The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
"Allah has ninety-nine names, one hundred less one. He who memorises them all by heart will enter Paradise."
[Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 93, Number 489]
Woooo! found and easy shortcut to Paradise!
I can remember WAY over 100 Arsenal player's names from the last few years, as well as what position they played, probably even their squad numbers, and remember which games they scored important goals in etc etc etc.
And I can remember WAY over 100 singers/artists/bands from my iTunes, along with being able to recognise their songs and which album each song is from etc etc etc
AND I can even remember loads of people I've met throughout my life; from school, college, uni, and at various work places and parties.. I can even remember which of my friends introduced them to me and how they all feel about each other, so much so that there is a complex web-thingy in my head; almost as complicated as Eastenders with about the same amount of drama.
Which reminds me... I can even remember dozens (probably close to a hundred) of characters from Eastenders even though I haven't really watched it in at least 10 years!
It is true that the mind is a terrible thing.
... to waste! A terrible thing to waste. Is all the above a waste? I'm not really sure. It's not as if I've spent hours studying, TRYING to memorise such info. It sort of entered my brain using osmosis or tunneled its way through my skull or... I'm getting carried away. There's probably a very simple explanation. Its not like people have ever had problems understanding exactly how the brain or mind work.
Anyway, imagine how easy (not to mention important or beneficial) it would be to remember the names of Allah (swt). In fact, there's one already!
It feels nice to say out loud. A pleasing vibration on my tongue.
In fact, come to think of it, I can remember more than one of His (swt) names just off the top of my head! I use some of them every day (or at least I should).
But hold on, it can't be that easy, can it? There was a time when I used to not believe in Allah. Yet I still knew the word. I even knew Muslims worshipped it (I think).
But I can't say that I knew what the word meant or what it represented. So: even though I knew the WORD 'Allah', I can't really say that I knew the NAME 'Allah'.
Still with me?
echo... (echo... (echo...))
Either way, over time (I think) I've started to get to know Allah (swt) more and more, and in doing so I've started to know His name better too.
For example: in the Arabic language, the word Allah (literally 'The God') cannot be made masculine nor feminine. That means there isn't an equivalent 'The Goddess' (with capital letters) and God doesn't mean an old man with a beard. Or any man. Or any facial hair for that matter.
It's also impossible (languagely) to make the word into a plural. So, even though in English we can simply add an 's' and make 'The Gods', you can't do it in Arabic. And not only because you aren't a professor of Arabic.. Even if you were, you wouldn't be able to.
So the name 'Allah' is special. That also explains why it is more correct to call Allah (swt) by this name than the English translation of it.
But there is WAY more that can be said about Allah (swt). In fact, the best way to find out about Him, is to learn about his other names, because they are all properties that He holds.
This is going to be more than just learning the words off by heart (insha'Allah). Learning the NAMES means learning what they mean, what the implications of this are, and how we can put that information into our lives.
Which is what I aim to do.
So, why am I publishing this online? is it some vain vanity? Or will it all be in vain (I have no real idea what 'vain' means, but fortunately that isn't the aim of this blog).
Well, I need support, and I'm likely to come up with stuff that is incorrect or missing important information. Plus the more people involved the more likely it is to continue.
I will (insha'Allah) be going through the names, in (not much but some) detail, and trying to LEARN them properly if I can. I may never finish this, but my hope is that even by starting I will encourage myself and maybe even perhaps others.
Is it really a shortcut to Paradise?
No idea. I think that we can't say we've memorised any of the names unless we implement something from them into our life.
For example. The meaning of the name 'Allah' is tied up in the first part of the shahada:
la ilaha ilAllah
so knowledge of His name, it could be said, is only possible when we recognise that as being True.
By believing in and reciting the shahada on our tongues and in our hearts, it (perhaps) means that we have truly memorised the NAME 'Allah".
He (swt) knows best.
I enjoyed the read and it was a good reminder. Thank you for deciding to share the 'journey' with us
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
+1 that was jokes. Im in!
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
jokes? ahem young lady, this is no time for your "jokes". this is the serious business. dont give me eyus rollus! ive only being back on here for like, 10 minutes!!
anyway, i thought the same too, the shortcut, memorize a hundred names, easy peasy lemon squeezy or whatever. then i realised, the implication.
BUT! im thinking. memorizing ALL the 99 (and maybe a one word definition) might be a good thing to start off with, just so that you have covered the "foundation" and then build on that with the implications, deeper meaning etc.. (which will require some kind of scholarly input)
i find it helps to use the names in context when making duahs. or just tlaking about Allah. instead of always using the name Allah, use AlRaheem when talking about forgiveness etc...
what else...last ramadan i received an ebook about the 99 names of Allah, I am ashamed to say i have never seriously read it. So i will dig deep into my inbox and get it out, check it out and let you guys know! and maybe find a way to get it online or to everyone or something.
whatever..rambling...shutup Lills...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Have you found a good book or something, that is guiding you through this memorisation and understanding of the names? Or are you just getting info from random places, putting it together, etc?
I'd like to start this journey too. ASAP.
In yr7, for RE I made a poster with a few of the names and some pics representing the name e.g
) that I had it on my wall for quite a while. I think that helped me learn those names. I'm thinking of doing something like that again but it won't work well with all the names plus 99 names illustrated on my wall...? And I want to have a more deeper understanding of them than just a one word translation.
Malik ul Mulk was on a pic of the globe or something. It was pretty good for my un-artistic self and I was so proud of it (
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I learnt a friend a copy of alghazali's 99 Names of Allah.. I leant itto a friend & am waiting for it back but I jace a feeling he's misplaced it!
Don't just do something! Stand there.
pdf of the book:
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Ahh, thanks guys
Gna try and find it on amazon though, can't read books online!
Edit: this?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Over at series looking at the names has just started
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
*hangs head in shame...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?