and 90% is how you react to it.
The experement was trying to show the subjects that they have more control of their lives than they think.
I'm not sure if I've worded my explanation right, but I think you guys get the general idea?
yep, basically we're too awesome to be tested on covertly. we took NOTHING from this EXCEPT the actual facts from it. nothing jumped out at us because we are totally unbias and objective.
we are so totally in control with out life we dnt need Janet and Trudy to tell us.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Suspense over.
I waited for two and a half months for that!
Disappointing wasn't it? It would have worked so much better if people had inboxed the reply to me instead of writing it on here. And also if more people took part.
In the original study there was over 1000 subjects and for me there was only two.
No, not disappointing, i thought it focussed more on Janet and Trudy themselves, rather than anything else. This experiment had been tried on over 1000 people and in my opinion, that is a really big number, hence why conclusions could be reached. Even if you had such a small response from us over here, i've still forced myself into asking you to tell me the outcome and i did eventually receive it.
10% of my life depends on what happens and 90% of my life is how i react to it! Yeah, that seems believable even though i don't know how accurate the percentages are. Its true, the way i react to certain experiences in my life, makes me who i am and what could possibly lead on from that- my future! Im glad i understand this concept.