what do you think i should get my mum for mothers day.
i know its still two months till mothers day, but i've been saving up and i need to be sure of what to buy so i can save up the right amount of money.
so what sgould i get for a woman who wants nothing except for her daughter to get A* for her GCSEs? she has done so much for me she brought me up on her own, she practically looks after the whole family including my dad. i feel that i haven't done enough for her in return, but she doesnt want anything from me.
p.s please pray for me GCSEs are too stressing
You could get something to help you with your studies which will show your mum that you're trying even harder than you already are. So you're buying something for yourself on mothers day.
If your mom likes reading, maybe you could get her some books?
Or journals? If it was me, I would've gotten her a shawl, since they are what she likes.
my mum's a busy woman she probably wont have time to read, but thats a good idea i might get her a book if i find somehting that she might like thnx
"to allah we belong and to him we return"
Appreciate your Mum throughout the year.
something useful? that you will get good deeds for? like an islamic book? i dunno... a CD compilation of favourite surahs? i dunno.
or just a cake that says "THANK YOU MUM FOR EVERYTHING".
an advice: pray to Allah, He's the one with ALL the knowledge and He's the one who gives it to whomever He pleases. Think about it? can you control your memory? much? just remember always, its Allah that has ALL the knowledge.
InshaAllah you do well in your GCSE's! just give it your best! but remember..its just GCSE's. there's always resits. its nothing to kill yourself or lose hair or stress over.
i personally dont believe in Mother's day. its something made up by whoever. who has no importance to us as muslims. so i dont see why we should choose this day. ALL OVER the world. I think everyone should have their own particular "mother's day" a date thats important TO THEM. (and no..not a birthday...).
after a certain period of time where mum was really really REALLU helpful and nice and all those things mums are, i got her that cake idea i gave you. and you know what? it was during GCSE time, coz i wasnt doing much at home, just doing STUPID revision, and mum let me off. SO CAKE!!!
which reminds me..i need to get her something because of Jan exam...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
ahh thanks for the essay sis
, i knoe should appreciate my mum throughout the year but i just wanted to give myself a date instead of just randomly giving her something, which when i think about is actually a good idea.. i'll get her something for eid inshallah i'll buy it with my eid money 

and im doing better in my exams so far
"to allah we belong and to him we return"
great to hear that!
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?