....A life story....x

Musa AS

Born to a mother so humble and so pure
She trusted in Allah when guards came knocking on her door
Demanding from her daughter, for her baby brother born
But she kindly denied a birth and her mother was already gone
Believing in Allah, she put the basket in the river, letting it drift along
The grief she felt in her heart, beating so hard and so strong
The daughter came up, creeping slowly by the bank side
Keeping an eye on her baby brothers basket on the tide
The basket reached the steps of the pharaohs’ back door
His beautiful wife, promised to enter from any Jannah door
Took the basket from the river and held the baby in her arms
Begging her husband to keep this child so tender in her palms
He was afraid; a boy would be born to be
One who would overtake his throne and his people you see
But because he loved his wife so dearly
He accepted this new addition to his family.

But this little baby child would not be nursed by any woman
So his older sister came out with a wonderful suggestion
I know a woman who might be able to help she said
Suggesting her mother who could try and help get this baby fed.
And of course, Allah’s plan worked out like He mentioned in Quran
Allah is the best of planners even if they plan
So although the pharaoh tried and killed a thousand others
The real threatening child was in is palace, being nursed by his own mother
Oblivious to Allah’s plan, he worked around this child
This child so small and so pure, who came drifting on the Nile.
But little did he know, who this would soon grow up to be
A prophet of Allah, who Allah spoke to directly

And by now I’m sure it’s clear whom I’m talking about
It’s so clear, I’m just sure you could shout it out
Musa AS, given the turah, a holy book of the Almighty Allah
He was a prophet, a main prophet in history
May Allah bless him, his mother and his family.

Ending my poem, it’s quite clear to me now
That the prophets in the past were not just history
They were something great, they were prophets of Allah
And most of all they were people who left a mighty legacy.


did u write this urself?????

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"

Nasheedgirl wrote:

Ending my poem, it’s quite clear to me now
That the prophets in the past were not just history
They were something great, they were prophets of Allah
And most of all they were people who left a mighty legacy.


I like.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

i knw it says 'my poem' but people post stuff from elsewhere all the tiiiiimeeeeeee...........

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"

Yh...*blush blush*.... Wink

"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters

ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:
Nasheedgirl wrote:

Ending my poem, it’s quite clear to me now
That the prophets in the past were not just history
They were something great, they were prophets of Allah
And most of all they were people who left a mighty legacy.


I like.

thnxz....just that that its realliie true, coz they wernt just prophets they wer our lyk role models and stuff aswell! Smile

"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters

I meant I liked the whole poem btw Smile Just like the summary best Wink

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

Nasheedgirl wrote:
Yh...*blush blush*.... Wink

lol, thts mash allah....rlly talented Biggrin

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"

Oh ryt! lool...:)

"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters

bilan wrote:
Nasheedgirl wrote:
Yh...*blush blush*.... Wink

lol, thts mash allah....rlly talented Biggrin

thnkxz...i gess its just a sudden insipiration...don't cme very often though! lol!

"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters

Nasheedgirl wrote:
bilan wrote:

lol, thts mash allah....rlly talented Biggrin

thnkxz...i gess its just a sudden insipiration...don't cme very often though! lol!

no worries, i guess tht would just make them extra special!

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"

Nahh, not realliie... Have u got any pieces 2 share? I luv readin ova ppls stuff! Smile

"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters

Nasheedgirl wrote:
Nahh, not realliie... Have u got any pieces 2 share? I luv readin ova ppls stuff! Smile


(i think tht answers ur question...)

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"

bilan wrote:
Nasheedgirl wrote:
Nahh, not realliie... Have u got any pieces 2 share? I luv readin ova ppls stuff! Smile


(i think tht answers ur question...)

Awww... im sure there's a creative- 'i love writting' inside bilan somewhere... Biggrin

"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters

most probably, but there's a fat lazy bilan sitting on top of her.

Blum 3

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:
most probably, but there's a fat lazy bilan sitting on top of her.

Blum 3


"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters

thank you, thank you

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:
thank you, thank you

Your welcome! Smile

"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters

Nasheedgirl wrote:
Lilly wrote:
most probably, but there's a fat lazy bilan sitting on top of her.

Blum 3


+1! Biggrin

and then i must add HEY!!!! (abuelita LOL ;))
guess i need to deal with fat lazy bilan first...sigh....

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"

maybe....the writing Bilan practises karate? then she could slap the fat outta fatbilan?

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:
maybe....the writing Bilan practises karate? then she could slap the fat outta fatbilan?

no...fat bilan tried on creative bilan's karate belt and it snapped (obviously :roll:) so now creative bilan cant practise her karate...its the law...(seriously)

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"

bilan wrote:
Lilly wrote:
maybe....the writing Bilan practises karate? then she could slap the fat outta fatbilan?

no...fat bilan tried on creative bilan's karate belt and it snapped (obviously :roll:) so now creative bilan cant practise her karate...its the law...(seriously)

Oh no! thats ashame....so cant u find another way to kick fat bilan off!? i mean other than karate....try kung fu or somet! Lol

"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters

Nasheedgirl wrote:
bilan wrote:

no...fat bilan tried on creative bilan's karate belt and it snapped (obviously :roll:) so now creative bilan cant practise her karate...its the law...(seriously)

Oh no! thats ashame....so cant u find another way to kick fat bilan off!? i mean other than karate....try kung fu or somet! Lol

LOL, i imgagine kung fuing fat bilan is like jumping into a giant jelly pudding or quicksand....at ur own peril lol! :lol:...who knows maybe after Ramadan, though aaages away might finally unleash my creativity!! Biggrin

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"

Oh, that does nooottt sound good! lol....i think i'll just back down for a while, don't wnat to get myself stuck in quicksand now, do i? Smile
Does that mean i have to wait till Ramadhan to read a piece of your writing?! Wink

"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters

Nasheedgirl wrote:
Oh, that does nooottt sound good! lol....i think i'll just back down for a while, don't wnat to get myself stuck in quicksand now, do i? Smile
Does that mean i have to wait till Ramadhan to read a piece of your writing?! Wink

wise choice..wise choice...;)

who knows, were gnna have to wait and see...unless u count my jokes here and there as my creativity??? Biggrin
its been sooo long since ive written a poem, and i only used to do those cos of school...but i did go through this phase of wanting to be an author but i probably felt i had to be cos i like reading lol!

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"

bilan wrote:
Nasheedgirl wrote:
Oh, that does nooottt sound good! lol....i think i'll just back down for a while, don't wnat to get myself stuck in quicksand now, do i? Smile
Does that mean i have to wait till Ramadhan to read a piece of your writing?! Wink

wise choice..wise choice...;)

who knows, were gnna have to wait and see...unless u count my jokes here and there as my creativity??? Biggrin
its been sooo long since ive written a poem, and i only used to do those cos of school...but i did go through this phase of wanting to be an author but i probably felt i had to be cos i like reading lol!

Hmmm, i thought it'd be best to play safe! lol!

Yh, i guess you could count this as your creativity...why not?! Wink
i guess everyone goes through that stage...but hopefully i would like to carry on writing and who knows maybe even aspire to be an author...but theres still some time to come! i love reading to...books galore! lol....once im into a book its all i think about...!
so have you read and books recently?

"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters

YAY! Biggrin

well, i do hope u carry on writing, on here as well tht is. i think ive just read this poem u wrote but like i said, i like it....so as ur no 1 fan already, i get to have all the freebies right???? Wink

i havnt read any books sadly for quite a time..so im tryna go on recommendations to start me off again. the ones i have read though before my dry spell were

1) Matthew Reilly - i read 2 of his. theyre pretty much action/adventure with a touch of indiana jones/dan brown i find. speaking of dan brown i rlly wanna read his last one!

2) and another i would recommend for now, is Ender's game by Orson Scott Card. now this is a sci-fi..i knw wht ur thinking...sci-fi, but as long as the book is good, the genres nt a problem right??? i personally didn rlly like sci-fi, but this book is goooood and has one of the BIGGEST :shock:!! (no lie). its a series and i only have the one (given by a friend) but i need to get the other ones as well, but apparently they stopped printing it ages ago...but where there's a will there's a way!! Biggrin

phew...tht was a close one, essay avoided...u can relax people! Biggrin

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"

bilan wrote:
YAY! Biggrin

well, i do hope u carry on writing, on here as well tht is. i think ive just read this poem u wrote but like i said, i like it....so as ur no 1 fan already, i get to have all the freebies right???? Wink

i havnt read any books sadly for quite a time..so im tryna go on recommendations to start me off again. the ones i have read though before my dry spell were

1) Matthew Reilly - i read 2 of his. theyre pretty much action/adventure with a touch of indiana jones/dan brown i find. speaking of dan brown i rlly wanna read his last one!

2) and another i would recommend for now, is Ender's game by Orson Scott Card. now this is a sci-fi..i knw wht ur thinking...sci-fi, but as long as the book is good, the genres nt a problem right??? i personally didn rlly like sci-fi, but this book is goooood and has one of the BIGGEST :shock:!! (no lie). its a series and i only have the one (given by a friend) but i need to get the other ones as well, but apparently they stopped printing it ages ago...but where there's a will there's a way!! Biggrin

phew...tht was a close one, essay avoided...u can relax people! Biggrin

Lol, i'm an english freak..i love writing essays! (i no u'r thnkn wierd...lol, yep thats me!):D

i dnt realliie thnk im v.good at poetry, its just something i lyk 2 do, but i will insha'Allah contiue posting on here, esp. if i no i've got a fan! lol!
and yep, u get all the freebies!!! Smile

my sister reads dan brown books, but being my age my parents dnt allow books which have anythng 'dodgy' init...so i have to stick to good books i guess...but in school, it's a different case...lol...! Blum 3
i'm into the more romantic type of books, and go for the crime, and drama/adventure books quite often, and not forget the classics...though i dnt realliie read the books byt rather watch the movies...(does that count???!).... i dnt (as u mentiond) like sc-fi books. i dnt get all the aliens and stuff! and im not a big fan of indiana jones either...so i guess i'll drop the subject about them....but i hope u get them anwya, so that u can read em'...might get u bac on the track to books...lol!
i thnk i've matched ur essay! Wink

"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters

lol, im sure uve done essay lovers worldwide proud Biggrin and yaay to freebies whatever they may be lol...

and i see we have a rebel amongst us!...i salute u lol Blum 3 (wht age r u then if u dnt mind me askin??)

romance i will read it if its more of a side story instead of a main, if ya get my drift...cos i dont think theres much substance to a book if its just 2 people being lovvy dovvy lol. my favo classic is to kill a mockingbird! u must have read tht if ur an english freak lool. and sure movies count! dnt let anyone tell u any different lol Wink

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"

lool! i hope i have! Smile

*grin* not so much as a rebel, just an undercover type...lol! jus kiddin! no, i dnt mind u askin, i'm 14, in yr 9...i think Lilly sed im the yngest member here!!! Biggrin

and yh, i got wat ur talkin about...i guess vry1 has different opinions and taste...
lool, it qwyt ironic that u mentioned to kill a mockingbird coz im reain it in scool as a class read...its alryt...and yaay 2 movies!!!! Biggrin

"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters

what...did u say to kill a mockingbird was allright???? no, no, we do not use words like allright when talking about to kill a mockingbird! :shock: but having to read it in class might be taking away from its awesomeness lol...
but i'll allow u cos ur a little un lol :p..i think u are the youngest on here then...we should have a ceremony with the whole works, whadya think?? Biggrin
and yay to movies indeed Wink

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
