There used to be a couple of parents on here (not so many anymore), but maybe you've got experiences i dunno.
Whats your experience of babys or kids in general?
Any tricks you find that work? i.e. to get them to stop crying.
What do you think they should be tought... and at what age?
I find humming and rocking a baby back and forth helps (atleast it does with my nephew and niece).
Anyone ever seen Three Men and a Little Baby? Something like that lol.
Back in BLACK
Is there something you are trying to tell us?
Is this a Seraph junior running around anywhere?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
LOL, no
(altho i should have anticipated that Q)
No, theres no lil one... yet.
But have nieces and nephews. Wondering what other peoples experiences of kids was?
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Ive never actually asked so im gonna ask now.
Do you have kids? Do you want kids?
Do you have any experience of dealing with kids?
Back in BLACK
i've read baby manuals and one of them has really seen me through tough times, "The baby whisperer", by tracy hogg. there are equally good ones by gina ford and others, packed with great tips. I think the first baby you have is the most testing. After that you can say you are a graduate but not a post grad in rearing children. You will never be a post graduate, there will be problem after problem to solve as they grow up, and once they're adults it will not end.
The most important thing apart from love for a newborn is a routine. You may not be able to stick to it by the minute, but as long as you keep it as a guideline it will work miracles for you. Sleep deprivation really can cause marriage break ups. Couples will be fighting about who should do the 2 am bottle feed, which can take almost an hr for a few ounces. So time management is essential. Some parents still think its not a biggy, but i think it is. For example my sis in laws thght i was ott with a routine. But my kids are in bed between 6-6.30pm everyday unless they're ill and playing up. So i have some time to do deeni studies, or get some time to unwind. whereas my sis in laws kids who are now rampaging toddlers are still up until midnight or more depending on when their parents go to bed. So parents are always at the end of their wits, screaming at them. They get no break at all.
What tips do you want in particular?
For crying keep in mind the method you use to hush them will be the same method you will always have to use. You can break the pattern but it can be difficult. So if you rock a newborn to sleep standing up, be prepared to do this when they are 2 yrs old and a lot heavier. I know one parent who has to drive their child around the block, because this is what they did when they had a few sleepless nights. Now the baby refuses to sleep without a drive.
the book i used advocates swaddling tiny babies in a snuggly sheet. This prevents babies moving limbs about too much, preventing sleep. Small babies cannot control movement of limbs in fact it is a few wks before they even notice they have fingers, and when they see them they look in awe. They show you how to swaddle in hospital in case you're not sure. I'm a big fan of swaddling it works wonders. But basically put baby to edgde of blanket tuck in babies arms both if possible, then wrap long end of fabric firm but not too tight. Then put baby straight into crib. If baby is unsettled put your hand resting on them, so they can sense your presence. If this doesn't work then pick up the baby and start hushing. A hushing sound like shhh, mimics the sound the baby can hear in the womb. Babies find this comforting and calm down. But be prepared to do a lot of shhhhhing, it does work with tiny babies lol. She also says to pat the baby softly if hushing alone doesn't work, and avoid rocking. But i think rocking comes naturally i couldn't avoid it as much as i tried. I still rock my daughter to sleep sitting down i really don't mind because it doesn't hurt my arm like it would if i were standing up.
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
I don't babysit.
I have on occasion been around kids and I used "reward" to buy compliance. Reward the ones that behaved (sweets, chocolate) PUBLICLY infront of the ones that did not - on the condition that they did not share.
Next time they all behaved.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
depends on the child. Kids make your mind boggle. My son is 2 if he's naughty he goes in the naughty corner. But now cheeky chappy offers to go in the naughty corner. Amma shall i go in nawti corner? How many minutes? looool. As for sweeties. He will throw a tantrum if you used that trick on him. He cries until he throws up. But i know that trick too well. So i just move him off my carpets before he is sick, and after i've cleaned him he still gets no sweets, ooh i am so wicked! lol Its love he will realise when hes older.
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
I suppose you have to adapt over time. like a nuclear arms race.
(and mashallah)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Woh, thanx Hajjar.
Thats ALOT of useful info.
Was lookn mostly for how to deal with them. First time i was left with a Baby, i was like 0_0... its starts to cry.. and im like "what do you want?... just tell me and u can have it!!" lol
Thankfully im a lil more aware of how to deal with them.
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You have to deal with kids sensitively but assertively.
They have to understand that you do love them/care for them, but that there are rules and boundaries that they have to abide by.
awwwwwwwhh that is so cute! i can't wait to have kids, they're just adorable!
If they can walk then be very afraid muhahaha
3 men and a baby
The sequel is called three men and a little lady.
I'm actually rather ashamed to know that strait off the top of my head.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
^^^ what there was a sequel? Didnt realise the 1st one was such a big hit.
Yeah u should to be ashamed of yourself
I think what helps babies calm down most is obviously rocking them but more than that doing baby talk, most babies like interaction, best thing is if you babysit then babysit in the baby's home coz they are familiar with the area, some babies fear unfamiliar places.
I love children, my niece is far away and she is my one and only but looking are pics just make me wana grab her and bite her cheeks!!
Don't have any YET but whenever Allah (swt) blesses us.
See also the discussion with a mother nora , in the science forums, who was grilled for teaching evolution, and giving Richard Dawkins, to her 8 year old.
LOL, i actually did that the other day: looked at my fingers in awe.
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you big baby!
Lol, i was coming to the conclusion that Allah (swt) has blessed me with good steady hands.
Trying to count my blessing.
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My niece drooled all over my face... yuk lol
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How did that she taller than you? :twisted:
Lol noooo! We were playing and i was holding her over my head, next thing i know..... droool and then she laughs
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"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Its a good thing shes really cute... She'll see you eatting something and go 'de-de' (give) and do this opening and closing gesture with her hands when she wants something... which is whenever you're holding something she'll want it aswell lol
Too cute
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sister started muslil nursery: mashmouk? mashmoushk? (masmouk = whats your name)
and she was thinking something about Allah earlier "where is Allah?where is Allah? " or something like that..
mum was telling me how she kept saying "samaka samaka samaka samaka samaka" over and over and how much mum was guetting annoyed until she realised... [i was pissed so i said it was just her who would get annoyed...bad daughter?]
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
My sis had a baby girl, 2 weeks tomorrow exactly, munchkin is so adorable mashallah. Making hushing noises or rocking her helps. Shes so tiny and so adorable mashallah
I want kidssssssssssssss
But being the eldest, I've looked after my younger brother and sister as my own (who are now 10 and 11) ha the worst part is the crying!! I dont know how on earth to deal with that!!!! Its total madness it can drive someone crazy! Otherwise they are the most adorable little things.
Asking around myself about kids and little children,I've been told "its not as easy as you think , you know"...hearing that for some time has now kind of 'put me off'(not literally, but it just seems daunting and scary now)...
Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel.
@Angel - congrats. Duas of a long prosperous life and all that stuff.
Bijou - ear plugs should do the trick.
People have survived javing kids since the start of humanity, I am sure you will survive. Just pray that they are little (and then big) angels.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
My neighbours kid screams and cries for hours on end!! i think they're doing that thing where hes supposed to learn the people wont come everytime he cries... either that or they're bad parents.
Kids are always fascinated by keys for some reason... must be the shiney
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Lol yep thats defo true, I've got twins as nephews,one blonde and one black haired lol theyre the most adorable little things ever...and they are fascinated with keys! They would fight between themselves for it
its cute to see them do that lol
Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel.