Published by Samurai on 26 September, 2010 - 13:54
I am afraid yes
35% (69 votes)
Not at all
26% (52 votes)
I am really trying to quit
40% (79 votes)
Total votes: 200
Submitted by Seraphim on 26 September, 2010 - 20:46 #1
Yes.. i am really trying to be quite.
Back in BLACK
Submitted by alicia0945 on 27 September, 2010 - 07:47 #2
Honestly, i think i lie often these days, though Im really trying to eradicate it..coz its beginning to be like a habit to me but i am seeking professional help like counseling or the likes. I also talk to my close friends regarding this and they are helping me little by little to not do it constantly.
Submitted by Feef (not verified) on 27 September, 2010 - 16:30 #3
Ocean wrote:
Correction: quiET
Submitted by TPOS on 27 September, 2010 - 20:32 #4
Ocean wrote:
I did that on purpose!
I'd believe you if the sentence made sense.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Submitted by LookingToSee on 27 September, 2010 - 20:38 #5
not a wide range of options...who can tick "not at all"
didnt vote yet.
BUT i wanted to create a forum topic about this (and deception) but Samurai beats me to it. so i'll just post here
so, deception and lying? do they ALWAYS go hand in hand?
can you deceive but not lie?
is deception mentioned in ahadith and Quran? or is it understood in the meaning of lying?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Submitted by Samurai on 29 September, 2010 - 14:22 #6
i believe deception is mentioned. i dont remember the ayat but we should search and find out. do tell me when you do.
Submitted by Suhail (not verified) on 6 October, 2010 - 01:45 #8
erm try not to but sometimes just happens (half asleep) mostly dad phones me sometime after 1pm and asks am i awake, i say 'yh dad im awake, woke up at 10ish see ya when u get back' i think he knows that i just woke up but doesnt really say anything resolution wake up on time
I hate it when other people ask you to lie for them. Do you or don't you? :X
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Submitted by Bijou on 30 October, 2010 - 09:07 #10
You don't! Otherwise you will be held accountable for it , not the person that told you to lie in the first place.
I never lie hehe (Oh god, now that I've said that I hope I dont get jinxed and start lying... :oops: )
Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel.
Submitted by Bijou on 30 October, 2010 - 09:16 #11
Lilly wrote:
not a wide range of options...who can tick "not at all"
didnt vote yet.
BUT i wanted to create a forum topic about this (and deception) but Samurai beats me to it. so i'll just post here
so, deception and lying? do they ALWAYS go hand in hand?
can you deceive but not lie?
is deception mentioned in ahadith and Quran? or is it understood in the meaning of lying?
Lie: a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.
Deception: the act of deceiving; the state of being deceived.
something that deceives or is intended to deceive; fraud; artifice.
When you lie you are giving false information to someone ,and when you deceive someone you are giving them a wrong impression of something. So yes, I believe they do go hand in hand, but I don't think they always do. People lie for different reasons, some people lie to get out of trouble from parents for example now that I believe would mean they are deceiving their parents into thinking they did nothing when in fact they did do something (that would be deception and lying)..hhmm..but then some people lie for a good cause (with the intention of protecting someone/something or along these lines) and I'm not sure if that comes under deception..hmm ...something to think about.
I know hadith has information on lying and deceiving , not sure about Quran though.
Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel.
You don't! Otherwise you will be held accountable for it , not the person that told you to lie in the first place.
lol i know that! Just meant hate being put in that position! why do people put you in such awkward positions?! :/
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Submitted by Bilan on 13 February, 2011 - 10:35 #13
Lilly wrote:
not a wide range of options...who can tick "not at all"
didnt vote yet.
BUT i wanted to create a forum topic about this (and deception) but Samurai beats me to it. so i'll just post here
so, deception and lying? do they ALWAYS go hand in hand?
can you deceive but not lie?
is deception mentioned in ahadith and Quran? or is it understood in the meaning of lying?
i think u can tick 'not at all' because the poll asks if u lie often...which i would say is different to 'do you lie'. no-one can say 'not at all' to tht!
but i dnt understand why people lie in the first place! sure sometimes a little (white) lie tht is hardly worth noticing like
"who ate the last slice of cake???"
"Dad" (when it was rlly you)
a little lie like tht to get outta trouble I totally understand, but when people lie when u just ask them a normal question i think tht is just unnecessary. i still consider something a lie when when someone generalises ie. uve done something often but not all the time and another person says tht u DO do it all the time/ (does tht make sense?)
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
Submitted by Samurai on 13 February, 2011 - 11:17 #14
Nicely done.
In the name of Allah, to serve, the samurai...
Submitted by TPOS on 13 February, 2011 - 13:52 #15
bilan wrote:
but i dnt understand why people lie in the first place! sure sometimes a little (white) lie tht is hardly worth noticing like
"who ate the last slice of cake???"
"Dad" (when it was rlly you)
a little lie like tht to get outta trouble I totally understand, but when people lie when u just ask them a normal question i think tht is just unnecessary. i still consider something a lie when when someone generalises ie. uve done something often but not all the time and another person says tht u DO do it all the time/ (does tht make sense?)
I don't think thats a white lie (esp since you're trying to get out of trouble). I think a white lie is more like "Do you like my dress" "yeh, its pretty" (when you don't really like it)
It's thinking things like that are white lies, and even white lies themselves which make people get into the habit of lying so even (whatever you class as) white lies should be avoided.
I know someone who lies for no reason, like you said. She seems to loves lying as a joke/to get out of trouble etc and so it has now become a habit for her to lie in a normal conversation too. She lies when there really is no need for it and then says "it was easier to lie" when actually a comment may not even be necessary never mind a lie - sometimes it makes me Q what she says but if it doesn't affect me I just ignore it tbh.
So yeah back to the point lol - the more white lies you tell the more you feel you can get away with other lies to get out of trouble, avoid work blah blah blah and then it just becomes normal to lie.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Submitted by Bilan on 13 February, 2011 - 14:07 #16
ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:
bilan wrote:
but i dnt understand why people lie in the first place! sure sometimes a little (white) lie tht is hardly worth noticing like
"who ate the last slice of cake???"
"Dad" (when it was rlly you)
a little lie like tht to get outta trouble I totally understand, but when people lie when u just ask them a normal question i think tht is just unnecessary. i still consider something a lie when when someone generalises ie. uve done something often but not all the time and another person says tht u DO do it all the time/ (does tht make sense?)
I don't think thats a white lie (esp since you're trying to get out of trouble). I think a white lie is more like "Do you like my dress" "yeh, its pretty" (when you don't really like it)
It's thinking things like that are white lies, and even white lies themselves which make people get into the habit of lying so even (whatever you class as) white lies should be avoided.
I know someone who lies for no reason, like you said. She seems to loves lying as a joke/to get out of trouble etc and so it has now become a habit for her to lie in a normal conversation too. She lies when there really is no need for it and then says "it was easier to lie" when actually a comment may not even be necessary never mind a lie - sometimes it makes me Q what she says but if it doesn't affect me I just ignore it tbh.
So yeah back to the point lol - the more white lies you tell the more you feel you can get away with other lies to get out of trouble, avoid work blah blah blah and then it just becomes normal to lie.
i feel the same way, if its true its true, and vice versa. ive seen people get rlly annoyed about catchin people when theyr lying.
but when ur pointing out the dress is pretty when u dnt think it is, are not tryna get outa trouble same as denying tht u ate the last slice of cake????
yes u cn get into the habit of lying, but only if u let urself, so it all depends rlly...i dnt think i will be me iA cos if it was gnna happen, it woulda happened by now
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
Submitted by TPOS on 13 February, 2011 - 14:12 #17
That's my definition of a white lie - like I said I think white lies - whatever you define them as should be avoided IMO.
And also theres no reason why you would get in trouble for saying "I don't like your dress" - it may stop their feelings being hurt though. But theres also ways around that too like you could say "Yeh, it's not really my sort of thing" or something like that which would help you avoid lying.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
as humans, we dont have clear cut barriers etc.. so when does a lie become not so white anymore? as you get use to lying the barrier will be pushed and pushed and you wont realise it and at some point..well..barrier's gone. just like PofS's example kinda show
i try to stay out of lying as much as possible... im scared of finding out about non-verbal lies. i dont think im reading to look into it (if they exist).
verbal lies are already a handful..even the jokey one. like last time. i was being stupid (in reference to the movie hide and seek) and kept saying "It wasnt me it was charlie" about everything and anything, at some point i started to feel was lying...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Submitted by TPOS on 13 February, 2011 - 14:23 #19
What do you mean by non-verbal lie?
And maybe you realised the joke was getting old
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi in you odnt lie..but you dont tell the truth either..and the other person might think one or the other, is this lying to them? is this deceiving them? what is this?!
ah no..the joke wasnt getting old, i was blaming everything on Charlie and everytime i saw a friend i would shout it in their face, their poor confused faces...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Submitted by TPOS on 14 February, 2011 - 22:45 #21
Lilly wrote: in you odnt lie..but you dont tell the truth either..and the other person might think one or the other, is this lying to them? is this deceiving them? what is this?!
Deceiving, I think.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Yes.. i am really trying to be quite.
Back in BLACK
Honestly, i think i lie often these days, though Im really trying to eradicate it..coz its beginning to be like a habit to me but i am seeking professional help like counseling or the likes. I also talk to my close friends regarding this and they are helping me little by little to not do it constantly.
I'd believe you if the sentence made sense.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
not a wide range of options...who can tick "not at all"
didnt vote yet.
BUT i wanted to create a forum topic about this (and deception) but Samurai beats me to it. so i'll just post here
so, deception and lying? do they ALWAYS go hand in hand?
can you deceive but not lie?
is deception mentioned in ahadith and Quran? or is it understood in the meaning of lying?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
i believe deception is mentioned. i dont remember the ayat but we should search and find out. do tell me when you do.
In the name of Allah, to serve, the samurai...
Not at all.
Love is a serious mental disease.
erm try not to but sometimes just happens (half asleep) mostly dad phones me sometime after 1pm and asks am i awake, i say 'yh dad im awake, woke up at 10ish
see ya when u get back' i think he knows that i just woke up but doesnt really say anything resolution wake up on time
I hate it when other people ask you to lie for them. Do you or don't you? :X
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
You don't! Otherwise you will be held accountable for it , not the person that told you to lie in the first place.
I never lie
hehe (Oh god, now that I've said that I hope I dont get jinxed and start lying... :oops: )
Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel.
Lie: a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.
Deception: the act of deceiving; the state of being deceived.
something that deceives or is intended to deceive; fraud; artifice.
When you lie you are giving false information to someone ,and when you deceive someone you are giving them a wrong impression of something. So yes, I believe they do go hand in hand, but I don't think they always do. People lie for different reasons, some people lie to get out of trouble from parents for example now that I believe would mean they are deceiving their parents into thinking they did nothing when in fact they did do something (that would be deception and lying)..hhmm..but then some people lie for a good cause (with the intention of protecting someone/something or along these lines) and I'm not sure if that comes under deception..hmm ...something to think about.
I know hadith has information on lying and deceiving , not sure about Quran though.
Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel.
lol i know that! Just meant hate being put in that position! why do people put you in such awkward positions?! :/
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
i think u can tick 'not at all' because the poll asks if u lie often...which i would say is different to 'do you lie'. no-one can say 'not at all' to tht!
but i dnt understand why people lie in the first place! sure sometimes a little (white) lie tht is hardly worth noticing like
"who ate the last slice of cake???"
"Dad" (when it was rlly you)
a little lie like tht to get outta trouble I totally understand, but when people lie when u just ask them a normal question i think tht is just unnecessary. i still consider something a lie when when someone generalises ie. uve done something often but not all the time and another person says tht u DO do it all the time/ (does tht make sense?)
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
Nicely done.
In the name of Allah, to serve, the samurai...
I don't think thats a white lie (esp since you're trying to get out of trouble). I think a white lie is more like "Do you like my dress" "yeh, its pretty" (when you don't really like it)
It's thinking things like that are white lies, and even white lies themselves which make people get into the habit of lying so even (whatever you class as) white lies should be avoided.
I know someone who lies for no reason, like you said. She seems to loves lying as a joke/to get out of trouble etc and so it has now become a habit for her to lie in a normal conversation too. She lies when there really is no need for it and then says "it was easier to lie" when actually a comment may not even be necessary never mind a lie - sometimes it makes me Q what she says but if it doesn't affect me I just ignore it tbh.
So yeah back to the point lol - the more white lies you tell the more you feel you can get away with other lies to get out of trouble, avoid work blah blah blah and then it just becomes normal to lie.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
i feel the same way, if its true its true, and vice versa. ive seen people get rlly annoyed about catchin people when theyr lying.
but when ur pointing out the dress is pretty when u dnt think it is, are not tryna get outa trouble same as denying tht u ate the last slice of cake????
yes u cn get into the habit of lying, but only if u let urself, so it all depends rlly...i dnt think i will be me iA cos if it was gnna happen, it woulda happened by now
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
That's my definition of a white lie - like I said I think white lies - whatever you define them as should be avoided IMO.
And also theres no reason why you would get in trouble for saying "I don't like your dress" - it may stop their feelings being hurt though. But theres also ways around that too like you could say "Yeh, it's not really my sort of thing" or something like that which would help you avoid lying.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
as humans, we dont have clear cut barriers etc.. so when does a lie become not so white anymore? as you get use to lying the barrier will be pushed and pushed and you wont realise it and at some point..well..barrier's gone. just like PofS's example kinda show
i try to stay out of lying as much as possible... im scared of finding out about non-verbal lies. i dont think im reading to look into it (if they exist).
verbal lies are already a handful..even the jokey one. like last time. i was being stupid (in reference to the movie hide and seek) and kept saying "It wasnt me it was charlie" about everything and anything, at some point i started to feel was lying...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
What do you mean by non-verbal lie?
And maybe you realised the joke was getting old
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi in you odnt lie..but you dont tell the truth either..and the other person might think one or the other, is this lying to them? is this deceiving them? what is this?!
ah no..the joke wasnt getting old, i was blaming everything on Charlie and everytime i saw a friend i would shout it in their face, their poor confused faces...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Deceiving, I think.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
is deceiving lying?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?