I will finish my food - because you dont have any

i know thats the right thing to do. we shouldnt waste, and even if we did waste it wouldnt help/not help the people who dont have food. but, we shouldn't waste.

but i've forgotten the principle, or whatver its called. I've forgotten..why we do it?

can people just throw idea on the topic so i can remember what i forgot?

Much appreciated, Lills


It’s a good topic to start in the month of Ramzan

Don’t forget we could have been the ones born in a third world country with nothing we should thank Allah that we were not, we should always be grateful for everything Allah has given us in any shape be it food- water- cloths- electricity or a place to live in I would say we see things that we have as a right and not a privilege in other words we are Na Shukre

If we had to go to one of the places in the world that had none of the things we have that would make us appreciate what we have now

My English is not very good

lollywood wrote:

Don’t forget we could have been the ones born in a third world country with nothing we should thank Allah that we were not,

wouaw! JazakAllah for the reminder! we often forget, are fast to complain and slow to thank.

Ya Allah, forgive us for our heedlessness

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Treat each morsel of food that you’ve been blessed with every night as the most precious commodity you can ask for- picture that lavish plate of delicious gourmet goodness sitting in the lap of a starving Somalian girl, or in the hands of a grief-stricken refugee mother of a hungry newborn, and I promise you that you’ll treat your food with a far deeper level of appreciation than ever before,

http://maniacmuslim.com/?p=1333(link is external)

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

YES YES YES FINALLY I REMEMBER!! FINALLY! Alhamdoulillah! wAllahu Akbar!

JAzakAllah SI and Tpos.

its about the fact that even though not wasting this food might not literally help someone, it IS A BLESSING FROM ALLAH

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:
YES YES YES FINALLY I REMEMBER!! FINALLY! Alhamdoulillah! wAllahu Akbar!

JAzakAllah SI and Tpos.

its about the fact that even though not wasting this food might not literally help someone, it IS A BLESSING FROM ALLAH

Its not only food that is a blessing from Allah but life its self, without life you would not be able eat
and remember to say Alhamdullia after you have eaten don't forget to thank Allah for what he has given you

My English is not very good

Ocean wrote:
This really is common sense and good manners... and by default it ticks religious minutes too :roll:

no need for eye rolling. i dont know how to explain it. I needed to remember the reasoning behind it. ...i dont know how to explain it. but It got sorted out and i figured it out. Alhamdoulillah you posted your comment after i figured it out, would have gotten upset if it was while i was trying to figure it out. coz i was genuinely looking for this. - whatver this is- .

"Revival: voice of the muslims youth"

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?