none/all. Or if you push it, Big eid. All that celebration over three days. its bigger than the little eid.
Why do people have favourites?
why have a favourite colour? why have a favourite number?
I can understand having favourite people (its the personality), but with inanimate objects, where does this favourtism come from?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Angel on 28 August, 2005 - 00:41 #172
"Admin" wrote:
none/all. Or if you push it, Big eid. All that celebration over three days. its bigger than the little eid.
Why do people have favourites?
why have a favourite colour? why have a favourite number?
I can understand having favourite people (its the personality), but with inanimate objects, where does this favourtism come from?
What do u mean none/all that dont even make sense!
Interestin question you asked though bout favouritism, i like a certain colour becuz it looks nice to the eye but colours like green remind me of the beautiful colour of the the green dome which in turn makes me like the colour green becuz it has a link with the Holy Prophet and my fav. no is 3 cuz its the sunnah to do things three times..thats just a few favouritism usually has a reason behind it ...i like the colour pink just becuz its pretty.
If I have no real favourite, none of them are favourites. On the other hand they are all equally all are favourites...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Angel on 28 August, 2005 - 00:54 #175
"kuri/19" wrote:
favourite time of islamic calendar definetly ramadhanvs big eid coz family get togather
not my bed time yet>>
guyz u looking forward 4 ramadhan any intentions 2 change?
I think everyone mostly everyone has an intention to change kinda like "this time round i am gona be a proper muslim", the amazin thing bout ramadan is satan is locked up so you can take full advantage and gain the full blessing from this blessed month. I have a few things on my all my namaz no matter how hard it is to get up for fajar, to eat/sleep/talk less (good for gainin spirtualitism), to read more islamic books, to not waste time and utilise it effectively...i'll think more bout this list come ramadan time......not your bed time!!
Submitted by Angel on 28 August, 2005 - 01:17 #179
"kuri/19" wrote:
reasons? or u saying evay
lol evay...umm if i start statin reasons then we will be here all day....and plus its my bed time duno if i shud go on.......
ok i cant be mean for longer..they both nice in their own ways, i dont like it when ed blanks us but i knw he is very busy person so i admire him for for admin well he keeps this forum up and runnin and is a very honest person who will stand up for his views....the rest i will leave to the other members..personally it wouldnt be fair to say who was better, i just asked that as a joke..i better get my sleep now...nite nite ws
You're another midget aren't you? Be careful I don't step on you. :twisted:
he'll do it too
he'll do it I tell ya
oh he'll go there
he'll [i]so[/i] go there
Yeh yeh watever ya tower/lampost!
everyone knows that Giants have pea brains
the bigger they are the more stupid they act
u should read more fairy tales-everyone knows that they're always defeated in the end :twisted:
There's a reason why they're called 'fairy tales'. They're not true. Just there to make dwarfs like you feel better about themselves.
Hey lampost, doesnt it be a bit awkward lookin down at ppl all the time, also a very rude thing to do!
Henceforth I am renaming lilsis to "The Mental Midget" since she get's all her wisdom from dr seuss
be easy on them angel
cos they are always bumping their heads on ceilings and the tops of doors-u cant help but feel sorry for them
they've bashed their head so much which explains why they are so slow and act like grandpa's at such a young age :twisted:
At least we can reach the doorknob.
So can i :roll:
no i meant without help
and at least I can enter a room without having to rub my sore head... :twisted:
It's not our fault that architects are sizist.
Hey while you ladies are online - answering my very important religious question.
Are you sure that pea-sized brain can handle our answers?
Looks like all the effort was takin by your body stretchin higher than putin any brain cells into that brain...oh well you cant hav it all!
I'll "answering" your question
cos its obvious u bumped ur head many times today
btw did u ever read the Mr Men books as a child?
I can call u Mr Bump!
lol was that seriously a rip?
Answer my very important religious question!!!
It's really easy to find - it's titled "Dave's Very Important Religious Question"
My question:
Where is everyone?
answer - here, waiting for an interesting topic!
Question - do you have one?
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
wheres 123 who posted this topic?
my question
whats your favourite icecream flavour? its borin but its a question
Vanilla...whats your fav. time of the islamic calender?
none/all. Or if you push it, Big eid. All that celebration over three days. its bigger than the little eid.
Why do people have favourites?
why have a favourite colour? why have a favourite number?
I can understand having favourite people (its the personality), but with inanimate objects, where does this favourtism come from?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
What do u mean none/all that dont even make sense!
Interestin question you asked though bout favouritism, i like a certain colour becuz it looks nice to the eye but colours like green remind me of the beautiful colour of the the green dome which in turn makes me like the colour green becuz it has a link with the Holy Prophet
and my fav. no is 3 cuz its the sunnah to do things three times..thats just a few favouritism usually has a reason behind it ...i like the colour pink just becuz its pretty.
My nxt question: Why aint u asleep?
favourite time of islamic calendar definetly ramadhanvs big eid coz family get togather
not my bed time yet>>
guyz u looking forward 4 ramadhan any intentions 2 change?
because I am awake.
If I have no real favourite, none of them are favourites. On the other hand they are all equally all are favourites...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I think everyone mostly everyone has an intention to change kinda like "this time round i am gona be a proper muslim", the amazin thing bout ramadan is satan is locked up so you can take full advantage and gain the full blessing from this blessed month. I have a few things on my all my namaz no matter how hard it is to get up for fajar, to eat/sleep/talk less (good for gainin spirtualitism), to read more islamic books, to not waste time and utilise it effectively...i'll think more bout this list come ramadan time......not your bed time!!
Who do u like better admin or ed and why
hahaha soz angel cnt answa dis question...admied is my answa coz i dnt know them enough to judge them and to like 1 more dan de oda.
angel who do u like betta admin or ed an why?
nope that aint the rules of the game, you cant ask me the same question...i shall remain neutral and say i hate both of them
reasons? or u saying evay
lol evay...umm if i start statin reasons then we will be here all day....and plus its my bed time duno if i shud go on.......
ok i cant be mean for longer..they both nice in their own ways, i dont like it when ed blanks us but i knw he is very busy person so i admire him for for admin well he keeps this forum up and runnin and is a very honest person who will stand up for his views....the rest i will leave to the other members..personally it wouldnt be fair to say who was better, i just asked that as a joke..i better get my sleep now...nite nite ws
orite as 4 me ive had my say it dis mr ed admin thing they both hard workers equally in everythin
im off 2 sleep nitexxxx