A little rush of happiness

So I went shopping a couple of days ago (ok twice that) – mainly for essentials (shoes, shoes um shoes) – it took forever!

Like I loveee buying new shoes ESP when they’re beautiful and on sale! Yay! But I had set out reminding myself that these were WORK shoes which meant comfort over the style (but doesn’t look too bad either - because you buy normal shoes - heels - knowing they might hurt, you know?) hence the reason why it took ages. Usually what happens is I just wander into Shop A and see some lovely shoes staring at me and I’m like, let’s try them on and check the price and then if all goes well they get bought and are put under my bed (to hide from my mum – I joke – now I lie – it’s half to hide them and half because these are the shoes I’m planning to wear in the summer).

But this time I had a tough time finding stuff to buy – and the annoying other shoppers didn’t help (except two). I was frustrated at the fact that people bumped into me and didn’t apologise – I was so annoyed I um kinda said ‘Oh sorry! – Hey that’s alright!’ as they walked past to emphasise how it’s meant to go. Ah HELLOOO I’m WALKING HERE! Annoying.

Anyyyyyyywayyy. I finally found some black suede wedges with wool around the top and laces – boots I guess - ok not the best description but hey they’re absolutely BEAUTTTTTTIFUL.

Only thing is I couldn’t figure out why the size 5 seemed massive on my feet so I hurry to grab the size 4 (I’ve never had to do that) and stick both in my basket thing realising I have only one pair and one boot in there. I’m getting all bothered because there’re way too many people hustling and bustling around me and I can’t find it.

This lovely lady (who I had just had a convo with - about the shoes around us) decides to help me and FINDS IT – and I’m thanking her gratefully and go to the home-ware section (where my sister was and where it’s basically ghost town for some reason) and sit down and try both on. Chose the size 4 in the end (decided that it was a better fit) and my sister and I went to pay. [Note: I decided to buy a second pair of shoes the next day to wear when I’m actually at work too – these were mainly to walk from my house to the bus stop/tube station – and when I go out of course]


I love the boots.

Ok so we’re paying, we’re paying and my brother rings my sister and asks if we want to go the Cinema. I’m like YEEEEEEES. I don’t go out much since this full time job thing – quite sad actually.

Anyway it turns out that my brother has tickets to watch the premiere of Tron at the o2. I’m like already on a high because of my shoes and then the o2 – man I was like wowwww. Ok I know, ‘calm down’ – my friend already said that. My other friends felt the excitement though – WOWWWW they say, WOWWW I say. Wow.

My first premiere – so yeh we watched the celebrities walk in Leicester Square on the big screen yada yada. Then the movie (moooovie? So Americaann! Ahem FILM) started – and I have the 3D glasses on – ahhhh wait I forgot.

We walked into the massivvvee room (leaveee me alone – this was my first ever premiere) and like my brother and sister go to the top and sit down – I’m like awed and then turn towards them and say ‘Ah there’s a bag of popcorn on this seat’ (thinking someone must be sitting there because they were the best seats in my opinion.) and my brother (or my sister) laughs in a ‘Shut up man’ sort of way and says ‘That’s yours’ and it clicks - Complimentary popcorn – SWEEEEEEEEEEET.

Ok so Tron 3D – was frickin brilliant – I LOVED it. The whole thing was brilliant, loved the special effects - the 3D was worth it, the plot was different (still need to watch the 1982 version though!) – EVERYTHING – I was sooo happyyyy (I didn’t realise buying shoes and going to a premiere could do that). I would love to watch it again – Oh and I had no idea what the heck Tron was before I saw it – Fresh eyes. It’s about being sucked into a game world – again lack of description I know!

But seriously – wow. Wow is the IT word today – grinnn! Then we got complimentary chocolate (I was thirsty though but couldn’t stop to grab a drink because the train was leaving) so I saved that (and left it in my locker at work – to be eaten another day).
Yup so that was fun.




Anyyyyyyywayyy. I finally found some black suede wedges with wool around the top and laces – boots I guess - ok not the best description but hey they’re absolutely BEAUTTTTTTIFUL.

Can i ask where from?

I saw something very similar to your description from DP, absolutely gorgeous.

Trust you to focus on the boots in that whole post.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Haha, i stopped reading after that paragraph.

I can't wait for the sales.

Noor wrote:

Anyyyyyyywayyy. I finally found some black suede wedges with wool around the top and laces – boots I guess - ok not the best description but hey they’re absolutely BEAUTTTTTTIFUL.

Can i ask where from?

I saw something very similar to your description from DP, absolutely gorgeous.

I think i've seen the ones at DP! Mine are from this lovely little shop (small-ish - random one) - I actually want to buy heeled Timberlands - oneee dayyy! Grinnn!

You wrote:
Trust you to focus on the boots in that whole post.

And i expected you to say something on Tron! (a little something for everyone!)

Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)


I rlly liked reading that post actually.... Smile

I think I saw the trailer for that tron movie (coulda been another one) but I liked the graphics (right word) for it, not sure id watch it though....i wanna watch due date!!

anyhoo....I have a nightmare when shopping, on the one hand I like clothes and stuff, but one the other hand I absolutely detest it!! it seems I can never find anything that I want or that looks nice! things always tend to look better on others, or is that just me???
people might say Im picky, but I just think im someone who knws exactly what they want, but cant always find...and same with boots, I have been forced to wear an abaya for the winter days, which isnt so bad (most of the days) but I cant find any boots to go with it (i tend to think boots with abayas is yukky) but i have given up on finding the 'perfect' pair of boots and just wear my normal shoes (which are falling apart by the way, no lie)
so yh...those are my complications when out shopping, fun isnt it (!)

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"

Haha. Good posting!

I havent been shopping in such a long time, which is definately unsual for me.I usually go every week.

I'm really feeling the UGGs at the moment though, ahhhh so comfortable, warm and cosy!

I have been forced to wear an abaya for the winter days, which isnt so bad (most of the days) but I cant find any boots to go with it (i tend to think boots with abayas is yukky) but i have given up on finding the 'perfect' pair of boots and just wear my normal shoes (which are falling apart by the way, no lie)

Lol, I used to think that also, but boots with some heel (about 3 inches) on them look nice on abayas. Whats your 'normal' shoes? Dont tell me flats! It's just wayyyy too cold for them.

Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel.

I quite like my Rockport boots (if anyones interested) i orginally bought them for going hiking and now i jst seem to wear them all the time. Very comfortable and they look great Biggrin

Also I dont like the fact they're re-doing all the old movies like Tron :/
Im going to go watch Warriors Way later on tonight. Looks good.

Back in BLACK

Seraphim wrote:
I quite like my Rockport boots (if anyones interested) i orginally bought them for going hiking and now i jst seem to wear them all the time. Very comfortable and they look great Biggrin

Rockport boots are wayyyy coool! I just googled them to make sure they were the ones i thought they were and my nephew goes 'dada got dose choos' lol as in his pops has them Biggrin

Seraphim wrote:

Also I dont like the fact they're re-doing all the old movies like Tron :/
Im going to go watch Warriors Way later on tonight. Looks good.

I actually think it's meant to be a sort of follow on - although it didn't seem like it - it's called 'Tron: Legacy' so maybe? Hmm.

The Warriors Way - nicee - give us feedback, I want to watch it too!

Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)

Bijou wrote:
Haha. Good posting!

I havent been shopping in such a long time, which is definately unsual for me.I usually go every week.

I'm really feeling the UGGs at the moment though, ahhhh so comfortable, warm and cosy!

I have been forced to wear an abaya for the winter days, which isnt so bad (most of the days) but I cant find any boots to go with it (i tend to think boots with abayas is yukky) but i have given up on finding the 'perfect' pair of boots and just wear my normal shoes (which are falling apart by the way, no lie)

Lol, I used to think that also, but boots with some heel (about 3 inches) on them look nice on abayas. Whats your 'normal' shoes? Dont tell me flats! It's just wayyyy too cold for them.

its not flats, i think it too cold for them as well, though I see plenty of people wearing them, which makes me wanna ask 'do u not realise its winter????'
my regular shoes are, i dnt knw the name for them, but they are closed and everyone has them more or less (obviously from primark then lol) with thick socks...and i dnt wear heels, or pointy shoes, im casual all the way....i probably wont be buying any boots this winter...

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"


where have i been? (or maybe its some older generation movie) i've never even HEARD that before!


i bought boots too!! (the cold..the cold...the snow...the wet...i had to) and yeah i was really happy about them and wore them the next day...then...

talking to a friend, i say "this is the first time i buy boots, girly boots!!" and my friend looks at me "girly?"...so i look down at the boots and i say.."yeah...girly-ish...?" and she's just delivers the killer line--> "this was a total (or maybe it was complete) failure"

so yeah....girly boots or not, they're alright, they havent...eaten my foot alive..or anything...

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

When it comes to shoes, I tink there is only one failsaef method of finding out if they are girly or not...

"are they comfortable?"

If the answer is yes, they are not girly. If the answer is no, they are.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Lilly wrote:

where have i been? (or maybe its some older generation movie) i've never even HEARD that before!


i bought boots too!! (the cold..the cold...the snow...the wet...i had to) and yeah i was really happy about them and wore them the next day...then...

talking to a friend, i say "this is the first time i buy boots, girly boots!!" and my friend looks at me "girly?"...so i look down at the boots and i say.."yeah...girly-ish...?" and she's just delivers the killer line--> "this was a total (or maybe it was complete) failure"

so yeah....girly boots or not, they're alright, they havent...eaten my foot alive..or anything...

LOL ah Lils as ALWAYS, thou knows how to make moi smileee!

(I've been at work - overtime kills sigh)

Oki dokey so your boottsss, girly-ness is in the eye of the beholder! Pink = defo girly = eww. Yours aren't pink are they?!

Describeee them!

Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)

Yay! this blog was worth the wait Biggrin

What can I say, apart from "wow" you're day sounds so "wow" Blum 3 Biggrin

It's funny how you thought that that seat was someone else's cuz of the popcorn though Blum 3 (I would totally think like that too! :oops: hehe)

And congrats on the boots! Biggrin I need some boots.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

i like what you say You.

my boots are black, mid calf, laces going up all the way, but they are just for show as they are zips on the sides. it has a square heel, and rounded front (urgh urgh urght at point fronts)

ok fine..they look a bit goth..but..I TRIED MY BEST!

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:
i like what you say You.

my boots are black, mid calf, laces going up all the way, but they are just for show as they are zips on the sides. it has a square heel, and rounded front (urgh urgh urght at point fronts)

ok fine..they look a bit goth..but..I TRIED MY BEST!

same dnt like pointy fronts....theyre too ladylike.....

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"

Noor wrote:
Haha, i stopped reading after that paragraph.

I can't wait for the sales.



bilan wrote:
Lilly wrote:
i like what you say You.

my boots are black, mid calf, laces going up all the way, but they are just for show as they are zips on the sides. it has a square heel, and rounded front (urgh urgh urght at point fronts)

ok fine..they look a bit goth..but..I TRIED MY BEST!

same dnt like pointy fronts....theyre too ladylike.....

+ 1. I dont like them either, I call em witches shoes lol... Biggrin

Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel.

Bijou wrote:
bilan wrote:

same dnt like pointy fronts....theyre too ladylike.....

+ 1. I dont like them either, I call em witches shoes lol... Biggrin


"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"

bilan wrote:
Bijou wrote:

+ 1. I dont like them either, I call em witches shoes lol... Biggrin


I like them - usually. i miss the pair of 'pointy' boots i wore at school.

Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)

Truth's_Razors wrote:
bilan wrote:


I like them - usually. i miss the pair of 'pointy' boots i wore at school.

I've had a rethink...I need some shoes and im not meaning the ones im wearing now....in fact these days i feel ive seen one abaya days too many!! I havent worn trousers in a long time and not rlly cos I feel that there is anything wrong with them, its just (someones mentioned it before i think) the hassle of finding anything to wear with them is just such a HASSLE!!! and im already impossible to do any shopping with for loadsa reasons which im nt gonna go into now....SO if you guys have any suggestions on how to revamp my abaya or a style, going for the smart/casual look???? thats why i think i need shoes, right now im wearing grey plimssols, but this is too casual and I dont think would go well with the smart side of smart/casual

Note: people might say im fussy, but i just think i knw what i like and wht i dnt like, any help in my fashion dillema would be ever so helpful!! (i only wear abayas during winter or cant be bothered days)

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"