Hollywood would have us believe that crying is theraputic. And to a certain extent I agree. But its like Freud said, sometimes a tear is just a tear. And sometimes there maybe a thought behind it worth looking at. Either way have tissues ready.
Flashback to ten years ago when I was desparately trying to get my Dad to understand why I was upset with him. What I remember to this day is that moment when Dad told me to 'Stop Crying' which upset me even more and i remember saying something like "I cry, thats what i do. So just listen to what im saying." And low and behold he listened.
What i learnt from that particular experience was
1) I was done apologising for my tears. Growing up I was constantly told crying was a weakness and to cut it out. Well, to hell with that. Some of us just have low tearfulness thresholds and those that dont can just put up with it.
2) Although it can have a theraputic affect, it can also be more of a reflex thing. Sort of the fight or flight variety.
3) Tears can help elevate mood. Something to do with our manganese levels.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
What i was a trying to say was; cry if you feel like it. It doesn't make you weak any more than shouting makes you well 'ard.
It's like reading about myself.........i too am told that crying is a sign of weakness!!!! But i don't agree.......i just cry.....i can't really help it!!!!!!!
Stay Safe
Thumbs up!
(My dad tells me to 'stop getting emotional' - argh!)
Although recently - for the first time EVER, i told myself not to cry over a particular situation and it kinda feels exhilarating!
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
Cry babies
(kidding... its ok. You guys can go ahead and cry. Ill allow it. Im jst that cool.)
Back in BLACK
Or maybe it's because you're secretly one of us!
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
It's true, tears water our hearts and sometimes wash the pain away and you know once in a while we need to cry and wash our tears so that we can see life with a clearer view again!

But the thing is with me, I can't cry in front of anyone, it always has to be behind closed doors or in bed at night.I don't know why, I guess I just don't want people to feel the pain I'm feeling or because I'm afrraid or beacuse I prefer people to see me happy, instead of hurting or sad. I mean I was at my cousins rukhsaty and I was quite close to her as I shared a bedroom with her for 4 years and at the ceremony I had to go the bathroom to have my cry, I know I'm bad right? Then I came out and acted all brave and took charge when my auntie had a little moment (fainting and all that), just to get away from my emotions.
I myself hate seeing people cry, I always want to make things better, even when I know I can't. The thing that hurts me the most is when I see my mum and dad crying. I just can't see them sad, it hurts too much. I try soo hard not to cry in front of them and when I see them cry, it just adds to the pain. Anyways enough about me and my emotions and my parents.
The thing that I hate about crying is when you've done you look at yourself in the mirror and try to wipe away the evidence of the tears, you still have red and puffy eyes.
Tears are words that your heart expresses and they are very precious, they are summer showers to the soul. I can maybe write a whole essay on tears, but I've got to go and look through my ISA notes for my CA tomorrow.
Your Partner In Tear
Love allthatsprkles95
yeah i useto be told not to cry when i was younger lol
i was like w himpy kid when it came to my family lol i useto cry while i told whoever about what happened
but as i grew up i actually find it soooo dificult to cry no matter how much im hurting inside i literally remember every time i've cried during the past 8 years
people have nopw started to see me as the happy dude and IT DONT HELP WHEN IM UPSET IM STILL SOMEHOW THE HAPPY DUDE lol
but crying is good it helps to relieve the tension and anxiety and emotions in our heart
the prophet (SAW) useto cry for us and our mothers always cry for us when we are in trouble or anything happens
dont stop your tears let them out dude
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
I cry when im angry and i hate it, cos i dnt even want to cry, like when ur sad..and it just gets in the way of things..so annoying!!!
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
bless you man i can imagine you crying for no reason but atm your spongebob in my head since i dont actually know what you look like
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.