Police shoot dead 18 during protests in Kashmir

Police have shot dead 18 civilians in the deadliest day in Indian-administered Kashmir since protests erupted three months ago.

A policeman was also killed when he was run over by a lorry.

The BBC's Altaf Hussain in Srinagar says reports of Koran desecration in the US have stoked anger.

Scores of Kashmiris have now died since June, when anti-India protests broke out after police shot dead a teenager.

Read more @ BBC News

Kashmir has been in lock down for the last 6months! No buisnesses are open and no one can easily arrive or leave the country...even sending or recieving mail is hassle in that country.

A friend of mine has made the grave error of getting involved with a guy from kashmir.

a brother i know from a differnt forum made me aware of the problems in kashmir. ignorant as i am i didn't realise things were as bad as they are in palestine. Last link he gave me the indian police were filmed in uniform parading the naked body of a man through the streets. they were beating him on his bare skin, and laughing about it. it's disgusting what is happening there. i'm surprised it doesn't get as much attention as palestine, afghanistan and iraq-WHY?

p.s muslim sis is it a grave error because she can never be with him, or is he "wanted" by the indian authorities, or some other reason?

my sisters best friend lives in kashmir. After she married she decied to live back home in kashmir she liked the lifestyle and wanted to raise kids there. ive known her and family since i was a kid, i hope she is safe and well.

“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]

my friend wants to marry a guy she knows from there...and naturally her family wants to meet the boy and his family but it is next to impossible to get into the country...she cant even send/recieve mail from him.

its interesting that you've mentioned that you know someone that is happily settled down there..

ive only ever seen pictures, and descriptions from friends, i wouldn't mind visiting. obviously now is not a good time, one day insha'Allah, have friends there so possiblity. it looks beautiful over there, shame about the bloodshed. indian police known for shooting down kids a lot, same old news, kids throw stones, they shoot kids, sounds like palestine.

P.S insh'Allah they will find a way to get in touch soon.

“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]