Eid Mubarak :D

Eid Mubarak to one and all (whether you celebrate today or tomorrow). Ramadan was a month where we insha Allah got closer to Allah swt. For our ibaadah, our sabr and our effort to overcome our desires Allah has rewarded us with this blessed day. Subhanallah!

Let this be a day where we continue to show our gratitude to Allah swt. Let it not be a day where we incurr Allah's anger and wrath. 

May Allah bless you and your family. Have a great Eid



Eid Mubarak! Smile

Don't just do something! Stand there.

P .+''''-., ,.-''''+.
* EID *
,.+''-.,,,,.-'' +.,

May ALLAH(swt) bless you & your family with love & happiness & may all your duas come true... (*!Ameen!*)

I didn't get my burfee

Ghost wrote:
I didn't get my burfee

Do i wanna knw what a burfee is?

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"

bilan wrote:
Ghost wrote:
I didn't get my burfee

Do i wanna knw what a burfee is?

A Pakistani sweet confection...heard of matay?

Suhail wrote:
bilan wrote:

Do i wanna knw what a burfee is?

A Pakistani sweet confection...heard of matay?

ooooh! thanx for tht and no I havent

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"