As we grow in this world of devastating lies
In which we're comforted by the corruption and fail to realise
how many more times are we made to see blindly?
Many More?
No not many more as we realise how blind we've become
but fail to act as we act to wana do more
more for who?
more for me or more for you?
too many questions or too little answers
no! just our eyes closed for to long
we're dreaming of a closed world of just us, our ears closed to the cries of its song.
(add to it people)
create your own verse and continue the poem in the comments
add to it people dont be shy i thought revival had a bunch of creative people?
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
im not gonna go there and embarrass myself, so i wont even try, but at least i read it right???
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
its not embarassing yourself dude
just join in and you'll see its going to be good at the end lol
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
where our voices truly belong, for our time has finally come
allright there u have, just for u .ive tried to keep the rhyme, so all is not lost!
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
This is a poem....
whats your point?
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
Although my contributions towards the threads is very little, poems make the situations a tiny bit worse.
how? whats so bad about poems? and its not like we're posting it to the world we're just making it for us to see. get it
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
how? whats so bad about poems? and its not like we're posting it to the world we're just making it for us to see. get it
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
Me + poems = get nowhere.
get it
oh come on s.b.f!
im sure there is a little creative voice within u that i just DYING to contribute to this poem, and its not cos r do a Horton and hear a WHO! lol (u need to have seen the film to get tht...)
i should probably be saying something like "if looks could kill!" right?? gnna go now...
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
lol i dont get it
lol anywayyyyyyy...:P
joke lol
yeah comeon s.b.f you dont know what your good at trust me we all think we're bad at something but when we try we succeed and it doesnt have to be the best in the world
get it
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
What did I say wrong?
Did I say I was bad at writing poems?
I said I didn't like poems.
Full stop.
whats the theme of the poem/song. i cant quite pin it and the song doesnt call out to me (too early in the morning?)
also, bolden or colour the actual continuation of the song/poem so we know where it's at.
to colour: [ color = red ] blah blah blah [/ color]
and the blah blah blah should go red (dont put anyspace, duh)
like so [color=red] blah blah blah [/color]
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
that is too early, u a morning person?? lucky u!!
though im training myself to be one, seems to be going well (so far lol)
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
lol, its a kiddie movie 'Horton hears a Who'. Horton is a elephant, who cos he has bigger ears than the other animals is the only one who can hear the Whos (teeny tiny little people)so everyone thinks hes going loopy...
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"