The Fresh Prince Project!

I love watching the Fresh Prince, it's hilarious! I love it so much that I watch the repeats even though I’ve seen them like ten times already. I watch an episode (or two) every time I’m at work now – someone brought in the entire series on DVD – without the subtitles though (I like the subtitles on but the remote for the TV is nowhere to be seen - sigh).

Anyway I realised that as much as I adore Will Smith (totally and utterly), I realised that his character (no matter how great) is actually rather horrible – funny, great-looking but horrible – making fun of Uncle Phil (weight and baldness), Geoffrey (Britishness – Robobutler - grinno) and Carlton (blackness, height) – doesn’t seem to make fun of Ashley much though - except when it's about boys (nice relationship they have there) and it’s true, he wants people to accept him for his Philly-ness when he doesn’t really accept anyone else for the way they are - 'My brother, you wanna take this outside?!'

The last episode I watched (yesterday) was Will betting Carlton couldn’t last two days down in the ‘hood (Compton – where Jazz lives, its still Season One) that’s me going through the series. Anyway that got me thinking, why is Blackness all about living like they do in the ‘hood, why can’t it be defined by their educated-selves – after all the great black leaders were educated, Malcolm X, ML.King etc etc righttt?

The Fresh Prince – man some episodes are emotional (the time when Carlton took pills from Will’s locker or when Will’s ‘homeboy’ from Philly came down and liked Hillary (‘I need $300’) – what was his name – um um um ooh Ice Tray – NOT Ice Box (heh).

You weren't there! Look, when I was a kid, every time I tried to bring books home from school, the kids would jump me, so Tray started walking me home, and if he hadn't been there to throw those punches and help me jump those fences, then I might not be here today.
Aunt Viv:
Well, while he was protecting your books, where the hell were his?

I just had to add that!

I think they should do a two (or three!) hour special – one where they bring back everyone, have a reunion and update us (the audience) with their lives, have flashbacks or something – show us where they ended up.

Ah that would be a brilliant episode.


#Now, this is the story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air...#

!! Biggrin

Yay Grinno's blogging again. Smile

Ah you know how to make a gal smile! Biggrin

Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)


Ocean wrote:

That's nice, i do too.

Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)

and here I thought we were going to see a fight. Sad

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:
and here I thought we were going to see a fight. Sad

I considered it. But hey there's already too much bitterness in the world!

Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)

Ocean wrote:
Truth's_Razors wrote:

That's nice, i do too.

I like The Fresh Prince of Bel air too



(gutteddd You - another time maybe - never say never)

Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)

YEH, its all about F.R.I.E.N.D.S!

FRIENDS gets old though. you have to be in a pecific age bracket to find it funny.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

feefs wrote:
YEH, its all about F.R.I.E.N.D.S!

Don't try it Feefolia!

Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)

yeh im sorry, you're too old.
It's for teens - mid 20s
Blum 3

Truth's_Razors wrote:
feefs wrote:
YEH, its all about F.R.I.E.N.D.S!

Don't try it Feefolia!

feefolia?! LOL

feefs wrote:
Truth's_Razors wrote:

Don't try it Feefolia!

feefolia?! LOL

Yup - marvelous eh

Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)

feefs wrote:
Truth's_Razors wrote:

Don't try it Feefolia!

feefolia?! LOL

Yup - marvelous eh

Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)

feefs wrote:

Truth's_Razors wrote:
Don't try it Feefolia!

feefolia?! LOL

Yup - marvelous eh[/quote]
indeed Smile

I love Fresh Prince Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin

Makes me so happy. Smile


I was just waiting for you to comment.

MuslimBro wrote:
I was just waiting for you to comment.


One of my favourite shows ever.

as much as I adore Will Smith (totally and utterly), I realised that his character (no matter how great) is actually rather horrible – funny, great-looking but horrible – making fun of Uncle Phil (weight and baldness), Geoffrey (Britishness – Robobutler - grinno) and Carlton (blackness, height)

Stop analysing!

The Fresh Prince – man some episodes are emotional (the time when Carlton took pills from Will’s locker or when Will’s ‘homeboy’ from Philly came down and liked Hillary (‘I need $300’) – what was his name – um um um ooh Ice Tray – NOT Ice Box (heh).

Or when Will's father leaves him again?

Have you seen behind the scenes special?


Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin

i love that show!! and he's got such a sharp tongue!! But i mean, thats what being black is all about right? the awesome comebacks!

(have you seen the episode where he's fighting with this girl, with them "your mum's so this and that" and in the end they go out together?! that was just Lol )

or the one when he introduces the family, "this is my aunt Viv, this is my cousin Ashley, this is Carlton [disses his height] and ALL OF THIS *waves arm about* is my Uncle Phil" Lol

true say what you said about young black kids not using Luther King and Malcom X as example, but i guess its where you live, LK and MX didnt tell them how to stay alive living in them "hood" they had to learn from the "older brothers"'s usually when they get older and finally made it out alive that they can start looking at LK and MX. i guess, complete assumptions and guesses that last para was.

i wonder what he thinks of himself when he looks back on that series, or when Jaden looks at it...

have you seen Seven pounds?

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

s.b.f wrote:
Stop analysing!

Pshhh leave me alone!

s.b.f wrote:

Or when Will's father leaves him again?

Have you seen behind the scenes special?

I was going to write that one - he gets ready to go and his pops says he can't take him along - V sad!

Are you talking about the b.t.s when Carlton runs out to the audience?

Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)

OOOOH, i love the fresh prince as well!! AND i watch it with subs as well, but then again i watch anything with subs, when i pointed this out to my friends, one of them said me too and i got all excited and said SEE HE DOES IT TOO!!
but then he decided to add "when its on mute!"
lol, anyhoo....i dnt rlly think will's got a bad character, its all part of the fun! another program like that would be Friends, especially the latter episodes, i practically know all of them Smile

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"

lol lol and lol again you have toooooo much time on your hands dude to be literally emorising and quoting every fresh prince episode out lol

The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform

if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.

mush91 wrote:
lol lol and lol again you have toooooo much time on your hands dude to be literally emorising and quoting every fresh prince episode out lol

LOL well having seen the episodes before - and watching them again during my breaks, an hour = two episodes and a half = one episode, i watched three a day! His lines are so cool that i remember a lot of them without even trying - GRIN!

Although, update: I've moved on from The Fresh Prince to watching (this week) The Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemption (both GREAT films) Oh and watched Alpha Dogs today (i think i've got 15 minutes left though - until tomo!

Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)

Truth's_Razors wrote:
mush91 wrote:
lol lol and lol again you have toooooo much time on your hands dude to be literally emorising and quoting every fresh prince episode out lol

LOL well having seen the episodes before - and watching them again during my breaks, an hour = two episodes and a half = one episode, i watched three a day! His lines are so cool that i remember a lot of them without even trying - GRIN!

Although, update: I've moved on from The Fresh Prince to watching (this week) The Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemption (both GREAT films) Oh and watched Alpha Dogs today (i think i've got 15 minutes left though - until tomo!

haha yes yes some of his lines are good you know
like 'girl your feet must be tired because you been running through my mind all day' Smile
and that other one where he says something like oh who cares i cant remember lol but he disses uncle phil Blum 3

who remembers kenen and kel 'I DO I DO I DO-OOO' Wink

ok i watched them before but i cant remember even what happens on it.
i like lion king (classic)
and im still waiting for a good scary film that can scare me since theres not been one for years.

The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform

if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.

mush91 wrote:
Truth's_Razors wrote:

LOL well having seen the episodes before - and watching them again during my breaks, an hour = two episodes and a half = one episode, i watched three a day! His lines are so cool that i remember a lot of them without even trying - GRIN!

Although, update: I've moved on from The Fresh Prince to watching (this week) The Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemption (both GREAT films) Oh and watched Alpha Dogs today (i think i've got 15 minutes left though - until tomo!

haha yes yes some of his lines are good you know
like 'girl your feet must be tired because you been running through my mind all day' Smile
and that other one where he says something like oh who cares i cant remember lol but he disses uncle phil Blum 3

who remembers kenen and kel 'I DO I DO I DO-OOO' Wink

ok i watched them before but i cant remember even what happens on it.
i like lion king (classic)
and im still waiting for a good scary film that can scare me since theres not been one for years.

OMG i was totally remembering kenan and kel this week!! (dude, u were so meant to be on this site!! :D) though i decided to pay dues to my buddy Spongebob, hes pretty hilarious himself (go watch the movie!!)

and Will is ALWAYS dissin uncle phil lol.
and as for scary movies, the only one ive ever watched from beginning to end was Dark Water (the original) i thought that was pretty allright...
and last but not least...i luurve the beginning of Lion King, before Elton John opens his mouth and ruins the whole thing!! :x

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"

bilan wrote:
mush91 wrote:

haha yes yes some of his lines are good you know
like 'girl your feet must be tired because you been running through my mind all day' Smile
and that other one where he says something like oh who cares i cant remember lol but he disses uncle phil Blum 3

who remembers kenen and kel 'I DO I DO I DO-OOO' Wink

ok i watched them before but i cant remember even what happens on it.
i like lion king (classic)
and im still waiting for a good scary film that can scare me since theres not been one for years.

OMG i was totally remembering kenan and kel this week!! (dude, u were so meant to be on this site!! :D) though i decided to pay dues to my buddy Spongebob, hes pretty hilarious himself (go watch the movie!!)

and Will is ALWAYS dissin uncle phil lol.
and as for scary movies, the only one ive ever watched from beginning to end was Dark Water (the original) i thought that was pretty allright...
and last but not least...i luurve the beginning of Lion King, before Elton John opens his mouth and ruins the whole thing!! :x

lol i know man sooooo toally dude Biggrin
yeah i got the movie at home Smile (actually we got the movie cover the DVD's lost) Blum 3

yeah i know he is. hes evil like that ini Biggrin
whats dark water? i dont think i even heard of it Blum 3
you mean the bit where their like 'aza banya wa bibi shibaba'? Smile

The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform

if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.

oh dude ur the best lol!

yh i mean exactly that bit, they shouldve added it to all the movies! i just replay that but of the movie when im feeling it lol!

dark water, came out i think in 2003/4 (the original)
then they had the american version come out of course way later...dnt knw any other scary movies, due to the fact that they scare me (surprise suprise)

i tried watching the got messy.... Fool

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"

This thread makes me so happy. I just need to read it that's all.


bilan wrote:
oh dude ur the best lol!

yh i mean exactly that bit, they shouldve added it to all the movies! i just replay that but of the movie when im feeling it lol!

dark water, came out i think in 2003/4 (the original)
then they had the american version come out of course way later...dnt knw any other scary movies, due to the fact that they scare me (surprise suprise)

i tried watching the got messy.... Fool

noooooooo we're the best dude Biggrin

haha yeah that bit was quite siik thats songs called circle of life Blum 3
and the elton john song is can you feeel the love tonight Smile seee i know Lol

yeah lucky you get scared easily for me its not that easy. i really want to be scared by a film and not get haunted in real life Sad not that i do but you know Biggrin

the ring wasnt scary :S
you should watch the unborn thats scaryer but it gets stupid after like 15mins
i cant wait for the new transformers and fast&the furious 5 and the new pirates of the carribean to come out now Smile

The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform

if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.

s.b.f wrote:
This thread makes me so happy. I just need to read it that's all.

why does it make you happy dude?
yes yes we make you happy Wink im proud of myself now Biggrin

The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform

if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
