:/ i did just shake a woman's seat for no apparent reason and, from my friend, with a completely straight face...
Lady on the bus, im so so so sorry...
Dont ever try to investigate a loose handle in the bus...
Oh no i didnt just..
Published by LookingToSee on 1 October, 2010 - 16:20
Seems like the silly girl was shaking the loose handle bar which was connected to the seat where someone was sitting.
Can you imagine Apologizing for something like that?
my friend was so stuñed she apologized too!
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Why would you even shake it for...if its loose then its loose. You don't try and shake it to see if it comes off.
i wasnt trying to shake it off!!
its called "an inquisitive" mind
i was holding on to it. i was a bit hyper and not feeling comfortable in the stupid BUS, so i needed to get the frustration out. I shaked the handle. i didnt expect the WHOLE seat to shake...
oh..i just saw the date...isnt that a lovely way to start october?
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i'm not sure if it was frustration or just the crazy impulses i get. anyway...it was raining that day, so the bus was steamy. i hate steamy buses.
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i'm not sure if it was frustration or just the crazy impulses i get. anyway...it was raining that day, so the bus was steamy. i hate steamy buses.
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Try driving a steamy car.
I discovered yesterday that riding a scooter in the rain isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Was wearing water-proof gear.
if you're wearing waterproof gear...
but a scooter and wet road =/
steamy car..at least its YOUR car...
fine..imagine a STEAMY 25!
ok, i wouldnt even wish my enemy to get on a steamy (packed) 25...
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Stop shaking people's thingy's ok. JUST LEAVE IT ALONE!! Is that sooooo difficult to do, lucky it was not a guy sitting there. What do you think he would have thought?? Poor Ol Lilly. Wish I could have saw your face, all dumbstruck.
Never have I dealt with anything more difficult than my own soul, which sometimes helps me and sometimes opposes me.
-Imam Al-Ghazali
i wasnt so dumbstruck...let's say that it was just TOO much and this wa sthe only way to let it out, better than punch someone or something...
poor poor woman...
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Sooo wat ur sayin is, u wer a terrifying muslim that day?
Hhmmm wayda re-inforce the stereotype lils.
*Mock shock* could it be...that you are...calling me a... terrorist??? O.O
wait, you lame G!! Dont try putting anything over me with THAT language!
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A terrifying terrorist :badgrin:
Hey I aint da one shakin up old ladys yo. For shame lils, ur givin mooozlems a bad rep. Now dat old ladys gonna go tell all her cronies and den they gonna go tell all their other cronies. Old peeps talk yo, coz dats all they got.
ARGH MY HEAD!!! it hurts!
actually it wasnt an old lady!! BLEEHHH it was a normal looking young-ish female (witness Lilly and her inability to tell ages) and she was Black. So if she had wanted to, she could have gotten really angry but she didnt do anything! SO THERE GANGSTER!
she doesnt need to be black to beat me up..if you're an average year 8..then you've got good chances....
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