god theres so many things that im propa scared of.....now at the moment thinking of judgement day and death scares the living daylights outta me....4 sm reason when sm 1 passes away i start reading alot of the quran and try 2 be good and try not 2 miss any namaz i dont know why dis hpns...
i also used 2 get propa scared listning 2 jinn storys .....especially in bradford islamic school....going 2 the toilet in the middle of the night was 1 mission in the dark long corridors which was once a mental hospital..
and one thing i dnt want 2 get near the ocean sea lake etc.....water scares me i cnt swim :oops:
guyz surely somat still scares u
Yes. Your idioticity.
as well as your love for shortening every single word until its unreadable
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
omrow were u taught anything but 2 comment....obviously not
Getin scared of jinns is pointless, just read durood sharif and ayat-ul-qursi, jinns are just here on this earth for the same reason as us "to worhsip Allah (swt)"
yeh i get scared of death..its pretty scary cuz you dont knw when u gona be facin Allah (swt)
hayder my apologies ....just used to it.......hw cm every1 picks on evry1 here
just a note 4 muslim gyal, you shouldnt say ur on the straight path or that your a good muslims. sounds like boasting, even tho im sure thats not ur intentions.
were all gunagaar end of day, and should seek refuge in Allah swt and ask for his forgiveness. were not perfect muslims, always ways 2 improve
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
nah its just omro, he does that to everyone..dont take it to heart (the rest of us make comments for a laugh which aint cruel)
yea i've realised its omrow....hayder yea i didnt mean it in that way that im on the straight path....yea tru we all sinners in sm ways i meant im still a practising muslim and still learnin and inshalah will become better and better
omrow act ur age nt ur shoe size
Don’t need to do that, they can’t actually harm you, saying that they can harm you is a lie, the most they can do is whisper satanic thoughts in your head, well unless witchcraft is involved they really can’t do much…
You can actually make contact with a jinn, but it is not recommendable…PM me and I will tell you all about it… (My comments on this forum are not welcomed :().... that’s if you got the guts to do it…So just PM me if ya interested, don’t be afraid sweetie there’s nothing to be scared of...
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
I doubt that... i doubt that very much.
Jinns created from smokeless fire... incase your forgetting the devil was a jinn aswell. But like humans there are good jinns and then there are the not so good ones. Altho they can see us, we can not see them. Some Jinni are viewed as evil beings who can take either human or animal form and can even sometimes possess humans.
Angel was quite right in her advice about warding off jinns. But IMO it would be foolish to assume they are harmless.
Back in BLACK
Yeh a few can be harmless but nowadays in society ppl think if somethin bad is goin on or has happened to them then it must be jinns or black magic...the problem with some ppl is they cant differentiate whether they are sufferin from possession or depression, most times the later is the case...possession isnt very common but ppl believing is
I think theres a number of tests that need to be performed b4 it can be declared that a person is possessed... and no i dont know what they are.
Back in BLACK
yeah....i remember Proffeser Dr Qadri sayin that, see i did learn sumfin 4 once
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
then thats not the only thing you learned at the camp, its 2 now
cuz u corrected my on the sufism thread.
The Koran says that jinns are the decedents of Satan…
They cannot do nuffin to you other then whisper satanic thoughts in to your head….
You can only contact them through witchcraft… seriously wanna give a go?… ya never know there could be one in your bedroom…
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
well dnt jinns be everywhere....can jinns harm u easily?
when i was little i believed they were in the bathroom behind the toilet so was shit scared to use the toilet ..LOL i still dnt know maybe its true
From what i have heard is that jinns are far away from us, like us they are also getin on with their lives....and no they cannot harm you easily, i think jinns also have better things to do than possess ppl! No jinn can harm you if you read the ayat-ul-kursi and durood sharif...the four kuls are to fight against, jinns, black magic etc.
any1 got fear for creepy crawlies???? i really dislike them they make me shiver.....when i went pakistan there were sooooo much that i'd never want to go again
yeah my sis is the same. Come to think about it she's scared of lots of things. Alot of children are afraid of the dark. But i think alot of it is just in your head. You're simply letting your imagination get the better of you.
Back in BLACK
I hate anythin like small lil insects, daddy long legs, mice (ewww) wasps/bees..anythin that crawls or is slimey, or horrible or harmful, i hate them all!
(no joke-I really am :? )
ooooooooooo lil sis 4 gt about dat one ..yuk i hate mice 2......thank god not seen any around .......theres plenty down bradford seen plenty there
Every girl says she fears mice UNDER their bed.
And yet they still end up with a mouse IN the bed.
salaam I fear none But ALLAH (swt)
however there r times when one is watchin a film or walkin down a dark street or even for sm being alone in the house can be scary again that due to satanic whispers and to over cum them the best possible way is to read Durood Shafreef and Ay-tul Qursi (as angel has pointed out)
Saadia khan
the only thong that scares me (in this world anyway), is.....
my mum with a slipper in her hand
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
lol-i'm scared of my dad
when he occasionly gets angry and shouts-
but dads shouts anger me more then they scare me
any 1 scared of the oceon.....it scares me coz i cnt swim and i sm times imagine my self drowning
the ocean is a sllly thing to be scared of
but then again I'm a girl who gets scared VERY easily
thats why I cant watch scary movies at night-cos I keep the household awake
lol, your probably afraid of the dark aswell... not to mention the evil monkey that lives in your closet.
Back in BLACK
fraid of pitch black darkness
cant sleep on my own
and no I aint fraid of monkeys
but evil dolls and clowns scare me :o