Submitted by Sirus on 23 August, 2005 - 21:40 #121
i'd say i have several influences.
the ones close to me, and for giudance - Mum, Dad and Little Brother...occasionally my sis
Aims and goals in life - Mum and Uncles
way of thinking - Largely myself, and Dad
theyre people i can relate to and talk to
In terms of other people i use as role models, I try to look upto the Prophet Saw as much as possible, and Qibla Hazoor.....(my role models have changed in the last month, prior to that, it was a bunch of no-bodys)
....oh and Mr Ed
erm...maybe more, dunno
what motivates you more in your job/career: Money or Achievements
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Submitted by Seraphim on 23 August, 2005 - 21:45 #122
"angel" wrote:
What one thing do u most love about yourself and why?
Natural-born charmer
"angel" wrote:
What is the main aim in your life?
"Dave" wrote:
Do you prefer spending time alone or with other people?
I prefer to be in good company than to be alone, which is my worst nightmare.
"angel" wrote:
What bores you the most!?
People who hav a tendancy to point out the obvious.
"Dave" wrote:
Tunak tunak tun, Tunak tunak tun, Tunak tunak tun, da da da
lol, i cant believe you still remember that music video!
"angel" wrote:
Whats your fav. colour and why?
Blue/Black/Gold... dont know why.
"irfghan" wrote:
What is your dream car?
Q. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Angel on 23 August, 2005 - 21:47 #123
"Hayder Hussain" wrote:
erm...maybe more, dunno
what motivates you more in your job/career: Money or Achievements
Glad you didnt take ed as your role model in blankin ppl!
i would be lying if i said money didnt motivate me cuz right now i am just workin for money, this present job has nothin to do with my wise i really wana now do social work so i can help children and families who aint so lucky as myself like they dont have family love and protection bit a both.
What was your memorable moment? (i hope i aint repeatin any q's?)
Submitted by Angel on 23 August, 2005 - 21:53 #124
"Seraph" wrote:
Q. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Be more patient...u?
Submitted by Seraphim on 23 August, 2005 - 21:57 #125
"angel" wrote:
"Seraph" wrote:
Q. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Be more patient...u?
id ask to be 6ft tall (only 5ft 6).
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Angel on 23 August, 2005 - 22:04 #126
"Seraph" wrote:
"angel" wrote:
"Seraph" wrote:
Q. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Be more patient...u?
id ask to be 6ft tall (only 5ft 6).
you a shorty for a guy! lol thats comin from sum1 who aint even 5ft :roll:
6ft way to tall!
Which did u prefer, primary school, secondary school or college/uni and why?
Submitted by Seraphim on 23 August, 2005 - 22:09 #127
"angel" wrote:
"Seraph" wrote:
"angel" wrote:
"Seraph" wrote:
Q. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Be more patient...u?
id ask to be 6ft tall (only 5ft 6).
you a shorty for a guy! lol thats comin from sum1 who aint even 5ft :roll:
6ft way to tall!
Which did u prefer, primary school, secondary school or college/uni and why?
Non they all make the average person feel insecure about themself.
Q. Cadburys cream eggs, how do you eat yours?
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Beast on 23 August, 2005 - 22:14 #128
"angel" wrote:
6ft way to tall!
Submitted by Angel on 23 August, 2005 - 22:21 #129
"Seraph" wrote:
Q. Cadburys cream eggs, how do you eat yours?
i dont, cuz i dont like them!
lol irf you 6ft? its a nice height but i feel ppl tower over me with that height!
Submitted by Beast on 23 August, 2005 - 22:23 #130
"angel" wrote:
lol irf you 6ft? its a nice height but i feel ppl tower over me with that height!
More than 6ft.
It's surprising that many people on the forum seem to be short.
Will I always be the odd one out? :roll:
Submitted by Angel on 23 August, 2005 - 22:28 #131
"irfghan" wrote:
"angel" wrote:
lol irf you 6ft? its a nice height but i feel ppl tower over me with that height!
More than 6ft.
It's surprising that many people on the forum seem to be short.
Will I always be the odd one out? :roll:
most guys want to be taller ie. seraph you should consider yourself lucky..
Ok what height is everyone? I am exactly 4’11
Submitted by Beast on 23 August, 2005 - 22:34 #132
seraph u slightly shorter than average.a guyz average height is 5'8.
irfghan u have a good height. saying coz im 5'7 and feel uncomfortable with guyz shorter than me. i hate to be this tall but alot of people think im weird to say that.
lol irf you 6ft? its a nice height but i feel ppl tower over me with that height!
More than 6ft.
It's surprising that many people on the forum seem to be short.
Will I always be the odd one out? :roll:
most guys want to be taller ie. seraph you should consider yourself lucky..
Ok what height is everyone? I am exactly 4’11
I'm 6'3
And congratulations you are shorter than my girlfriend - which I thought was decently impossible shes 5'3
I proclaim myself "biggest dude on the forum"
My question now.
Anybody here like to plant?
(If so I am open to tips on a particularly stubborn Sansevieria)
Submitted by Sirus on 24 August, 2005 - 01:29 #135
"Dave" wrote:
Anybody here like to plant?
"Seraph" wrote:
Q. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
im finally happy with maself (not to sayin im perfect, but i like me..coz only i understand me)
"angel" wrote:
What was your memorable moment?
in life? theres been quite a few, depends i guess....meeting the shaykh, spending tym wiv my beloved granny's (may Allah swt grant them paradise), the chilled week in dubai, Al-Hidayah, and more family moments - guess im a famliy guy
"angel" wrote:
Which did u prefer, primary school, secondary school or college/uni and why?
so far, i wud say uni.......more relaxed and your a freeeeee soul. jus sit on the beanbags all day long.........
"seraph" wrote:
Q. Cadburys cream eggs, how do you eat yours?
well....wen my dad aint lukin, i rob a few from the shop and take it to the back and munch on em i like to eat the inside 1st, especially yellow part! hmmm....cant wait 4 easter again.
"angel" wrote:
Ok what height is everyone? I am exactly 4’11
ur all shorties!! i thawt i was average-ish....5"10, guess only irfgy and Big Dave tower me here!! :roll:
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Submitted by Sirus on 24 August, 2005 - 01:33 #136
4got my question!
ermmmmm...i'll try avoidin anyfin 2 do with marriage
strange question......but would you prefer to be born muslim or a convert/revert?
i knw it probz dnt make 2 much diffrence, u can be a gud muslim either way....but from my experience, i see the new muslims as better role models than those who are fortunate to be born muslims, but take it for granted
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
So Dave do you get smacked in the face by tree branches? :twisted:
Submitted by Angel on 24 August, 2005 - 14:08 #138
"Hayder Hussain" wrote:
ur all shorties!! i thawt i was average-ish....5"10, guess only irfgy and Big Dave tower me here!! :roll:
So three of you are lamposts? bet admin would love to have you guys in his pics!
Submitted by Seraphim on 24 August, 2005 - 14:46 #139
Its not fair, girls get to wear high heals so they can look taler than they really are. Guys we cant... well not real men any-way.
I wouldnt say im short id say around average hight... not that i've ever let that stop me.
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Angel on 24 August, 2005 - 16:17 #140
"Seraph" wrote:
Its not fair, girls get to wear high heals so they can look taler than they really are. Guys we cant... well not real men any-way.
I wouldnt say im short id say around average hight... not that i've ever let that stop me.
stop moanin just get heels if it bother's you that much...i used to wear heels but stopped cuz its given me pain in my knees, at one time i sued to be really self conscious bout been short but now it dont bother me.
Submitted by Sirus on 24 August, 2005 - 19:02 #141
"angel" wrote:
"Hayder Hussain" wrote:
ur all shorties!! i thawt i was average-ish....5"10, guess only irfgy and Big Dave tower me here!! :roll:
So three of you are lamposts? bet admin would love to have you guys in his pics!
5"10 is not a lampost! its average hieight! u shud see my yungest bro....towers every1 by a mile
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
lol used to, in grade school I started growing like a weed, and I didn't have much coordination and kept hitting tree branches et cetera.
End of grade school and into boarding school I started lifting and my coordination came back - so now I no longer run into tree branches...
as much...
So Dave whats the weather like up there?
- The air is clearer though.
lol which reminds me of a funny incident involving a very eccentric friend of mine's haphazard venturing into the troposphere (might have been the upper echelons of the stratosphere... dunno).
i'd say i have several influences.
the ones close to me, and for giudance - Mum, Dad and Little Brother...occasionally my sis
Aims and goals in life - Mum and Uncles
way of thinking - Largely myself, and Dad
theyre people i can relate to and talk to
In terms of other people i use as role models, I try to look upto the Prophet Saw as much as possible, and Qibla Hazoor.....(my role models have changed in the last month, prior to that, it was a bunch of no-bodys)
....oh and Mr Ed
erm...maybe more, dunno
what motivates you more in your job/career: Money or Achievements
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Natural-born charmer
I prefer to be in good company than to be alone, which is my worst nightmare.
People who hav a tendancy to point out the obvious.
lol, i cant believe you still remember that music video!
Blue/Black/Gold... dont know why.
Q. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Back in BLACK
Glad you didnt take ed as your role model in blankin ppl!
i would be lying if i said money didnt motivate me cuz right now i am just workin for money, this present job has nothin to do with my wise i really wana now do social work so i can help children and families who aint so lucky as myself like they dont have family love and protection bit a both.
What was your memorable moment? (i hope i aint repeatin any q's?)
Be more patient...u?
id ask to be 6ft tall (only 5ft 6).
Back in BLACK
you a shorty for a guy! lol thats comin from sum1 who aint even 5ft :roll:
6ft way to tall!
Which did u prefer, primary school, secondary school or college/uni and why?
Non they all make the average person feel insecure about themself.
Q. Cadburys cream eggs, how do you eat yours?
Back in BLACK
i dont, cuz i dont like them!
lol irf you 6ft? its a nice height but i feel ppl tower over me with that height!
More than 6ft.
It's surprising that many people on the forum seem to be short.
Will I always be the odd one out? :roll:
most guys want to be taller ie. seraph you should consider yourself lucky..
Ok what height is everyone? I am exactly 4’11
6'2 and a bit.
seraph u slightly shorter than average.a guyz average height is 5'8.
irfghan u have a good height. saying coz im 5'7 and feel uncomfortable with guyz shorter than me. i hate to be this tall but alot of people think im weird to say that.
I'm 6'3
And congratulations you are shorter than my girlfriend - which I thought was decently impossible shes 5'3
I proclaim myself "biggest dude on the forum"
My question now.
Anybody here like to plant?
(If so I am open to tips on a particularly stubborn Sansevieria)
im finally happy with maself (not to sayin im perfect, but i like me..coz only i understand me)
in life? theres been quite a few, depends i guess....meeting the shaykh, spending tym wiv my beloved granny's (may Allah swt grant them paradise), the chilled week in dubai, Al-Hidayah, and more family moments - guess im a famliy guy
so far, i wud say uni.......more relaxed and your a freeeeee soul. jus sit on the beanbags all day long.........
well....wen my dad aint lukin, i rob a few from the shop and take it to the back and munch on em
i like to eat the inside 1st, especially yellow part! hmmm....cant wait 4 easter again.
ur all shorties!! i thawt i was average-ish....5"10, guess only irfgy and Big Dave tower me here!! :roll:
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
4got my question!
ermmmmm...i'll try avoidin anyfin 2 do with marriage
strange question......but would you prefer to be born muslim or a convert/revert?
i knw it probz dnt make 2 much diffrence, u can be a gud muslim either way....but from my experience, i see the new muslims as better role models than those who are fortunate to be born muslims, but take it for granted
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
So Dave do you get smacked in the face by tree branches? :twisted:
So three of you are lamposts? bet admin would love to have you guys in his pics!
Its not fair, girls get to wear high heals so they can look taler than they really are. Guys we cant... well not real men any-way.
I wouldnt say im short id say around average hight... not that i've ever let that stop me.
Back in BLACK
stop moanin just get heels if it bother's you that much...i used to wear heels but stopped cuz its given me pain in my knees, at one time i sued to be really self conscious bout been short but now it dont bother me.
5"10 is not a lampost! its average hieight! u shud see my yungest bro....towers every1 by a mile
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
lol used to, in grade school I started growing like a weed, and I didn't have much coordination and kept hitting tree branches et cetera.
End of grade school and into boarding school I started lifting and my coordination came back - so now I no longer run into tree branches...
as much...
lol Seraph knows - I think he is punjabi, dunno if he is muslim or hindu
haha how could I [i]forget[/i]?
It's more infectious than small pox.
Worse than dragostea din tei
Vrei sa pleci dar nu ma, nu ma iei,
Nu ma, nu ma iei, nu ma, nu ma, nu ma iei.
So Dave whats the weather like up there?
- The air is clearer though.
lol which reminds me of a funny incident involving a very eccentric friend of mine's haphazard venturing into the troposphere (might have been the upper echelons of the stratosphere... dunno).
So Dave are u the first to know when its raining? :twisted:
I think you better be carefull Dave doesn't step on you and squash you. wanna go?
oh look the lampost actually speaks! (well types.)