Baby force-feeding death: Mother Gloria Dwomoh jailed

A mother who force-fed her baby girl who later died has been jailed.

Gloria Dwomoh, a 31-year-old nurse from Walthamstow, London, was sent to prison for three years after being convicted of allowing or causing the death.

The 10-month-old, named in court as Diamond, was forced to take solid foods from the age of six months. She died in March 2010.

The Old Bailey heard Diamond died from pneumonia caused by food in her lungs that had blocked her airways

She should be sterilised for doing this

My English is not very good

apparently her mother did it to her and other siblings. she saw it growing up and thought it was normal, i'm not saying what she did was right no way, but she clearly had issues growing up, what we see as abnormal and cruel she did not.

What about parents who smack their kids and make them eat their food this is quite the norm in many asian traditional households. i don;t mean tiny babies that are on milk diets i mean toddlers and primary school kids. I've seen it occur like its the norm and i usually walk out of that room because you can't make the parents see sense, if you say anything they act like you're being all self righteous. The kids make more noise than eating and if they do eat anything forced down they usually throw it back up.

Feeding times with kids is really frustrating i used to sit their crying after my son was tucked up in bed, i thought i don't want another day of this spending more than 30 mins trying to feed a toddler a bit of food. After the first child i learned to just let them eat as much as they want, even if it wasn't "enough" within 30 mins time limit, and remove snacks in between meals. that way the kid is going to be so hungry when lunch time arrives they won't argue about cleaning their plate.

“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]

Hajjar wrote:
apparently her mother did it to her and other siblings. she saw it growing up and thought it was normal, i'm not saying what she did was right no way, but she clearly had issues growing up, what we see as abnormal and cruel she did not.

The child must have cried or choked at some point?

Hajjar wrote:

What about parents who smack their kids and make them eat their food this is quite the norm in many asian traditional households.

I don't like the idea of smacking much but if it's a harmless smack on the bottom then it's ok but as long as it's not on the face

Hajjar wrote:

i don't mean tiny babies that are on milk diets i mean toddlers and primary school kids. I've seen it occur like its the norm and i usually walk out of that room because you can't make the parents see sense,
if you say anything they act like you're being all self righteous. The kids make more noise than eating and if they do eat anything forced down they usually throw it back up.

If you dare say that their doing wrong by smacking their children you start getting a big lecture from them usually it's we're the parents we know better full stop the excuse being it'll make them good parents in future

Hajjar wrote:

Feeding times with kids is really frustrating i used to sit their crying after my son was tucked up in bed, i thought i don't want another day of this spending more than 30 mins trying to feed a toddler a bit of food. After the first child i learned to just let them eat as much as they want, even if it wasn't "enough" within 30 mins time limit, and remove snacks in between meals. that way the kid is going to be so hungry when lunch time arrives they won't argue about cleaning their plate.


When the child's hungry it'll cry and ask for food force feeding is never a good thing maybe the child has had enough food - maybe it's not enjoying the particular food given so wait a little bit change the food and then try again,if your still not having luck then leave it

When you say snacks I hope you don't mean chocolate, crisps and biscuits if that is the case then they won't be able to eat within 30 mins

My English is not very good