Norway bombing/attack

Whats happening to the sensible Revvy members who usually create topics about the news?

Im useless at that stuff...

here's a simple link about what's happned and coz its yahoo; underneath its got lots of related links

then there's the guardian article posted by Ya'qub on Tribby.

Like most within the far right, while Breivik expressed profound concern over an array of threats in wider society, he appeared to view the mainstream parties as either unwilling or unable to respond adequately. He was at one time a member of the rightwing Progress party that has also rallied against immigration and voiced criticism of Muslims, but he later denounced members of this party as "politically correct career politicians" who were not prepared to "take risks and work for idealistic goals".

I spent four years interviewing far right activists, many of whom rejected political violence. Yet what became clear during this research was that there is, unquestionably, a culture of violence within the broader far rightwing subculture. Many of the ideas that were voiced during this research have also come to light over the past 48 hours: the perceived threat posed by Muslim communities, a belief that mainstream parties are incapable of dealing with this threat and strong emphasis on a "clash of civilizations" between members of the majority population and minority groups.

It is horrific. He won't get the opportunity now on TV to pitch for the grass-roots response he was looking for. He killed a lot of innocent people including children and hopefully he will not be achieving anything after this point.

Last night I skimmed bits of his manifesto. He believes he is anti-ideology but conflates Western ideology with left-wing ideology, so that his visions for Europe, for which he murdered all those people, somehow do not fall under his definition of ideology.

For a little while after the attacks people guessed it was an al Qaeda thing. That isn't a totally unreasonable guess but that article is right that the media should not have been offering up guesses with such assurance. I didn't make any assumptions and this is proof if it were needed that vigilante groups like the EDL are radicalising and dangerous.

Among his sources are sites on which I used to spend a lot of time debating, and I suspect our paths crossed in at least one forum and I feel culpable because this is the sort of incident I saw coming and I did not react quickly and firmly enough. Rather than be one of the online people with delusions of grandeur I scaled back on those discussions and ceased airing my views.

I don't want to get too into this now, it is damn horrific.

  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

I wonder if people will now be afraid of blonde haired peoples.

Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH

Ya'qub wrote:
assume it's the Muslims until it starts to look like it isn't – at which point, continue to assume it's them anyway.

that article is really good, i was reading a few comments below and this one guy said:
Its also been interesting that 'terror' 'terrorism' and terrorist' have been replaced by 'attrocity' 'murder' 'attack' 'shooting' and 'bombing,' because it can only be terrorism when theres a muslim doing it.

^ its so true.

"And do not throw yourself into destruction with your own hands." (Baqarah 195).

That is truly evil. Words cannot describe how disgusting this act of evil was.

Death is the end of time. Not the end of Life.

Smile Biggrin