Assalaamu'alakoum Revivalers!
Here's a summary of the state of TheRevival.
Going down the pan.
Point 1: We need to identify
if you're reading this, you're one of them) that includes Writers, website designers, publicity campaigners. but..mostly:The website NEEDS writers. As you must have seen but not paid attention in this thread:
If you havent noticed. this thread is ALSO telling us that something new, revolutionary, awesome is happening. The ONLINE mag! This is a new platform. something more on our wavelength. We're generation internet or something aren't we?
So, you're a revivaler right? Good. And you know the situation of your beloved Revvy?Good. Now. Choose a topic. Write an article. Submit it. Dont be scared. first draft doesnt have to be perfect! WE (the people willing to help) we'll help each other along, writing awesome articles and making an awesome mag!
point 2 for this thread:
I'd say, one of our goal should be to make TheRevival a NATIONWIDE thing!
Point 3: we need a plan of action.
Feel free to comment on any 3 points.
I'm thinking. can we use blogposts that people wrote for the mag? with permission of Author.
Also, we need to get Exception back. she can be out Muslim World Correspondent.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Glad you've come back and put some life into the site.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I found the site looking for dr Tahir ul Qadri
i keep coming back cos I like the site it is easy to use and plus my password was never cancelled
plan of action, if I had one of those luv I'd be a Sufi by now.
I'd love to write but these days my head is twisted all the way round by my children and plus I haven't written in a long while and when I did write I thought I was awesome but everyone else thought I was rubbish so there we go. Plus I'm not as knowledgeable as you all.
i havent really. Sully's the brain behind all this!
seriously though. COMMENT!!
and plus, this girl got me all fired up. i see TheRevival becoming something nationwide...seriously... must..hold.on.toDREAM!
anyway. i identify one problem. there's different kind of youth. there's the youth i used to be and the youth i am now. how are we going to cater for all those different types?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Ok, so what's the main agenda? Who is this really gonna benefit? The Revival's always been about the muslim youth right? So if it's just something that'll increase our social club it's not really much of a benefit.
I've gotta admit something first, i've never read The Revival magazines before and don't really know what it's about. What brought this sute to my attention wa the forums and the topics being discussed with the many different opinions and exciting blogs.
So yeah, back to my point...i'm all about helping the muslim youth and learning more about my deen through research, my own and other peoples experiences. So if you think we've got a platform where we can really do something for this Ummah than i'm on bored.
Warning: i am unreliable and lazy.
Which is why i want to do something that'll help me change, so i'm doing this for myself more so than others. Jazkallah khairun for the reminder
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
Board Fboy...Board... i thought you said "...then i am bored." had a mini heart attack.
i came on here to say something and now iforgot... a goal for Revvy. oh yeah!
Goal for Revvy: make revival something that kids arent afraid to share with their parents/siblings. something they arent ashamed of going on. Islamwise and otherwise.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Deleted. Nevermind
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
You sound daft.
If you feel that you can't do it, then this is the time to get out.
Unless, you're asking for help. If that is the case then nobody can help you because people have things to do themselves.
How long does it take you to decide what to wear in the morning?
Answering Lilly's questions:1) Agree withe evrything Lilly says about the goals and intentions about the place
2) I still use it but not for the right reasons hence why I won't be getting anymore involved than this.
3) Think there are lot of committed people on here that can change things though
That's why i deleted this but you're right so where were we.
If we're all serious about it then we need a plan, we need ideas and we need someone to lead. I'm here as a tool, use me and i'll try my best insha Allah. Whatever is needed ask me, and if i have any ideas i'll put them forward.
Doesn't matter if we succeed or fail in this task as long as we try, only Allah can grant us victory, we will be rewarded according to our effort. In the name of Allah ....i'm here
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
Well i only began using the site a year after i'd become one of the users.. Now i literally visit the site every single day! Its a part of my checklist! I was introduced to the magazine by my dad and then he told me to search for it online and lo-and-behold, here i am! I'd love to contribute more (when i get the time, that is)!
I disagree,
This may be a bigger benefit than all others put together.
Peer pressure of the good kind, the feeling of belonging, not feeling excluded by society are all good things with important religious aspects.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
and Fboy! STOP BEING A WUSS! you're the one saying you want to leave a mark! then you're all "oh give me the smallest job" you'll get the jobs you deserve. now. man up!
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Ok to be fair that makes sense i guess, it's just that it's hard to control what's going when it becomes a social site. I was thinking we may just be creating another platform where people waste time and free mix.
This is just a concern i have but if others think i'm wrong then fair enough. As long what we do stays within the confinements of Islam and shariah then i'm cool with it. We will be accountable for the the things that are within our control, so i'm just trying to be careful.
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
*epiphany* point taken. Much needed and appreciated.
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
I agree with what Fboy said. but i think what Admin said can be seen in the girl to girl/boy to boy thing. Ive made great GIRL friends on here and thats hte point of this. Friendship is a big part of Islam. remember the hadith about the perfume seller/blacksmith.
so there can still be friendship. dont have to be boy/girl ones inshaaAllah.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
good to see this has created some interest and the revival will be revived... inshallah
Action Plan:PM me that you wanna be on baord so we can start work for the on line mag
revivalers are shy...seriously..
please add Sbf, Foysol, Suhail, _Me_ , Hummus, Golden Darkness, and me, as in Lilly me!
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
well to show that they WANT to b einvolved in the editorial team a quick pm is all i need. i dont want ppl who dont wanna be there... had that alot in the past:-0
LOL, and yes i've sent my message, eventually!
Lol, I agree with the 'Goldie'. I think you really should get involved, maybe talk about your experiences while growing up or anything that you feel very strongly about. You could be amazing!
Awww so sweet of you to describe me so well
Thanks a bunch LOL!
PS I am officially becoming addicted to The Revival!
Errrm..Question, this seems like quite a big project where we are looking to target quite a big audience right? So whateve we say, write is going to go public and it will read by alot of youth. Just wondering, don't we sort of mind of need like a scholar or someone knowledgeable to atleast oversee all that we are doing?
After all we are no experts if i'm not mistaken and i'm sure nobody here wants to lead anyone astray, no matter how good our intentions may be.
Do we have anyone that's supported The Revival before?
What does everyone else think?
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
Wise point foysol that's always been on my mind
Scholars are often annoying and act like they are 70.
They have a purpose, which does not necessarily have to be the same as this place.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
All articles, especially those that require Islamic knowledge, are proofread and approved by scholars.
Any query which needs scholarly approval is checked by several scholars; as the editor its my responsibility to make sure what we write is Islamically correct.
So fret not; nothing goes to print without everything being checked by scholars i know and trust.
all scholars should not be judged the same.
Yes you get the backward type but there are many today who do actually understand the needs of the time, speak the language, born n bred here, understand the culture, are tolerant of others etc
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
making a sister happy is a good thing to do.
i'll edit htis post soon and properly reply.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?