Are you new? not sure what to do? well read on!
You can simply jump right in, take part in discussions and make yourself a home.
You may however prefer to be more formal and "announcement" your presence and membership. You can do this by creating a forum topic in the forum or by creating a blog post if you have more to say in your introduction.
For the shy, there is the age old "Hello New members " topic that you can post in, but here the introductions can get lost so I do not prefer this method.
Where to announce?
There is the forum topic that is ancient and has many announcements in it. You can say your hello in there.
If you are more daring, then you can also create a blog post.
Differences between a forum topic and a blog post
This is something that confuses people - if both can be used in similar ways, why are there two? when should one be used and when the other?
There are no hard and fast answers, but blogs are better to say your piece and also are more associated with your account (all your blog posts can be found in one place), while forum topics are more communal and better fort discussions
Blog posts also allow you to add an image gallery, so if you want to write about some holiday or other, it may be a better idea to use a blog than a forum topic.
Thankyou, i feel well-informed now
"Love your haterz
Took the stairs, no escalators :)"
aslaam alaykum
didnt realise that i had an account :-/(still tryna rembr wen i made this account..hw bad cant remembr :-S) aah well,im glad im bak,still tryna wrk my way around the site,feel a little lost bt am sure i`ll be fine!
Thanks for the warm welcome.