When will you take out those pics sisters ?!?

When will you take out those Pics Sisters??

(Once you post your image online, you can't take it back: Family, friends, strangers-Anyone can see it & save the image)

Why do you even have your pictures posted on the internet? To show yourself off ?
Are you a display piece ?

Strike a pose!!! And then you've got everybody saying "Heyy!! You looking so nice there honey!!"

And now what happens?? Your head gets a little BIG, you're full of yourself, you start liking this attention.

But is this pleasing to Allah?? Is the attention of all the boys out there more important to you than the attention of Allah?? Wake up!! We need to refrain, We are Muslims!! We are the ones who have consciously submitted to Who???

Not to our society & desires but to Allah, the Creator of the entire Universe. And He has prepared a great reward for us, a great prize, the ULTIMATE PRIZE - JANNAH!!

"Get your eyes hypnotized to that prize"

Sisters don't just assume that you have already made it to Jannah...Paradise is not for free...You need to sacrifice your desires, you need to work hard to get yourself a seat there, & if you wanna make it to the topmost levels in Jannah with the Queens of Islam, then you REALLY GOTTA BE DIFFERENT THAN AN AVERAGE WOMAN !!

Or else why should "you" deserve it & not someone else?? What is that "extra-factor in you" which is not in the average women ?? It is self-restrain & obedience to Allah's commands. Or else behave like the ignorant & get treated like how they will be treated on Judgment Day. The choice is yours.

If you do not mind that the whole world can see your pics , then your Hayaa is not functioning properly my dear Sister & Hayaa is a branch of Eemaan.

Would the wives & daughters of our prophets put themselves on display like this??
Everything that Allah made valuable in the world is covered and hard to get to.Tell me Where do you find diamonds? Deep down in the ground covered and protected.

Where do you find pearls? Deep down at the bottom of the ocean covered up and protected in a beautiful shell. Where do you find gold? Way down in the mine,covered over with layers and layers of rock. You’ve got to work hard to get to them.

Your body,beauty is sacred. You’re far more precious than diamonds and pearls, and you should be covered too.

Whom are you imitating my dear Sisters? The jaahils (ignorant)?? WAKE UP!!!!

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever imitates a people is one of them.” Narrated by Abu Dawood, 3512


''Whosoever leaves something for the sake of Allaah then Allaah, the Mighty and Magnificent, WILL REPLACE IT with something better than it''

P.S: Originally posted my my friend..!!! I loved it..and thought i would share it with you guys and spread goodness and Faith..!!
May Allah protect us all..Ameen..!!


mush91 wrote:
youngmuslimah93 wrote:
what i meant is those people will remember your picture..!! or save it in one way or the other

well i think you might have a point but i dont think anyone here would do that tbh
and its not normal to save someones picture for no apparant reason Lol

okay even if no-one is going to save your picture..On the first case are they even allowed to look at you?! And if you feel safe to put up your pictures then do so, 'cause i told you what i had to tell you...and warned you too.. And you know whats' happening in the community by posting pictures of the youth on Facebook . There are cyber-thieves or what-ever you may call them who may be knowing a way to open your account even if you have ensured full-on privacy. Of what i know from the news is that there are some gangs that take those pictures and do bad things.
Now it is all upto you to do what-ever you want to because i told you what i wanted to tell you. I told what I wanted to tell my young sisters and brothers alike (especially to my sisters in Islam).

Allah knows Best Smile

>>"The believers, men and women are helpers/supporters of one another, they order good and forbid evil and offer their prayers perfectly and pay Zakah, and obey Allah and His Messenger. They are the ones Allah will have mercy on. Indeed, Allah is Most Pow

was it here that we were talking about posting pics of ourselves for our avatar? anyway, just wanted to say (on this topic) that, it might feel like home here but everything we post in blogs and forums are open to general public, anyone who runs a search and end up with a revival link can click and read this. *WAves frantically* hello random stranger who just clicked on this link!! (and read up to page 3??) *stops waving...* so, i wouldnt post up my pic coz of this.

and there are so many other pictures that represents us better than our face (Y)

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

bilan wrote:
youngmuslimah93 wrote:
Salams..!! Smile

Whatever it is can you ever have a guy friend according to Islam?! Even if it is real or hypothetical..
You can only talk and interact with those who are mahram to you, while others are prohibited.
These guy friends that you take it for granted...will lead to a very bad relationship which is very much prohibited..!!!

Hope I have cleared the doubt..

Allah Knows Best

your sis in Islam..!!

ok i get what ur saying, i rlly do...BUT i mean i dont understand the train of thought that if someone was to have a guyfriend (not the same as a girlfriend imo, but just someone that ur friendlly with cos of school/work whatever) that automatically that acquaintance will lead to a haraam relationship. i mean it doesnt always end that way.

Who has a guarantee that it will not end in that way...after all we are human beings..and Allah created us that way...something can go somewhere,somehow and anytime.
If you really want to discuss something important regarding school work and if you do not have any other choice but ask him only..then u have to abide by the rules that Islam has put upon us.. We have to maintain that distance for whatever matter it may be for.. Smile

Allah Knows Best..!!

>>"The believers, men and women are helpers/supporters of one another, they order good and forbid evil and offer their prayers perfectly and pay Zakah, and obey Allah and His Messenger. They are the ones Allah will have mercy on. Indeed, Allah is Most Pow

bilan wrote:
shaking hands yh...dont like it either..but u cant go "no,actually how about we dont???" can u?????? :?

i have before, and so has my mum.

but i have to be mentally prepared for it, its quite a big thing.

like randomly on eid i took the bus and the busdriver stick his hand out for me to shake. i was so shocked i shaked his hand and felt guilty the whole bus journey. and i think i got on his bus AGAIN on the way back!

then i met this dude at some award ceremony thingy and i'm reminding him how i know him but he doesnt and he's like "ohh yeah! i remember" *sticks his hand out for me to shake* ARGH had to shake it back. I MEAN I DIDNT EVEN NEED TO! the dude is the same age as me! what teenager shakes hand!?! except at a posh ceremony giving thingy. and..obviously...he had to have been assigned to the same table as me. then he started having a conversation with the lady on my other side, so..hmm..conversation across me, very interesting...

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:
bilan wrote:
shaking hands yh...dont like it either..but u cant go "no,actually how about we dont???" can u?????? :?

i have before, and so has my mum.

but i have to be mentally prepared for it, its quite a big thing.

like randomly on eid i took the bus and the busdriver stick his hand out for me to shake. i was so shocked i shaked his hand and felt guilty the whole bus journey. and i think i got on his bus AGAIN on the way back!

then i met this dude at some award ceremony thingy and i'm reminding him how i know him but he doesnt and he's like "ohh yeah! i remember" *sticks his hand out for me to shake* ARGH had to shake it back. I MEAN I DIDNT EVEN NEED TO! the dude is the same age as me! what teenager shakes hand!?! except at a posh ceremony giving thingy. and..obviously...he had to have been assigned to the same table as me. then he started having a conversation with the lady on my other side, so..hmm..conversation across me, very interesting...

why did you have to shake your hand with that guy the 2nd time..you can just keep your right hand busy with something else...lol.. And why be ashamed of telling others indirectly that our religion Islam doesn't allow shaking hands with the opposite sex..!!!

Be Proud to be a Muslimah/Muslim wherever you go. and in whatever you do..
Hold the banner of Islam up High..!!
Allah will Reward us InshAllah..!!!

And you know you can't shake hands with guys..!!


>>"The believers, men and women are helpers/supporters of one another, they order good and forbid evil and offer their prayers perfectly and pay Zakah, and obey Allah and His Messenger. They are the ones Allah will have mercy on. Indeed, Allah is Most Pow

Lilly wrote:
like randomly on eid i took the bus and the busdriver stick his hand out for me to shake. i was so shocked i shaked his hand and felt guilty the whole bus journey. and i think i got on his bus AGAIN on the way back!


When did bus drivers start shaking hands with passengers.

MuslimBro wrote:
Lilly wrote:
like randomly on eid i took the bus and the busdriver stick his hand out for me to shake. i was so shocked i shaked his hand and felt guilty the whole bus journey. and i think i got on his bus AGAIN on the way back!


When did bus drivers start shaking hands with passengers.

thats not HALF funny. It was horrible! i don't know, it was eid...and he DID shake hand with a girl so...

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

So....shaking hands is a no no?


s.b.f wrote:
So....shaking hands is a no no?

this is the usual hadith quoted (see below)

It was narrated that Ma’qil ibn Yassaar said: the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “For one of you to be stabbed in the head with an iron needle is better for him than that he should touch a woman who is not permissible for him.”

so..for women, it might be the same...

but im sure there's difference of opinion on the matter etc...

"shaking hands with a woman in islam" About 126,000 results (0.22 seconds)

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:

so..for women, it might be the same...

It wouldn't make sense if it was different. :S

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:
Lilly wrote:

so..for women, it might be the same...

It wouldn't make sense if it was different. :S

indeed. but i just dont know people's stance on men/women differences. so i just said that to stay safe.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

sorry 5 months l8
thats just soooooooooo beautiful in evry way ur rite
can i post this again


People need to stop mixing their opinions with what the Quran and hadith say. Allah knows what's best for us as He did create us.

Alot of mulsims know the truth but just find it hard to accept it.

Hijab has been prescribed for a reason for men and for women. I don't mean the clothes that cover oneself but having hayat and protecting ones chastity.

If only there were'nt so many different opinions on this. Just follow what you think is correct and not the answer that you would prefer (if that makes sense).

Jazakallah khair for the post.

May Allah guide us all. Ameen

Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH

Foysol89 wrote:
People need to stop mixing their opinions with what the Quran and hadith say. Allah knows what's best for us as He did create us.

Easier said than done as most things need to be interpreted and that is a subjective matter.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Foysol89 wrote:
People need to stop mixing their opinions with what the Quran and hadith say. Allah knows what's best for us as He did create us.

are you referring to any specific thing from this blog? (if yes i'll have to reread the whole blog coz i dont remember this...)

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:
Foysol89 wrote:
People need to stop mixing their opinions with what the Quran and hadith say. Allah knows what's best for us as He did create us.

are you referring to any specific thing from this blog? (if yes i'll have to reread the whole blog coz i dont remember this...)

Nope just a few posts and in general

Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH

Foysol has a point people. i didnt bother reading the whole thread but even translating the words of Allah would be haram wouldnt it if you do it wrong?
some things people take in anyways and things they think would be too hard they leave out or change abit.
this is just an example by the way but...when girls start wearing tight clothes or jeans that show the shape of their bodies what not. and then! you see them wearing bloody scarves. doesnt make sense to me because it still shows everything pretty much. they make 1 thing a must need and then the others not that important.
but tbh this just my opinion but like isnt it worse showing your figure and the shape of your body than showing your hair?
guys do wrong to but thats the only example that came to mind and now it looks like im writing too much dudes so ima just shut myself up zzzzip Smile

The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform

if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.

A blog I came across yesterday talking about when this convert sister tried hijab for the first time and what it means to her:

At what point does wearing hijab become a useless practice? If my heart is dirty and immodest, is the hijab a farce? Many Muslim women don’t wear a scarf, and their reasons are varied and valid. I think the more idealistic we become, the less easy it is to wear a scarf – because we fail to realise that our scarves form part of the middle ground.

I slipped up a few months ago. I became increasingly idealistic and internally divided. I began to feel like a hypocrite wearing a scarf when my clothing wasn’t “Islamic enough”. It became an either-or scenario, where one day I’d look Muslim and the next I’d look like any other white girl. After a while I began to realise that there was an interesting relationship between my scarf and my state of being. That the notion of wearing a scarf only when we’re “good enough” to is sort of like putting the cart before the horse. Sometimes our scarves pull the whole wagon.
But attempting to do my best with regard to hijab – that is very important; it breeds a mindset and a way of living that is modest.

(If you do read the full blog, I just want to say I don't fully agree with it, esp where it says "hijab doesn't have to be rigid/every hair strand isn't important to cover" but I found the above quoted bits interesting and it I liked how it made the hijab more than just a piece of cloth..)

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
