Children in Britain being taught brutal Sharia law punishments

Sharia lessons for pupils, six: Minister's concern after BBC investigates 40 'weekend schools'

Children in Britain are being taught brutal Sharia law punishments, including how
to hack off a criminal’s hand or foot.

So-called ‘weekend schools’ for Muslim pupils as young as six also teach that the penalty for gay sex is execution and that ‘Zionists’ are plotting to take over the world for the Jews.

Read more: Daily Mail



"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

Saudi school lessons in UK concern government

The government says it will not tolerate anti-Semitic and homophobic lessons being taught to Muslim children in the UK.

BBC Panorama found that more than 40 Saudi Students' Schools and Clubs are teaching the official Saudi national curriculum to about 5,000 pupils.

One text book shows how the hands and feet of thieves are chopped off.

Read more @ BBC News

The panorama programme is tonight at 8.30PM.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:


"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Muslim commentary in Daily Mail

I'm really trying to get the right-wingers to see that it is not all Muslims that are like the Salafis but, as the article states, it is their form of Islam which informs non-Muslim attitudes to Islam. I will not go down the route of tarring all of you with the same brush. But there is a big problem it cannot be denied.

The only thing I don't like about that article is the bit where Dr Taj Hargey says of Salafism/Wahhabism:
"it has no real basis in the teaching of the Koran and is little more than primitive tribal code". Anyone who has studied the Koran and Haddith can see that this is utter rubbish - their version of Islam is exactly what those texts instruct at a literal superficial level.

As I have fairly frequently stated on this forum, the best solution must come from the Muslim community. I guess it depends what sort of world you want you and your children to live in.

PS. for those who haven't seen my posts before I'm a non-Muslim atheist who studies religion, and find the Salafi methodology obscene and despicable.

For someone who says he has studied Islam, you confuse me.

What did you read or study?

Literalism is not a problem in Islam - that mostly only occurs in Christianity.

As for the the main points of this article - limb chopping, antisemitism etc, the program managed to only give like 30 seconds to those issues while the majority of it was focussed on side issues such as "this person is anti integration and he was invited to give a speech!" as if that is such a big crime.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Daily Mail wrote:
including how to hack off a criminal’s hand or foot.



Tread Softlyy wrote:
Muslim commentary in Daily Mail

I'm really trying to get the right-wingers to see that it is not all Muslims that are like the Salafis but, as the article states, it is their form of Islam which informs non-Muslim attitudes to Islam. I will not go down the route of tarring all of you with the same brush. But there is a big problem it cannot be denied.

The only thing I don't like about that article is the bit where Dr Taj Hargey says of Salafism/Wahhabism:
"it has no real basis in the teaching of the Koran and is little more than primitive tribal code". Anyone who has studied the Koran and Haddith can see that this is utter rubbish - their version of Islam is exactly what those texts instruct at a literal superficial level.

As I have fairly frequently stated on this forum, the best solution must come from the Muslim community. I guess it depends what sort of world you want you and your children to live in.

PS. for those who haven't seen my posts before I'm a non-Muslim atheist who studies religion, and find the Salafi methodology obscene and despicable.

Thank you for your opinion and thoughts. I just think that you should know that "Wahabism" in many ways is not backed (even challenged) by the Quran and the way of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) i.e the Sunnah. Remember a translation that you read is actually an interpretation of the translation. It's much better to read what a reputable scholar has to say about the Quran rather than take the word of someone who doesn't want to even consider the spirit (not that I'm saying that's what you necessarily do but just be careful because you seem to smart to fall into that trap :)). The Quran cleary challenges those who go to extremes in religion.

However you're right that the solution has to come from us, by being good role models, by raising awareness of real traditinal Islam and aiming to be better citizens. That's only the start but it's a start!

“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”

Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi

euh...its all about defining wahabism/salafism...

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?