I've been round 4 a few days now, just readin all the comments. I am feelin a wee bit intimidated by commenting on the forum. I usually avoid conflict, but its interesting to knw what people think. Hoping 2 b around just reading what u hv to say maybe sometimes commenting.
Salam Alaykum Nabeela, welcome to the The Revival Forums; I'm the Lamp by the way. Don't be intimidated. Trust me we are not going to come out of your screen to hurt you!
You don't have to have your own opinion on everything, just so you know. But we all want to know how you'd make this site and magazine better. Cheers!
By the way, you're not Scottish by chance?
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi
Thanx for the reassurance, i dont hv much opinions just things floating round in my tiny head. Im not sure if i can make the site any better, its nice alreddy.
Im not scottish.
Of course you can; it's only a matter of time before you realise that.
Oh it's just that you said "wee bit" unless .... say..... the Londoners have started using it too!
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi
(feel intimidated yet?)
Have you don the Jaffa Cake test? (Any answer other than "Yummy" is an instafail in many many people's eyes.)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
no, but dont do dat.
Salaams, Welcome!

Don't feel intimidated, we don't bite! Well not the new people anyway
Nah seriously though, we're a small 'community' and we get to know each other and just give our views on stuff. Sometimes we get a little too 'excited' but it's not really conflict. Everyone moves on and since we kinda 'know' each other, it's fine, in 1 topic we'll be arguing against each other whilst in another we may agree
Don't worry, if you stick around long enough, you'll see
My questions for you though:
How did you come across this site?
What's your favourite drink?
And what age group are you in -
a) 12-15
b) 16-20
feel free to ignore.
FAIL"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I'm Lilly, not Silly, not crazy! maybe..just a tad bit...
anyways, let me do the introduction! "You" is admin. don't be scared. we'll all sit on him if he bothers you.
you'll see a lot of "The power of silence" coz that's a regular and a half! trust me!
stay away from the "bilan" also known as Bilanator. that thing's pure evil!! and do not believe anything she says, especially about me!
Lamp is one of them unregular regular. he's there...but sometimes...
I'm Lills-all-over-the-place.
there's Foysol as well; he's nice and alright. and Ocean, Noor, MakemeRawr, s.b.f they are all ooooold members!
there's Valkyrie and Nasheedgirl. they're old newbies.
we also have ghosts like Suhail and Exception and previously-mentionned Noor.
there's also someone (if you can call it that) called MB. stay as far away as you can. It's something WORSE than the Bilanator.
amongst the unregular regulars we have MuslimSister and Hajjar, thy're nice, extra nice. members of the older revival youth. they've got it covered mashaaAllah.
we have A deserter: he used to be called Seraphim. Deserting Revival is...
did i say i was Lilly?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Lilly's crazy. Ignore her
[size=7]I can't wait to lose my 'regular' status.[/size]
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
thanx all u guys im feeling more comfortable.
I come when I'm needed, that's what a Lamp is. LOL!
Seraph has left? I don't believe it!!!!! Has anyone seen Ya'qub lately (brilliant guy)!?
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi
Ya'qub was logged in yesterday, around this time but I think he's bored of us hehe
Nah that's more a candle, Lamps can be used everyday, at night etc
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
You'd waste energy though. When you see the gas/energy bill you'll scream! (And commti suicide if you're Hitler). LOL!
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi
they'd take up more energy than a normal light? you can get the dimmer ones; they'd create a comfortable, cosy atmosphere
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Salaamz Nabila everyone is great here including me lol. We like to have new members to share our thoughts with so feel free to comment.
life is for living, live it peacefully...
did anyone like my introduction?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
It was nice and allright.
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
LOL Jim Bob!
and no, I cant say tht i liked it!
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
It's aLright actually. Ogeesan.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Cool obasan
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
yes I liked it, thanx.
be quiet. thanks.
fboy= don't call me Obaasan!
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
you telling the newbie to be quiet??
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Don't call me ogeesan!
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
but you ARE. you're trying to silence the voice of truth!
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?