[TV] My Brother the Islamist

Tree surgeon-turned-filmmaker Robb Leech is an ordinary white middle-class boy from the Dorset seaside town of Weymouth. So too is his stepbrother Rich, but a little over a year ago Rich became a radical Islamist who now goes by the name of Salahuddin. He associates with jihadist fundamentalists and believes the UK should be ruled by Sharia law.

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"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Course its biased

we need to realise that this is a problem

I thought that converts were usually quite moderate
apparently not

and if he wants sharia law why doesnt he go to a Muslim country
u cant force sharia law in a NON MUSLIM country

1R4M wrote:
Course its biased

we need to realise that this is a problem

I thought that converts were usually quite moderate
apparently not

and if he wants sharia law why doesnt he go to a Muslim country
u cant force sharia law in a NON MUSLIM country

Well most converts are drawn to Islam because of it's true, peaceful, loving and "different from the perception" nature. A small minority are drawn to the more extreme end because it "gives them purpose" whcih is something that real Islam can also give. I was just wondering whether the guy concerned has actually proper knowledge of Islam, the Quran and the way of the Prophet (pbuh). If he truly did then he'd see how misguided extremism and Anjen Choudryism is.

“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”

Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi

im sad. for Robb (the brother).
I think he should keep getting into Rick/Salahuddin's face. confront him with the image of the "dirty kuffar".

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

rather then hoping the brother gets back to the straight path and help his brother and family to becoming a muslim you say all the things you are saying here.

By the way youll notice my new thread dawah to nonmuslims, its for the website http://www.chatislamonline.org/en/, its a dawah website which is open 24/7 live chat, it is aimed at nonmuslims, reverts, shia, qadiayani and sufis

abdallah ibn abdallah wrote:
rather then hoping the brother gets back to the straight path and help his brother and family to becoming a muslim you say all the things you are saying here.

we do hope, hence why i was saying the whole thing about his bro needing to stay in his face, Salahuddin has closed himself out of the "kuffar" people, thinking they are all evil and devilish and what not. But his own mother and brother are part of those "kuffars" which should help him question the teaching, he KNOWS his mother/brother etc.. he knows they arent "devilish" and such. InshaAllah he will be guided to the right path.

and lets not forget lil Ahsan, may he find the straight path too

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

He is a true muslim, following the quran word for word & not twisting meanings like all you kuffur muslims!