Salam dear brothers and sisters this is great information. Yet I have a question how come weed is haram when it intixioucatis the mind and body when coffee is not when it does the same to the mind?? A high portion is just as haram as a small portion. Most people go crazy of they don't have coffee in the morning it will play with there mind the rest of the day maybe even mess up there day just cause no coffee in th morning now tell me isn't that haram??? and tobacco is just as well.
Yeah I know I have spelling errors sorry
Wsalaam the difference between weed and coffee is that weed has an immediate and detrimental affect on your mind and thought processes it clouds judgement as your aware. Also scientists believe the effects of coffee are outlived for a constant user whereas im sure weed will always have some affect on your thought processes. Smoking is addictive which is why some scholars forbid it whereas coffee loosely speaking isnt addictive hope that spreads some light on the issue, just my opinion anyways Allah swt knows best!
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Submitted by zarinarose on 23 June, 2010 - 15:19 #62
Salaam, Anything of nasha is haraamm, it says in the Holy Quran anything addictive is haraaam... I myself am against weed.... this desease that has menifested our communities and society, crippled our youngsters in the community is such a sad and shameful thing for us to watch day in and day out, the worse thing is now is that they have even started the younger girls on it... It was hard watching young men destroying themselves and becoming junkies now young asian girls are also hooked on it cos of thier boyfriends and friends introduce them on it in colleges that i know for a fact..
ASTHUKFAROOKALLAH!!!!!!!!!!! May Allah have mercy on us all!!!!!!! Ime not only saying for asians even my heart goes out for everyone human being on this earth whom is intoxicating their lives so sad!!!!!
I just pray and pray Allah have mercy on these young peoples lives and show them the true path the real path they were born into and blessed into muslim families, they have lost their real path..
Allah have mercy on them and lead all young muslims and non muslims to be ambassorders of their own faiths, to protect and heal themselves and purify themselves... I know i cannot talk to every individual case(as much as i wish i could) all i could do is pray for all human life to have faith in their creator...
All i could say to the youngsters of nowadays reading this is please protect yourselves from this deadly desease of intoxication that will slowly but surely kill you.... Cigarettes are bad enough but weed drugs are even worser...
Just one weed can lead to another and more n more stronger substances are used for your addiction you know what i mean....
It has to be stopped now cos further generations can benefit otherwise our generation will be crippled with intoxications..
You dont want you kids doing the same do you??
Please dont become the modern junkies....
There were scholars in time that questioned if Coffee was halaal. it was not given an easy ride and if you do think it intoxicates the mind or clouds judgement, it should be avoided.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Anonymous321 (not verified) on 23 December, 2010 - 07:20 #64
everybody here is making dumb remarks about it and speaking like they know when clearly they are uneducated on the subject.
i smoke weed, everyday, and have been for about 3 years now.
i guarantee that you already have a mental image of me in your head, and i also guarantee that its false
i pray 5 times every single day and have never missed a prayer since 14, im now 19.
i have never missed a day of fasting during ramadam
i am a very religious muslim and have every intention of doing only good in my life and inshalla stay tahir and go to heaven.
people always talks like they know and it gets frustrating. i dont know if weed is haram or not but i want to. i have been trying to figure out if it is for years but so far i have not a single legit answer. i always get things like,
-it kills brain cells
-it leads to more drugs
-it intoxicates you
-it harms your body in many ways
all these things are not true. it does NOT kill brain cells, do your research
it does not lead to anything else
it does NOT intoxicate you, if you smoked weed and were intoxicated, you didnt smoke weed
all im saying is dont give your opinions as facts, what your all saying is what YOU think, not whats reality
Submitted by zarinarose on 23 December, 2010 - 13:09 #65
Salaam Brother or sister as your anonymous so i dont know bt ime sure your a guy, i read your letter and was happy and sad in a way, firstly happy, you started reading namaz at a young age and have kept it up also following all the requirements as a muslim should, only that the sad part to read was that you smoke weed...!! that is the altimate downfalll in your life...Allah is not hungry or greedy for your namaz etc only for your character and good manners and not to toxicate yourself....If i told you that weed was haraam would you leave it then brother??
Weed is truely haraam let me put it straigh forward way.... I have studied about weed and other drugs etc i have reading about them many times.... We being muslims should not even touch it do you know that smoking cigerettes is mukaroo even molvees do that you shall say....
But still we know we should not do that but we still do that whom are we pleasing Allah or shataan??? When we read namaz we know that we are pleasing Allah SubhanataAllah, we only do it for Allah's love only not for other people or making your mum n dad happy??
What ever we do in this life we have to do to please Allah alone, this life is lika a holiday, live happily life is tooo short...The real life is the hereafter thats why we have to follow the footsteps of our beloved Prophet Mohammed may peace n blessings be upon him..Ameen My Brother all i can say is i pray for you that you stop smoking weed and encourage others to do the same...This precious life that has been given to us by Allah SubhantaAllah we have to protect ourselves not only ourselves but others tooo
Submitted by Bilan on 23 December, 2010 - 15:55 #66
is weed another name for cannabis????
if so, i thought it was classified as a drug by the gov and there are consequences for possessing it???? (dont know 100% though :/)
i think cannabis affects people differently, some are more susceptible to less desired side effects, but u cannot know this until you try it, so i would say its a better to be safe than sorry scenario..
right know, i would say that i think it is haraam, but that is just my instinct at the mo...
to the guy above (cnt remember ur name sorry) u say that uve been doing it for 3 years, but how would u feel if someone said to u that it was haraam and u would have to stop using it????
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
@ anonymous321 - what do you do when prayer approaches and you're stoned? DO you read it or do you miss it?
Does weed clooud your judgement? I would guess so and I would guess that it is a form of intoxication - just differnet from alcohol.
i am a very religious muslim and have every intention of doing only good in my life and inshalla stay tahir and go to heaven.
That does not fit inwith the revelation of "I smoke weed" too well.
Its like saying "if you ignore the gambling, violence, drinking, murder and fornication, I am actually a nice guy".
people always talks like they know and it gets frustrating.
people who smoke weed often feel stressed when doing things or communicating with others who do not agree and they then need a fix. They also see no link with this excessive getting stressed at minor things and smoking weed, which affects the same part of the brain.
Normally, a good way to find out if something is right or wrong is to see the consensus of the ummah - the hadith mentions that this cannot be wrong. So to find the consensus ask scholars if weed is allowed. Find even one and then you're stance of "I don't know man, it might not be..." can have some validity.
But if you find zero people, zero scholars taking your position then you know that by consensus it is haraam.
Now smoke it if you want, but please do not try to pretend that something that is haraam may not be so - this is how Shaytaan got into trouble - by trying to justify his bad actions instead of admitting them.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Hajjar on 23 December, 2010 - 20:49 #68
i can't understand why we;re discussing this, isn't it obvious it's an intoxicant therefore haram? I've yet to hear a scholar say its "halal" or even just makruh.
All drugs have physical and psychological effects. I would be more concerned about the psychological ones. Its been said by users time and and time again "i'm fine, it doesn't effect be badly". But the truth is like any intoxicant it hits each individual differently. Some may behave obviously out of character, whilst others may have more subtle symptoms, it doesn't mean it doesnt effect the user. But whats to say those suffering subtle symptoms aren't harming their body just as much as those who show severe side effects?
If consultants are telling us drugs including weed harm the brain, how can we say it does not. When that individual above said he's fine, theres no truth in the fact that weed harms the brain, well i'd rather believe the host of medical professionals who can prove otherwise. you say there's no harm i ask you, if or when you have a child please offer him/her a roll of weed, i mean there's no harm in it is there?
I have seen people i know behaving really out of character because of weed, some have even gone on to more harmful drugs. It's a pitiable state to be in, dependent on drugs, and worse to die in that state, with that filth in your body and meet your Creator.
Btw like any intoxicant the effects of the drug don't leave the body immediately, so muslims taking this drug who say they are mindful of their religious obligations, perhaps you should question why you consume it, when Allah has clearly forbidden it, and also find out whether your acts of worship are acceptable since the intoxicant is still within the body even after 24 hrs?
I have little sympathy for drug users more for the lives they destroy around them with their disgusting habit.
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
Submitted by Bilan on 23 December, 2010 - 20:54 #69
You wrote:
@ anonymous321 - what do you do when prayer approaches and you're stoned? DO you read it or do you miss it?
Does weed clooud your judgement? I would guess so and I would guess that it is a form of intoxication - just differnet from alcohol.
i am a very religious muslim and have every intention of doing only good in my life and inshalla stay tahir and go to heaven.
That does not fit inwith the revelation of "I smoke weed" too well.
Its like saying "if you ignore the gambling, violence, drinking, murder and fornication, I am actually a nice guy".
people always talks like they know and it gets frustrating.
people who smoke weed often feel stressed when doing things or communicating with others who do not agree and they then need a fix. They also see no link with this excessive getting stressed at minor things and smoking weed, which affects the same part of the brain.
Normally, a good way to find out if something is right or wrong is to see the consensus of the ummah - the hadith mentions that this cannot be wrong. So to find the consensus ask scholars if weed is allowed. Find even one and then you're stance of "I don't know man, it might not be..." can have some validity.
But if you find zero people, zero scholars taking your position then you know that by consensus it is haraam.
Now smoke it if you want, but please do not try to pretend that something that is haraam may not be so - this is how Shaytaan got into trouble - by trying to justify his bad actions instead of admitting them.
ahhh, so u were just playing devils advocate????
and theres me thinking u didn know.....which is silly cos u knw a pretty whole lot right???
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
Submitted by Seraphim on 23 December, 2010 - 22:44 #70
Anonymous321 wrote:
everybody here is making dumb remarks about it and speaking like they know when clearly they are uneducated on the subject.
i smoke weed, everyday, and have been for about 3 years now.
i guarantee that you already have a mental image of me in your head, and i also guarantee that its false
i pray 5 times every single day and have never missed a prayer since 14, im now 19.
i have never missed a day of fasting during ramadam
i am a very religious muslim and have every intention of doing only good in my life and inshalla stay tahir and go to heaven.
people always talks like they know and it gets frustrating. i dont know if weed is haram or not but i want to. i have been trying to figure out if it is for years but so far i have not a single legit answer. i always get things like,
-it kills brain cells
-it leads to more drugs
-it intoxicates you
-it harms your body in many ways
all these things are not true. it does NOT kill brain cells, do your research
it does not lead to anything else
it does NOT intoxicate you, if you smoked weed and were intoxicated, you didnt smoke weed
all im saying is dont give your opinions as facts, what your all saying is what YOU think, not whats reality
How about an even simpler answer. Its an illegal substance. As a "religious muslim" you should know that you are required to obey the laws of the land in which you are in.
And dont tell me you didnt know it was illegal coz you and I both know thats BS. Why dont you just stop making excuses for your habbit and just stop smoking the stuff.
i can't understand why we;re discussing this, isn't it obvious it's an intoxicant therefore haram? I've yet to hear a scholar say its "halal" or even just makruh.
I havent heard the latter either - but I suspect they all wisely avoided the substance too.
The question is that is being stoned the same as being intoxicated?
I think that was answered a while ago with a "yes" in this topic, but it IS a question worth asking.
"Only think more stupid than asking a stupid question is not asking a stupid question."
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by randomer (not verified) on 24 December, 2010 - 08:28 #72
Yes, of course. I've seen countless number of kids high from smoking weed. This boy in my year at school took some weed and he was fooling around and acting unlike himself his eyes were bloodshot red and he was walking as though he was drunk. Weed does dull the sense because he was acting like a giddy little kid, it was quite embarrasing to watch actually. If that is not harming the body and brain then what is?
Submitted by mush91 on 29 December, 2010 - 15:04 #73
You wrote:
My thought process:
1. The qur'an does not explicitly mention weed.
2. Weed does not "intoxicate" in the same manner as alcohol. (Or so I am told.) While one dulls the sense, the other makes you feel at peace and makes you ponder. about thing like the colour of the wall and maybe more.
3. In the current age of science, we know that most substances have an effect on the brain. All food, sugar, drinks, tea/coffee and other things containing substances such as caffiene.
So, I weed REALLY haraam?
i would say weed does intoxicate you as it has many of god knows what chemicals in it as it is
and although it doesnt always make you do hings you wouldnt normally do it does make you think alot which can cause you to be paranoid lol
i think weed is better than alchohol
and doesnt caffiene give you heart a rush which makes you feel active for the time being?...
at the end of the day everything has an effect on our bodies from drugs to chocolate which doesnt always mean its haram. but i think the things we get in this country are
what if its grown pure?...when its pure it just makes you calm and it still haram?...(by the way weed does not make you gain weight it actually does the opposite to alot of people no matter how much they eat after.
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
i smoked weed 4 a long, long time, my favourite was either the cheese cake skunk or the white widow skunk, both of these skunks are the most powerful types of weed u can get, some weed costs £30 an ounce but the skunks i mentioned above can cost anything from £280 to £320 an ounce! believe me weed does affect u mentally and physically in the long term. also just because some1 smokes weed and prays there 5 namaz does not make it halal, half of afganistan smokes weed and prays there namaz but it is still haram, anything taken 2 alter the natural state of mind is haram, unless its taken 4 medical resons. However i will leave u with some parting words;
why drink and drive when u can smoke weed and fly!
People often mistake Virtue with Honour
Virtue is what we do
Honour is how we do it.
You seem to have "reformed". Can I ask how hard it was to give up? What made you give up? (Obviousy you don't need my permission too, but feel free to ignore the Qs)
and lol at the last line.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
giving up weed is probably the hardest thing i had 2 do, prior 2 this i gave up 5 times and then started again, it was like i gave up so i thought we should celebrate and have a party or something, and at this party we should have some weed! but now its 4 good. it was 2 time 2 move on i was just smoking weed all day every day and not doing anything else.
People often mistake Virtue with Honour
Virtue is what we do
Honour is how we do it.
i smoked weed 4 a long, long time, my favourite was either the cheese cake skunk or the white widow skunk, both of these skunks are the most powerful types of weed u can get, some weed costs £30 an ounce but the skunks i mentioned above can cost anything from £280 to £320 an ounce! believe me weed does affect u mentally and physically in the long term. also just because some1 smokes weed and prays there 5 namaz does not make it halal, half of afganistan smokes weed and prays there namaz but it is still haram, anything taken 2 alter the natural state of mind is haram, unless its taken 4 medical resons. However i will leave u with some parting words;
why drink and drive when u can smoke weed and fly!
That smells, and not of skunk.
the master calligrapher wrote:
some weed costs £30 an ounce
Yeah right.
It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens
i smoked weed 4 a long, long time, my favourite was either the cheese cake skunk or the white widow skunk, both of these skunks are the most powerful types of weed u can get, some weed costs £30 an ounce but the skunks i mentioned above can cost anything from £280 to £320 an ounce! believe me weed does affect u mentally and physically in the long term. also just because some1 smokes weed and prays there 5 namaz does not make it halal, half of afganistan smokes weed and prays there namaz but it is still haram, anything taken 2 alter the natural state of mind is haram, unless its taken 4 medical resons. However i will leave u with some parting words;
why drink and drive when u can smoke weed and fly!
i smoked weed 4 a long, long time, my favourite was either the cheese cake skunk or the white widow skunk, both of these skunks are the most powerful types of weed u can get, some weed costs £30 an ounce but the skunks i mentioned above can cost anything from £280 to £320 an ounce! believe me weed does affect u mentally and physically in the long term. also just because some1 smokes weed and prays there 5 namaz does not make it halal, half of afganistan smokes weed and prays there namaz but it is still haram, anything taken 2 alter the natural state of mind is haram, unless its taken 4 medical resons. However i will leave u with some parting words;
why drink and drive when u can smoke weed and fly!
for £30 you can get an ounce of solid (cannabis, soap bar) all day long.
Where do you live? You hear about some good deals but it has been years since I knew of anything like that, and even then it was considerably dearer. And what toker calls resin "soap" by way of clarifying what it is? Colour me skeptical.
It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens
i smoked weed 4 a long, long time, my favourite was either the cheese cake skunk or the white widow skunk, both of these skunks are the most powerful types of weed u can get, some weed costs £30 an ounce but the skunks i mentioned above can cost anything from £280 to £320 an ounce! believe me weed does affect u mentally and physically in the long term. also just because some1 smokes weed and prays there 5 namaz does not make it halal, half of afganistan smokes weed and prays there namaz but it is still haram, anything taken 2 alter the natural state of mind is haram, unless its taken 4 medical resons. However i will leave u with some parting words;
why drink and drive when u can smoke weed and fly!
for £30 you can get an ounce of solid (cannabis, soap bar) all day long.
Where do you live? You hear about some good deals but it has been years since I knew of anything like that, and even then it was considerably dearer. And what toker calls resin "soap" by way of clarifying what it is? Colour me skeptical.
bro i live in nelson,and can tel u now soap bar is a nasty smoke, when i used 2 turn up 2 my dealers and theyd offer me soap bar i would just kindly decline stating "no thankyou ive just had a bath"
People often mistake Virtue with Honour
Virtue is what we do
Honour is how we do it.
i smoked weed 4 a long, long time, my favourite was either the cheese cake skunk or the white widow skunk, both of these skunks are the most powerful types of weed u can get, some weed costs £30 an ounce but the skunks i mentioned above can cost anything from £280 to £320 an ounce! believe me weed does affect u mentally and physically in the long term. also just because some1 smokes weed and prays there 5 namaz does not make it halal, half of afganistan smokes weed and prays there namaz but it is still haram, anything taken 2 alter the natural state of mind is haram, unless its taken 4 medical resons. However i will leave u with some parting words;
why drink and drive when u can smoke weed and fly!
That smells, and not of skunk.
the master calligrapher wrote:
some weed costs £30 an ounce
Yeah right.
for £30 you can get an ounce of solid (cannabis, soap bar) all day long.
Where do you live? You hear about some good deals but it has been years since I knew of anything like that, and even then it was considerably dearer. And what toker calls resin "soap" by way of clarifying what it is? Colour me skeptical.
bro i live in nelson,and can tel u now soap bar is a nasty smoke, when i used 2 turn up 2 my dealers and theyd offer me soap bar i would just kindly decline stating "no thankyou ive just had a bath"
soap bar is the cheapest and nastiest type of cannabis/resin u can buy
People often mistake Virtue with Honour
Virtue is what we do
Honour is how we do it.
Joie de Vivre whats up toker? dont tell me u didnt even know there is a type of cannabis/resin called soap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where do u live? on mars!!!!!!!!!!!!!
People often mistake Virtue with Honour
Virtue is what we do
Honour is how we do it.
Joey are you skeptical about him smoking?
If yes, why?
Why would anyone lie about that :-S(anyone that isn't 15-20)
a & b) Yes, because he's dropping in gratuitous expertise that doesn't read as appropriate to his point, and I would have expected a more indignant, less mocking rebuttal.
c) On a forum where the subject of drugs comes up a lot I see a few people naively trying to do the world a favour by spreading misinformation. "Why" is anybody's guess but there are numerous reasons why one might be anti-cannabis and try to phrase arguments as if one isn't. That's what this seems to be.
Might be my mistake. It isn't a point to get bogged down in but I think I know my onions, as it were.
It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Wsalaam the difference between weed and coffee is that weed has an immediate and detrimental affect on your mind and thought processes it clouds judgement as your aware. Also scientists believe the effects of coffee are outlived for a constant user whereas im sure weed will always have some affect on your thought processes. Smoking is addictive which is why some scholars forbid it whereas coffee loosely speaking isnt addictive hope that spreads some light on the issue, just my opinion anyways Allah swt knows best!
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Salaam, Anything of nasha is haraamm, it says in the Holy Quran anything addictive is haraaam... I myself am against weed.... this desease that has menifested our communities and society, crippled our youngsters in the community is such a sad and shameful thing for us to watch day in and day out, the worse thing is now is that they have even started the younger girls on it... It was hard watching young men destroying themselves and becoming junkies now young asian girls are also hooked on it cos of thier boyfriends and friends introduce them on it in colleges that i know for a fact..
ASTHUKFAROOKALLAH!!!!!!!!!!! May Allah have mercy on us all!!!!!!! Ime not only saying for asians even my heart goes out for everyone human being on this earth whom is intoxicating their lives so sad!!!!!
I just pray and pray Allah have mercy on these young peoples lives and show them the true path the real path they were born into and blessed into muslim families, they have lost their real path..
Allah have mercy on them and lead all young muslims and non muslims to be ambassorders of their own faiths, to protect and heal themselves and purify themselves... I know i cannot talk to every individual case(as much as i wish i could) all i could do is pray for all human life to have faith in their creator...
All i could say to the youngsters of nowadays reading this is please protect yourselves from this deadly desease of intoxication that will slowly but surely kill you.... Cigarettes are bad enough but weed drugs are even worser...
Just one weed can lead to another and more n more stronger substances are used for your addiction you know what i mean....
It has to be stopped now cos further generations can benefit otherwise our generation will be crippled with intoxications..
You dont want you kids doing the same do you??
Please dont become the modern junkies....
There were scholars in time that questioned if Coffee was halaal. it was not given an easy ride and if you do think it intoxicates the mind or clouds judgement, it should be avoided.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
everybody here is making dumb remarks about it and speaking like they know when clearly they are uneducated on the subject.
i smoke weed, everyday, and have been for about 3 years now.
i guarantee that you already have a mental image of me in your head, and i also guarantee that its false
i pray 5 times every single day and have never missed a prayer since 14, im now 19.
i have never missed a day of fasting during ramadam
i am a very religious muslim and have every intention of doing only good in my life and inshalla stay tahir and go to heaven.
people always talks like they know and it gets frustrating. i dont know if weed is haram or not but i want to. i have been trying to figure out if it is for years but so far i have not a single legit answer. i always get things like,
-it kills brain cells
-it leads to more drugs
-it intoxicates you
-it harms your body in many ways
all these things are not true. it does NOT kill brain cells, do your research
it does not lead to anything else
it does NOT intoxicate you, if you smoked weed and were intoxicated, you didnt smoke weed
all im saying is dont give your opinions as facts, what your all saying is what YOU think, not whats reality
Salaam Brother or sister as your anonymous so i dont know bt ime sure your a guy, i read your letter and was happy and sad in a way, firstly happy, you started reading namaz at a young age and have kept it up also following all the requirements as a muslim should, only that the sad part to read was that you smoke weed...!! that is the altimate downfalll in your life...Allah is not hungry or greedy for your namaz etc only for your character and good manners and not to toxicate yourself....If i told you that weed was haraam would you leave it then brother??
Weed is truely haraam let me put it straigh forward way.... I have studied about weed and other drugs etc i have reading about them many times.... We being muslims should not even touch it do you know that smoking cigerettes is mukaroo even molvees do that you shall say....
But still we know we should not do that but we still do that whom are we pleasing Allah or shataan??? When we read namaz we know that we are pleasing Allah SubhanataAllah, we only do it for Allah's love only not for other people or making your mum n dad happy??
What ever we do in this life we have to do to please Allah alone, this life is lika a holiday, live happily life is tooo short...The real life is the hereafter thats why we have to follow the footsteps of our beloved Prophet Mohammed may peace n blessings be upon him..Ameen My Brother all i can say is i pray for you that you stop smoking weed and encourage others to do the same...This precious life that has been given to us by Allah SubhantaAllah we have to protect ourselves not only ourselves but others tooo
is weed another name for cannabis????
if so, i thought it was classified as a drug by the gov and there are consequences for possessing it???? (dont know 100% though :/)
i think cannabis affects people differently, some are more susceptible to less desired side effects, but u cannot know this until you try it, so i would say its a better to be safe than sorry scenario..
right know, i would say that i think it is haraam, but that is just my instinct at the mo...
to the guy above (cnt remember ur name sorry) u say that uve been doing it for 3 years, but how would u feel if someone said to u that it was haraam and u would have to stop using it????
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
@ anonymous321 - what do you do when prayer approaches and you're stoned? DO you read it or do you miss it?
Does weed clooud your judgement? I would guess so and I would guess that it is a form of intoxication - just differnet from alcohol.
That does not fit inwith the revelation of "I smoke weed" too well.
Its like saying "if you ignore the gambling, violence, drinking, murder and fornication, I am actually a nice guy".
people who smoke weed often feel stressed when doing things or communicating with others who do not agree and they then need a fix. They also see no link with this excessive getting stressed at minor things and smoking weed, which affects the same part of the brain.
Normally, a good way to find out if something is right or wrong is to see the consensus of the ummah - the hadith mentions that this cannot be wrong. So to find the consensus ask scholars if weed is allowed. Find even one and then you're stance of "I don't know man, it might not be..." can have some validity.
But if you find zero people, zero scholars taking your position then you know that by consensus it is haraam.
Now smoke it if you want, but please do not try to pretend that something that is haraam may not be so - this is how Shaytaan got into trouble - by trying to justify his bad actions instead of admitting them.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
i can't understand why we;re discussing this, isn't it obvious it's an intoxicant therefore haram? I've yet to hear a scholar say its "halal" or even just makruh.
All drugs have physical and psychological effects. I would be more concerned about the psychological ones. Its been said by users time and and time again "i'm fine, it doesn't effect be badly". But the truth is like any intoxicant it hits each individual differently. Some may behave obviously out of character, whilst others may have more subtle symptoms, it doesn't mean it doesnt effect the user. But whats to say those suffering subtle symptoms aren't harming their body just as much as those who show severe side effects?
If consultants are telling us drugs including weed harm the brain, how can we say it does not. When that individual above said he's fine, theres no truth in the fact that weed harms the brain, well i'd rather believe the host of medical professionals who can prove otherwise. you say there's no harm i ask you, if or when you have a child please offer him/her a roll of weed, i mean there's no harm in it is there?
I have seen people i know behaving really out of character because of weed, some have even gone on to more harmful drugs. It's a pitiable state to be in, dependent on drugs, and worse to die in that state, with that filth in your body and meet your Creator.
Btw like any intoxicant the effects of the drug don't leave the body immediately, so muslims taking this drug who say they are mindful of their religious obligations, perhaps you should question why you consume it, when Allah has clearly forbidden it, and also find out whether your acts of worship are acceptable since the intoxicant is still within the body even after 24 hrs?
I have little sympathy for drug users more for the lives they destroy around them with their disgusting habit.
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
ahhh, so u were just playing devils advocate????
and theres me thinking u didn know.....which is silly cos u knw a pretty whole lot right???
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
How about an even simpler answer. Its an illegal substance. As a "religious muslim" you should know that you are required to obey the laws of the land in which you are in.
And dont tell me you didnt know it was illegal coz you and I both know thats BS. Why dont you just stop making excuses for your habbit and just stop smoking the stuff.
Back in BLACK
I havent heard the latter either - but I suspect they all wisely avoided the substance too.
The question is that is being stoned the same as being intoxicated?
I think that was answered a while ago with a "yes" in this topic, but it IS a question worth asking.
"Only think more stupid than asking a stupid question is not asking a stupid question."
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Yes, of course. I've seen countless number of kids high from smoking weed. This boy in my year at school took some weed and he was fooling around and acting unlike himself his eyes were bloodshot red and he was walking as though he was drunk. Weed does dull the sense because he was acting like a giddy little kid, it was quite embarrasing to watch actually. If that is not harming the body and brain then what is?
i would say weed does intoxicate you as it has many of god knows what chemicals in it as it is
and although it doesnt always make you do hings you wouldnt normally do it does make you think alot which can cause you to be paranoid lol
i think weed is better than alchohol
and doesnt caffiene give you heart a rush which makes you feel active for the time being?...
at the end of the day everything has an effect on our bodies from drugs to chocolate which doesnt always mean its haram. but i think the things we get in this country are
what if its grown pure?...when its pure it just makes you calm and it still haram?...(by the way weed does not make you gain weight it actually does the opposite to alot of people no matter how much they eat after.
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
i smoked weed 4 a long, long time, my favourite was either the cheese cake skunk or the white widow skunk, both of these skunks are the most powerful types of weed u can get, some weed costs £30 an ounce but the skunks i mentioned above can cost anything from £280 to £320 an ounce! believe me weed does affect u mentally and physically in the long term. also just because some1 smokes weed and prays there 5 namaz does not make it halal, half of afganistan smokes weed and prays there namaz but it is still haram, anything taken 2 alter the natural state of mind is haram, unless its taken 4 medical resons. However i will leave u with some parting words;
why drink and drive when u can smoke weed and fly!
People often mistake Virtue with Honour
Virtue is what we do
Honour is how we do it.
You seem to have "reformed". Can I ask how hard it was to give up? What made you give up? (Obviousy you don't need my permission too, but feel free to ignore the Qs)
and lol at the last line.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
giving up weed is probably the hardest thing i had 2 do, prior 2 this i gave up 5 times and then started again, it was like i gave up so i thought we should celebrate and have a party or something, and at this party we should have some weed! but now its 4 good. it was 2 time 2 move on i was just smoking weed all day every day and not doing anything else.
People often mistake Virtue with Honour
Virtue is what we do
Honour is how we do it.
MashaAllah, good on ya
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
That smells, and not of skunk.
Yeah right.
for £30 you can get an ounce of solid (cannabis, soap bar) all day long.
People often mistake Virtue with Honour
Virtue is what we do
Honour is how we do it.
Where do you live? You hear about some good deals but it has been years since I knew of anything like that, and even then it was considerably dearer. And what toker calls resin "soap" by way of clarifying what it is? Colour me skeptical.
Joey are you skeptical about him smoking?
If yes, why?
Why would anyone lie about that :-S(anyone that isn't 15-20)
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
bro i live in nelson,and can tel u now soap bar is a nasty smoke, when i used 2 turn up 2 my dealers and theyd offer me soap bar i would just kindly decline stating "no thankyou ive just had a bath"
People often mistake Virtue with Honour
Virtue is what we do
Honour is how we do it.
soap bar is the cheapest and nastiest type of cannabis/resin u can buy
People often mistake Virtue with Honour
Virtue is what we do
Honour is how we do it.
Joie de Vivre whats up toker? dont tell me u didnt even know there is a type of cannabis/resin called soap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where do u live? on mars!!!!!!!!!!!!!
People often mistake Virtue with Honour
Virtue is what we do
Honour is how we do it.
a & b) Yes, because he's dropping in gratuitous expertise that doesn't read as appropriate to his point, and I would have expected a more indignant, less mocking rebuttal.
c) On a forum where the subject of drugs comes up a lot I see a few people naively trying to do the world a favour by spreading misinformation. "Why" is anybody's guess but there are numerous reasons why one might be anti-cannabis and try to phrase arguments as if one isn't. That's what this seems to be.
Might be my mistake. It isn't a point to get bogged down in but I think I know my onions, as it were.
which 1?
People often mistake Virtue with Honour
Virtue is what we do
Honour is how we do it.
All varieties.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
+1 it's disgusting!
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
watched this in was quite good, though i think it only tends to explain to people how drugs work...
at times it makes it all look quite magical....(i'm not encouraging anyone here though!!! :lol:)
"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters
ive never seen weed or smelt it...i dont knw anything about it!
this blog makes me feel left out!
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"