Im working on a project if succesful it will be published as a book inshallah.
I've always thought there isn't a book out there where young Muslims can turn to who are turning to Islam or beginning to understand stuff they are confused with etc.. and if it is its not widely acvailable.
Whether at school, college or uni. whether in prison or in your late 30's etc.... and even something that parents/elders can refer to when answering/guiding younger ppl/kids/relatives etc...
Everytime I chat with young ppl it always questions on arrivals, marriage, beard, sects, black magic, 2 eids, mosques, imams, madhabs, boy/girlfriends, etc etc....
so i thought why not have all these issues that concern or confuse young Muslims in to a book that everyone can refer to as and when required.
In a nutshell all the revival maghazines and the lets talk radio shows i do in one:-)
there are 1 or 2 books like this but they dont cover as many topics i want to cover and in the way i want to aswell.
So your help:
Firstly, is this required?
secondly, what do you think are the main topics/issued that should be covered... i need an exhauseted list
thirdly, are you happy to take part in a questionaire which i can use for research?
fourthly, any similar books or books i should look at for research?
I genuinely beleive this is required an dwill help current and future generations if done properly.
I am aiming to contact all teh big scholars worldwide from all organisations to mak ethis comprehensive and for all Muslims no matter what sect.
I remember when I was in my early teens as well as late teens I liked reading books but compare that to teens nowadays I don't think they will personally speaking.
Maybe do diff topics on YouTube but then again there is baba Ali who does something similar.
If there is a demand then it is a good idea, I remember my brother saying he didn't see any info on masons ( I think that's what u mean when referring to arrivals?).
Other topics would be hijab ( however lots of info on this but worth covering on this type of book), makeup, 'hijab' for men, other things would be smoking,shesha, drugs, halal/haram income ie fraud. Can't think of much right now.....
if you can't make a magazine/website sucessful you have no chance of making a book.
priorities ed.
website has its own audience and a book has its own.
idea of the book is to have in all muslim shops in UK and mainstream bookshops like waterstones as well along with having books in libraries, and as a teaching tool at scholl and colleges etc....
Harsh! LOL!
Sajid, go ahead, I'm right behind you on this one. I would also recommend having a section on anger and bitterness and how to deal with it.
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi
Also something on self-esteem and confidence vs pride and vanity. I think that can clear up so many misunderstandings that we Muslims have.
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi
thanks for that Noor... just what i needed
magazine was very succesful in terms of its content, distribution, feedback. the issue was finance.
here there is no finance issue as publisher will cover all costs, not me or revival.
then its just a matter of pr and selling which revival can do.
lol. sorry
it is a good idea (i just read your first post properly, didn't see the last paragraph), if the content is good and written in a good way, then it could be a very very good book.
but as Angel said i don't think Muslim youth are into books as much as going to talks, listening to lectures, youtube videos etc.
it's good that you are embarking on a new adventure but also a shame that you have neglected the revival (yes big assumption but on the forum and website aspect, nothing has been done).
the book you are planning on writing could have been a revival project, a reward in some way for all the past revival regular writers who worked really really hard for the magazine to be successful, for a number of years, a big commitment. it would have been nice to include them in the book and have them be a part of it all.
defo check out books called "world of teen" there's 1 and 2.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
The thing about such things is that it is not steeped in reality.
People make up and believe all sorts of fantasy stuff and that doesnt help.
If we said Santa was a freemason, they would probably start believing that there is a santa out there going through chimneys before christmas, trying to corrupt all the kids that have been good.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
me and admin have discussed improving the don't worry it hasn't been neglected...we are working on it.
this is a revival project as any money we receive from this will go towards the revival future mag/ events etc.
For me to complete this book I will be trying to get the revival team to assist me all the way. I am hoping to include the best articles from the revival mag in to the book cos we have some great articles so why re-write them. Of course all contributors will be mentioned.
yeah i have those, thanks
What i really need is an exhaustive list from everyone on all the topics you feel are relevent...
also a variety of scholars who you feel should contribute to the book
Abdal Hakim Murad is really good for the psychology and philosophical element of things.
Tariq Ramadhan, Ajmal Masroor?
Do they have to be from the UK?
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Let me know if I can help in anyway.
Always wanted to write a book myself.
Salaam all!
I personally like the idea of a book myself, it's something you can preseve forever and it will always will be there to refer too- the good ole book...
But... As a teenager myself,I can see more people relating and refering to the internet, you tubing etc... So maybe you could do something electronically? Or maybe create an App?
For teenagers, i think the main thing for us to understand is that we need to combine the deen and the dunya together,not just get fixated on one thing and focus on that particular thing for the rest of your life. I think teenagers need reassurance,support and encouragement that will help them to understand that Islam is not just for old people and can be fun too....
Oh, and maybe talk about peer pressure,gangs and relationships too...
The Islamic Guide: Just for those awkward,lost and confused times.
Death is the end of time. Not the end of Life.
The mag and this website are electronic...
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Awesome idea, insha A' it will go far and inspire young muslims everywherrrre.
- I personally would buy it and would prefer it as a hard copy rather than electronic.
- Please include fatwa and advice to male and female equally as sometimes it kinda is aimed at males only.
- I like Lilly's suggestions very much
- add humour pls and things that everyone can relate to.
too much effort on humour leads to kids thinking "hurgh, that granpa's trying to act cool when he dont even know what he's talking abt" kinda thing. so just go with the flow or get some of the revvy boys to write bits and bobs if they're willing. (they might be more willing if you give them "revvy boys" badges (We've gathered stickers are outdated) )
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Amazing idea!!! :D...bring it on ed!!!!
"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters
Who are the revvy boys? And why just the boys, sexist much?!
Also, Ed, please make it a paperback book, not hardback! They're so much nicer to read

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I don't have anything huge to say but Wth, definitely no humour if you want to write a book that will be taken seriously as an academic text. Who would write a book about the importance of praying fardh and psychoses in religion and casually throw jokes in in places?
No. Don't do it.
HOWEVER I do have a philosophy of mind book that at the beginning of each chapter it has a really small comic at the top that's related to one of the arguments simplified. Nothing too silly or hilarious, just a bit of light relief, but you can still take the book seriously. Remember, just because a book is for young people, doesn't mean it has to be patronizing. You don't wanna end up with just a really fat version of the mag.
#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #
blond moment. just goes to say that girls wil write bits of it. but the much unsurity (this is where Lollywood has a heart attack). i kid i kid.
get both the girls and boys of revvy to write bits and bobs. then inshaaAllah there wont be patronizing
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
lemme know if you want a chapter on being a convert/revert/'walking talking advert' (your favourite phrase
Don't just do something! Stand there.
it rhymes!
it rhymes!
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
such a book first let me say Mashallah would be a fantastic project, vast and let me say again gigantic. perhaps this could be done over several small books containing different topics, a compilation if you will, coming out every year. it is a life times work and well worth it once achieved - the series of books for the 21 century muslim, brilliant.
i often think what could i leave my children so that they can remember the right path and not ever say that i was not able to guide them properly, such a book or books would be ideal.
are you also in contact with sources who have already written books and would welcome a young perspective, they can help you immensely
And if you could post the chapters you write on here so we may see that would be very good and are you open to suggestions once you have written stuff. i'll get back with some books i have, written by young alims which my friends seem to rate
thanks for your comment there... its confirmed my beleif that such a book is required!
pls do suggests topics/issues which you feel are important. also as I am COMPILING the book I'm happy to include sections from other writers in the book.
So anyone who wants to contribute please do let me know as this is a MASSIVE task in hand.