I'm from London - from the west side (I like to make that distinction, much of the east side is far too 'ghetto wannabe', here it’s just 'ghetto wannabe' whereas there it's just overboard)
Anywayyy naturally I have family and friends who live in London but also those who don't - away from Heathrow Airport and away from all of the mini pro-Asian (is that even a word?) places that everyone, everywhere seems to have heard of i.e. Green Street and Southall (why oh why have you heard of them?!). It seems however that many people outside London think that we speak posh English - (yeh right) perhaps it's because we speak similar to the way the Queen speaks - well pronunciation wise anyway (I hardly think the Queen would say something like "no way man that's crap" "Crap you say what what?!")
So yeh my cousins from Leicester seem to particularly think that we speak posh because they say 'graaaasss' instead of 'grarse' or baaaath instead of 'barth' etc etc (I do love their accent though!)
Given I personally don't like to use certain slang vocabulary i.e. 'blad' but soooo many people in London do use it in fact some people don't even sound like they're speaking English let alone speaking posh.
Off the subject slightly, my pops (father/pa/dad/pappy) took us to Bradford last week, where we excitedly took photos around the areas he grew up in (all UPHILL!), where he went to school, the local hospital and so on (To be honest we did feel a little out of place there - accent/word wise at least) but something I noticed: When the shops in the shopping centre (we call it the High Street - Leicester lot call it 'Town') close WHERE DOES EVERYONE GO?! It was seriously Ghost Town - there was no one there! I literally saw like one or two people anddd was able to stand on the road for a good 5 minutes (no I wasn't attempting to get run over) without a single car passing! And wait! Even the local fast food joints shut around 5/6 - seriously what is that about!? Some underground party going on that we don't know about?
Here the High Street is packed hours after the stores close, people are just around you know? It was all rather weird actually, an interesting weird though - different.
But yep this is just a testimony, a solemn attestation (Wikipedia dudes) that here in London we aren't all posh so we don't all speak perfectly and many of us (not all unfortunately!) would rather have your accent than our own!
So yes spiffing weather today, what?
(Actually not especially - it was raining)
i wouldnt mind. As long as when your crazia/mania has passed you STILL acknowledge me every once in a while (ARGH THAT DREADED WORD o.o)
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Ha i would point and say 'psst there's that french chick' and point obviously.. perhaps even poke you a little.
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
Didn't know you was a Londoner.
i'll give you a dirty, or just stay emo-fied.
Then i might swear under my breath in french.. (well that would be back in the days)
these days i might just poke you back!
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
That could be the beginning of something roughh!
Oooh and i forgot to mentionnn, today this lady came in (hijaabi) not sure exactly where she was from but she had an accent and she had to ask her daughter how something was pronounced - i remembered you! grinn
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
Who are you referring to this time?
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
Something rough LOOL! nah... *thinks about it* euh..well...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Well if you are talking to me, yes I'm from london ("Big Up")
if you're talking to Lilly then she too is (now) from London
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
and if he was talking to himself (very likely)
he too hangs around in London...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?