The dinner, IFTAAR* was brilliant! I made the food man, I MADE IT. ME! By myself! Ok I have cooked before of course but it’s mainly been for family members (like my own house of siblings and parents which doesn't count much since they have a kind of 'I'll eat it, even if it's not that good' attitude - but my sister not the one with the kids, thinks i cook pretty yum food) – So yeh cooking for close members of the family aside, I haven't made much (I'm talking proper big meals) except once – where my sister (the same one I just mentioned) and I (I made the main) had to make enough food for over, let me count.. Ok I can’t actually be bothered to count but it was definitely over 20 people, maybe it was 30!
Anyway today was my first ever dinner where I did everything (had a little help like cutting potatoes - thanks to my sister who I don’t talk about as much but exists all the same and is really quite the Star, ahem the one I mentioned twice up there *Arrow Up* or folding the shawarmas). I am officially a grown up! Ha yeh whatever that means.
I actually wanted to upload a picture tonight but with the hectic running around I couldn’t find my phone (or a charged camera!)so used my friends phone who has decided to stay over my other friends house which means that the friend whose phone it is, can't actually send me the pictures until she leaves the other friends house and goes home. (There are too many friends involved!) If you get me.
Given, the Tabbouleh, I thought, had a little too much garlic or was it ginger? Give me a second to remember the taste..
Garlic. It was. But hey it was still cool. I also added Jelly to the dessert section, (nothing really Lebanese about it) simply because um hey it’s jelly - Halaal of course!
Oh anddd my friend asked me for the recipe of something – yay thumbs up, that’s always a good sign!
Anywayyy so you know how when you go over to someone’s house you give them a little something, usually a bottle of wine or something (I mean in Come Dine With Me –NOT that, that’s what I usually give or get. Come Dine With Me is cool) anyway I got Baklawa (the exact one I had bought just hours before) chocolates (we’ll conquer them tomorrow) and a plant. A PLANT! I loved it, it was my first ever plant present. It’s got little flowers growing which smell lovely. I love getting ‘my first.. presents’ I always remember them most.
My first perfume present was actually quite recently (given for my birthday), last year i think - ok not thattt recent (probably because I don’t really wear perfume that much – mainly the scented oil so no one bothered to consider it a potential present for me – I wasn’t really, *aren’t* thought of to be as girly as my sisters).
It was really good, I even decorated the seating area – we sat on the floor, I decided that my mum, my sister, nephews and brother deserved the table more than we did (also because I thought that this way we can follow the Sunnah – I actually thought that, grinnnnO – emphasis on the O!)
On a side note, the story of the ‘?!’: I rang the number from another number (as in not mine) and some girrrrl answered, one of those ‘Hello?!!?!?!’ people who answers the phone in a rude way so I put it down. (I know I dead-ended it again but I didn’t like the way she answered so I thought ‘yeh whatever’)
Um um um, ok tis the season to be jolly fa la la la la, la la la la. Ok what am I talking about?! I don’t know.
Time to wind down (do you see the ‘referring back to the title’ thing going on here)..

sounds like a great evening {sigh}
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Sounds like a good evening then.
However - presents? I had not considered that people do that.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
It was MashaAllah!
Of course you give presents! You can't go empty handed, no - no - no!
Even a flower that you picked from the person's garden is better than nothing (even though technically you're giving back what you stole from them!)
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
they'll never know...
anyway...go girl!!! omg! i cant imagine myself inviting my friends over and COOKING the food. it REALLY is a grown up thing...
PRESENTS!!! yay!! any opportunity is great to get presents. o.o EID PRESENTS! ohh god..havent finished guetting them... x/ and i HAVE to get them, because i dont give presents at b-days and stuff, EID is a MUST.
the end of ?! RIP. So? deleted the number?
DID YOU DRESS UP? o.O or did you receive your first flower present in joggers? o.O
me and plants...its a long story, but my mum has this things with plants, orchids especially, lets just say, she talks to them better than she talks to us. LOOL
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Lol i do feel grown up - kinda makes me look forward to having my own place and you know inviting people around (duh) although maybe not for Iftaar, maybe a lunch instead
Well '?!' - Deleting the number - good point, i actually haven't. It might just end up on The Prank List
I was actually planning to dress up, ran out of time. So i ended up in the same clothes i had on already (my abaya) um actually had my joggers on underneath lol
The plant was the coolest. It sits in my kitchen now.
Direct replies - like a general, in the wrong order though, oops
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
when i went on my residential thing, we had to cook our own food. it was fun
kinda made me look forward to it too. (ok so i never cooked anything, just helped with setting the table and erm, grated the cheese once...i had nice room mates :D) oh and one of the girl's burnt the recipe paper that was hilarious our team mentor screamed the place down 

once we went into the other peoples flat for the day review meeting and took our left over food as their present
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
?? confused...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Oh i just meant i'm giving you direct replies - in a list form
Lils you really need to learn to cook, it's a skilll!
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
who said i couldnt cook?
im just blockading. stopping myself from growing up. and if making a whole meal by myself= feeling growed up...
i dont like that feeling of growed up...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
I see what you did there! you said you REFUSE rather than CAN'T.. kinda like Can't Cook, Won't Cook (remember that? hmm maybe it was before your time =S)
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
Who said i could cook
confused yet?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Are you trying to make me crazy?!
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)