August 21st - Chapter 6: Discouraged Acts during Du'a
1. Poetry in Du'a
What is meant by 'poetry' is excessive rhyming of words that does not befit the humility that should accompany du'a. However, if such rhyming is not excessive, or comes naturally to the tongue, it is allowed as some of the prophet's du'as contained rhyming phrases.
What is prohibited is excessiveness or going out of one's way to ensure rhyming in one's du'a.
2. Transgression in Du'a
1) Asking for things that are prohibited: A person should realise his place and status in front of his Creator,and beware of exalting himself to where he thinks that he is allowed to do what Allah has prohibited
2) Exaggerating in Du'a: One of the sons of Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas was making du'a, and his father passed by and heard him asking "O Allah! I ask you Paradise, and its benefits, and its delight, and its this-and-that...I seek refuge from Hell, and its chains, and its food and its this-and-that.."
Sa'd then said: "O my son! I heard the prophet(saw) say: 'There will be a group what will transgress in their du'a'.' So beware that you be amongst them! Verily, if you are given Paradise, you will be given all that is good in it,a nd if you are saved from the Hellfire, you will be saved from all the evils in it.
In other words, a person should avoid needless requests.
3) Du'a for a matter that has already been decreed: For example, asking Allah to allow muslims to enter Paradise and cause the unbelievers to enter the Fire, because this matter has already been decreed.
3. Not Expecting a Response
Although this has been discussed before, because of its importance it is reiterated here. Too many people, expect that Allah will not respond to their du'a,a nd it is possible that the only reason for it not being responded to is because of this presumption of theirs.
It is part of one's iman to expect the best from Allah and to be sure that Allah will respon to your du'a as He is the Ever-Merciful, All-Powerful.
A statement from Sufyan ibn Uyaynah: "Let none of you think that his du'a will not be answered because of (the sins) that he knows of himself. Indeed Allah responded to the du'a of the worst of creation, Iblis, when he said 'O My Lord! Give me respite until the day fo Judgement"' Allah replied 'Then you are of those who have been reprieved'". Meaning that Allah responded to Iblis' du'a by postponing his punishment until the Day of Judgement.
So if even Iblis' du'a can be accepted, then surely the du'a of a sinner has more right than his?
4. To Pray for Matters of this World Only
The true muslim asks Allah to bless him in this world and in the Hereafter as that is where the true blessings lie. Asking only for matters of this world is a weakness in one's iman.
Allah states in the Quran: "And there are those amongst mankind who say, 'O Allah! Give us in this life', and they will have no share of the Hereafter. And there are those who say, 'O Allah! Give us good in this life, and good in the Hereafter, and save us from the Fire of Hell!' These shall have a share of what they earned, and Allah is swift in Reckoning. - Surah al-Baqarah
5. Improper Names and Attributes
Only take of Allah's Names those that are mentioned in the Quran and sunnah and choose a Name or Attribute befitting of your du'a. For example, it is improper to say "O Rahman! O Rahim! Inflict your severest punishment on such and such..." Likewise, if a person is asking for forgiveness, he should not call out Attributes such as Shadid al-Iqab (Severe in Punishment).
6. Du'a to Expedite Punishment
Some people presume that they must be punished for their sins, and reason that the punishment of this world is lighter than the punishment of the Hereafter. Therefore, they pray to Allah to expedite whatever punishment that is in store for them in the Hereafter to this world. The danger of such reasoning is that the person ignores the great Mercy of Allah, and forgets to ask for forgiveness for his sins. Instead of asking for that which is encouraged and better, they ask for that which he cannot bear!
Anas bin Malik narrated that the prophet(saw) once visited a sick person who has become so thin that he was almost like a newborn chick. The prophet(saw) asked him: "Did you make any du'a or ask (Allah) for anything?" He said "Yes, I used to say 'Whatever punishments are in store for me in the Hereafter, give it to me in this world!'" The prophet(saw) responded "SubhanAllah! You will never be able to bear it! Why dod you not say : 'O Allah! Give us the good of this world,a dn the good in the Hereafter, and save us from the Hellfire!'
7. Du'a Against Oneself and Family
It is possible that a person in a state of sever anger, curses and makes du'a against himself, his family and friends, or his wealth. The prophet(saw) warned against this for he said: "Do not make du'a against yourselves and do not make du'a against your children, and do not make du'a against your servant, and do not make du'a against your wealth, for it is possible that it might correspond to an hour during which all prayers are answered, and your du'a will be answered."
So we should be careful of what we say when in a state of anger, so as not to cause pain and grief not only upon our loved ones, but also upon ourselves.
I don't understand, aren't we meant ask for jannah and to save ourselves from the hellfire? Or is this just saying don't ask for it literally like that, including asking for the disbelievers to enter the fire?
Does that even make sense?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
It's not all saying not to ask for jannah but saying that whatever Allah swt has already promised to happen will happen so no need to make them types of dua.
The example used here was of believers will enter jannah and disbelievers will enter jahannam so you wont make dua asking Allah to grant that as He swt allready decreed that. What we make dua for is that we die in the state of a believer and not a disbeliever and we ask for jannat cause we don't which state we will be in for certain.
Another example of something that has already been decreed is the coming of Imam Mehdi, so we don't need to make dua to Allah asking to bring Imam Mehdi cause it's going to happen anyway. We can make duas around the things that have already been decreed but not asking for what has already been decreed.
I think i'm just repeating myself but i hope that made sense.
@Billz wa alaikum as salam
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
Thanx for that Jim Bob. Did a better job explaining than I could and I didnt want to confuse feefs even more. Another example I can think of is when the prophet's(saw) uncle passed away as a disbeliever, he would make du'a that Allah would forgive him. Allah revelealed the following verse : "It is not fitting for the Prophet and the believers that they should pray for forgiveness for pagans, even if they are kin, after it is clear to them that they are companions of the Fire." (9:113)
Hope that helps feefs
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
I hear, there is debate regarding when that verse was revealed.
And yeh thanks Foysol. If I've understood it properly then that's what I was getting at too.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
There is? got it from the bio im reading. what theres a debate on what family memeber its referring too? cos it makes sense for it to be after the death of the prophet's
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
No not for the family member but if it actually was after Abu Talib died or at some later point.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
wa'alaikissalaam! but wait, in that quote bit... TYPO MUCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
apart from that! great read, JazakAllahoukhairan!
yep, ask for even small matter! ive been thinking about duahs A LOT. Allah can do anythign, so at some point i was thinking - you could even ask (if you werent happy with your eyebrows) that Allah make you happy with them/make them look nicer. I know this is random but this is what i thought. now im thinking, it would even be about your eyebrows magically reshaping themselves (but even THATS possible) it might be about you coming to term with them, or just..looks good to you. anything's possible.
onn anoooother note. personal one this time (yep, the eyebrow thing got nowt to do with me) i was thinking "if i pray for a fairytale romance, if i pray really hard, then i can get it" geez... my lil niece and her princess stories were getting to me. sniff sniff, she's gone now...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
lol! Ive seen Lills in person people, the eyebrows...VERY personal. In fact it couldnt get ANY more personal lol!
So I made a typo error. Canny be perfect all the time ya knw. Gotta give the common folk some hope now and again
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
All that aside can it be a bad thing to ask for too many things in this dunya? I'm sure i've heard it being mentioned somewhere.
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
I dont see the problem as long as you dont limit your du'as to this world. Ask for the best of both worlds why not? I dont think there is harm in it, and it can only be a good thing as one of the hadiths (if I remember correctly) was: Ask plentifully for you are asking your Lord. so yh, go for it!
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
Aisha(ra) said: "Ask Allah for everything, even if it a shoe-lace, because if Allah does not make it easy then it will not be possible."
So if you're asking Allah(swt) for every little thing, then it's obviously gonna be a lot that you're asking for! But you gotta remember to make lots of dua for the hereafter too.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
Jazakallah khair guys.
@Fatty I get the point you're making, that obviously whatever we want we have to ask Allah for it as nothing happens without Allah's will. Was just thinking should we really be asking for unnecessary things, not saying it's haram or anything but like i'd rather concentrate my duas on the akhirah and things that will benenfit me in the dunya.
But i guess you're right Billz, there's no harm in praying for a mansion, fast cars or even amazing hair. Lol. No doubt Allah will still answer my duas if i ask Him for those things. Just that they COULD be harmfull for my imaan once i recieve those things. Guess that's why it's very important to always thank Allah when we are blessed like that, so it doesn't affect our deen.
Thanks again
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
pff you're just jealous of my eyebrows dude. to clear ANY misunderstanding (if there are misunderstnading then that mean you believe Bilan and not me
) ( do i say this without showing off) okay, i and the rest of the world are very happy with my eyebrows. THERE.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
well duuh!
The rest of the world hey?
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
how can you fail at quoting THIS badly!? i saw the extend of it by pressing quote. gawwd... what were you like in art?
Lying is bad. especially so during Ramadan.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
What does quoting have to do with art? :s
Quotings my kryptonite..every superhero has one, thus so it must be
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"