Assalam-u-Alaikum all Muslim brothers and sisters. Hope all of you are doing really good in your lives. I really need advice from you guys. ALHMDLILAH I am better then millions out there but I am really tense now a days. One tension doesnt leave me and the second comes as if they were queued up. Tell me what to do, how to react to them. I am really faithful in HIS mercy and i know He tests our faith in the difficult times but i dont know how to react. What ayats to say? Any surah to end up difficulty? I am just 16 hope you all dont mind me asking silly questions if you think they are. Please make dua for my studies. I really want to finish off my study in UK. Pray for me. I feel that I am subjected to evil eyes. Tell me the solution. Currently I am facing some problems again.
Faithful In ALLAH's Mercy
Salam brother/sister,
many people can suffer depression. but it can be cured easily.
if you want to get rid of all the tension and stress in your mind then you have to please Allah.
To make Allah really happy, you will need to go to the funeral of Imam Hussain, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). It takes place every year for ten days. This year it will be between 8-18 december.
Just go and find the nearest Hussiania centre or an imambargah. Go there marghrib, ie sunset.
All the muslims in the area go and sit in the hall and listen to life story of Imam Hussain. You dont have to do anything else.
Speakers, one after the other tell people the tragic way he was killed. His family were also murdered. This makes people cry. They weep for Imam Hussain.
When you do that for 10 days, then Allah will automatically remove all worries and depression from your soul. It always works.
Allah loves Imam Hussain. He removes difficulties from those who show respect and attend his funeral. Its proven to work. Try it.
I go to pay my respects every year. I was in your position too and then Allah helped me and now I am not stressed at all.
Long live Imam Hussain - Leader of all the Martyrs.
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
I am sorry but I don't believe in this. Yes Hadhrat Hussain(RA) was the grandson of Rasool Sallalahu Allaihi Wassalam and we love and respect him, but there is no such thing that if you cry over his martyrdom all your problems will be eradicated.
What you say just does'nt make sense, if you really want to cry over something then cry over the sacrifices that Rasulullah Sallalahu Allaihi Wassalam has made for this ummah and the mockery we as muslims have made of his sunnah(way of life) today. Every friday the deeds of this ummah are revealed to Sayidina Ambiya Muhammad Sallalahu Allaihi Wassalam, imagine the condition of his heart to know about the evil and vices we as his ummah are involved in.
The kuffaar threw the intestines of camels on his back when he was is salaah, they threw dirt on him, he suffered such pangs of hunger he had to tie stones on his belly, have we forgotten Taif? The torture meeted out to our Nabi? He was stoned until his shoes were clogged in BLOOD!! Have we forgotten the Hijrah? leaving everything behind so that we today 1400YRS LATER can have the honour and privilege of being muslims???? He never forgot his ummah, you and I, (the worthless excuse of muslims that we are), he cried the entire night through until his blessed feet were swollen, at the time of his death he asks the angel of death to give him the pangs of death of his ENTIRE UMMAH!! No other nation was ever blessed with such a NABI!! That is not all, the day of ressurrection is when he will through his intervention save millions if not billions of us who are destined for hell, sent into the gardens of paradise. "IF YOU WANT TO CRY THEN CRY FOR MUHAMMAD SALLALAHU ALLAIHI WASSALAM"
Rather turn to allah and cry to him to assist you, there is no answerer of dua's but him. Get up for tahajjud salah daily and try to perform all your salaah in the masjid with the utmost of concentration and then see the contentment you will feel. Also try to read surah Yaseen every morning, allah will make the day easier for you insha allah.
Never have I dealt with anything more difficult than my own soul, which sometimes helps me and sometimes opposes me.
-Imam Al-Ghazali
Pray Surah Yusuf.
Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel.
apart from the fact it sounds slightly like you're saying worship Muhammad (Saw) (by crying for him, but i get what you mean)
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
When you cry for him its out of pure love and sincerity. Nothing to do with worship, we are Muslims we only WORSHIP Allah tala.
Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel.
yeh i know, i said i understand
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Oh my bad hehe. Yeah it can definitely been seen like that and a lot of people call this bidah and shirk which creates problems...
Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel.