Salaam again!
August 8th - Chapter 5: The Etiquette of Du'a
There are a number of manners and etiquette procedures that accompany the performances of du'a. The difference between this part and the previous one ( part 2) is that such etiquette occurs while a person is making du'a, whereas the acts mentioned previously must occur before a person makes du'a.
1. Praising Allah Before the Du'a and Praying upon the prophet(saw)
The person who is making the du'a is asking for forgiveness, mercy and sustenance from his Creator, so it behoves that the worshipper to start his du'a with the praise and glorification of Allah.
The prophet(saw) said to a man worshipping in the mosque, (who after praying made du'a to Allah): "You have been hasty, O worshipper! When you finish your prayer, then sit down and praise Allah with the praise that He is worthy of, and pray upon me, then state your dua."
1.1 Du'a with Allah's Greatest Name
Buraydah narrated that the prophet(saw) heard a person say: "O Allah! I ask you, by virtue of the fact that I testify that You are Allah.. (theres more to this hadith that I left out)
He(saw) said: "This person has asked Allah by is Greatest Name, which if He is asked with, He gives and if He is petitioned with (i.e., a du'a), He answers."
Another point that can be inferred from this is the permissibility of tawassul (see previous part) with ones belief (iman), since the wording of the hadith is "I ask You, by virtue of the fact that I testify that you are Allah"
2.Raising One's Hands
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said: "As for the prophet(saw) raising his hands in du'a, then this has been narrated in so many ahadith that they cannot be counted!"
Furthermore, Salman al-Farsi said that the prophet(saw) said: Indeed, Allah is Shy and Beneficent. He is Shy when His servant raises his hands to Him (in du'a) to return them empty, dissapointed!"
*It is important that one's palms face upwards, and not the back of one's hands
There are 3 different types of motions that are narrated from the Companions.
1- The first type is to point with one's forefinger, without necessarily lifting one's hands. This action is done when one asks for forgiveness, or makes a general dhikr, or while making du'a during the khuthbah or during the tashahud. Also it is not sunnah to raise one's hands for the general du'as of the day.
2- The second type is to raise one's hands to the level of one's shoulders, with the palms facing up. This is done for regular du'as that one makes at any time
3- The last type of action is done only in extreme situations, such as asking for rain after drought etc. In this case the hands are stretched forth towards the sky, without joining the two palms together. When this is done, a person's armpits become exposed.
3. Facing the Qiblah
A person is encouraged to turn towards the Qiblah as the prophet(saw) used to do so when making du'a
4. Performing Wudu
5. To Cry
6. To Expect the Best from Allah
Aby Hurayrah narrates that the prophet said: " Allah, all Glory and Praise be to Him has said 'Whatever My servant assumes of Me, that is how I will treat him and I amd with him who remembers Me'"
A person should help himself to achieve this state by always recalling the texts (of the Quran and sunnah) that show the great Mercy of Allah.
The prophet(saw) states: "Let not any of you die excpet that he assumes the best from Allah"
Since a person doesnt know when he will die, the implication is that a muslim must always assumes the best about his Creator.
Ibn al-Qayyim said "For only when a person expects the best from Allah will he perform good deeds since he will expect that Allah will reward him for his deeds and accept them so the more good deeds he does!"
If I told you that I could give you whatever you wished and allowed you to have one week’s time to decide what you wanted, would you plan for it? I believe you would.
We plan for the things that are important in life, for the things we want most. From job interviews, to choosing spouses, to picking out furniture for the house, we plan for things that are important.
So what about our du`a’ (supplication)?
Is not our du`a’ a way to receive what we ask for? Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala (exalted is He) is the One that provides everything in our lives and asking Him is the most important thing we can do, but how often do we actually plan for it? Du`a’ too often becomes only a spur of the moment thing rather than a comprehensive list of things we wish for the most.
With Ramadan upon us, now is the best time to really put our minds to what we wish to ask the Creator of the heavens and the earth. I would like to share some ways to do so most effectively from my own personal experience.
Others have playlists, Muslims have praylists
Full article here
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Jazakallah Khair both of you for those reminders and words of advise![Biggrin](
Just got back from a tafsir of a few verses from surat wa'qia. Allah swt reminds us that everything happens through His will and unless Allah puts effect within any means that means of acheiving something will not be effective. Basically Allah swt puts the effect of heat within fire yet when Ibrahim (as) was put into the fire, it was cool for him.
So what the mufti was getting at was that whenever we want or need something, rather than relying on the means we should put faith in Allah and make dua to Allah that He may put effect in the means.
Hope that made sense, the mufti explains it waaay better(plus he had like half an hour).
May Allah guide us all. Ameen
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
oh wouaw! Nice one Fboy. I like to get my head around it.. so we ask Allah for _____ to get _____.
help please!!!
JazakAllah bilan for this GREAT topic!
anybody can recommend me a book to soften the heart?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
yep it made sense, thanks
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I know that before making duah we have to praise Allah subhanahou wata'ala. do we also have to have to send salaam on the prophet (pbuh)?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
not sure if you have to have to, but it cant hurt can it?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I don't know if you HAVE to, but it is recommended
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Im pretty sure ive mentioned it chinchan! (cnt remember what part though, probably nr 1) lol, you dont HAVE to, but like the others said it doesnt hurt and it 'completes' the dua. if ur gonna do it, might as well go all the way right?
and lol! @ muslims have praylists
edit: ok read the article..I actually did kinda make a list lol (before i read this). I can relate to what the author has written actually. InshAllah all the better with learning the etiquette of dua!
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
For the first time, I saw someone on tv (Ummah Channel drama) directly do dua to the Prophet![Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him)](
me: Why is he doing that?
mum: Have you become a wahabi?
I guess that's the kind of tawassul this article mentions.
Looool...can't question anything our parents generation practice these days.
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH