So yeh I wake up this morning and boom it's the evening again - does anyone else feel like the days seem to roll into one big blur? Well occasionally at least? Those are the times when it feels like I’m in a bubble and not really feeling what I’m doing but somehow it happens anyway.. Seriously weird.
Anyway (I use that word a lot I know, along with “basically” – when I know what I’m about to say isn’t going to be ‘basic’ at all – I like to explain myself thoroughly) Let me start again: anywayyy I’ve decided that I don’t want that to happen anymore so I try to make myself do something memorable in the day so when I think back to what I did – I can actually remember! (Although this happens when I can remember to do something memorable – confusing I know).
My ma teaches children to read the Qur’an and today asked my brother to make a daily table for Ramadhan, a sort of tick list thing where they can give themselves a nice big tick if they’ve memorised a Surah or helped someone for example.
Now my brother, accidently printed off two copies (ummi ‘My mum’ only needed one because she was going to photocopy them for her class) so I decided to take the other copy. And as much as the table is actually for children, I really find it useful – each day I’ll find myself trying to do each the things that are mentioned in hopes that I can tick it and be pleased with myself and pat myself on the back if I’m extra happy, grinnno.
Anyhow the point is, coincidentally this table just happens to fit in with my struggle of doing something memorable each day – anddd now I can document it! I know this may just seem silly but I kinda feel like maybe it’s Allah’s way of helping? It just makes sense (to me).
This blur thing has been going on for a while by the way so it’s not some fasting or Ramadhan thing and likewise the table too (hopefully) won’t be a Ramadhan thing, maybe I can implement doing all these things after Ramadhan and that way living life won’t be as tedious as: waking up, doing stuff that actually has no benefit to me (i.e. stuff for the Dunya) and going to sleep.
Although I do try to remember that doing things for the Dunya (whether Haraam or Halaal) is just so incredibly pointless and that if I actively made an effort to focus on the Akhirah my days would be more fulfilling (InshaAllah) So we'll see how it goes..
Oh and just a quicky note (after an essay!) for those of you who (if any) sometimes feel the same way: to help me remember this, I listen to “A Simple Reminder” by Jalal ibn Sa’eed, short but very beneficial! (I’ve listened to so many times that I’ve almost memorised it which is good because each time I hear it I pick up something I missed the other million and one times that I heard it!)
Andd Drumroll - My Calculation for the Day:
“Attempted to increase my knowledge” – TICK!
I'm liking these daily blogs
LOL This waffling reminds me of me and how i get carried away and add lots of brackets and stuff
Good stuff! InshaAllah you will succeed in carring it out after ramadhan too
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Why thank you!
I don't know exactly whyyy but when i read that i thought of the weetabix ad "I will survive. As long as I've had Weetabix, I'll get them all to drive" doo doo doo ok ima shush now.. la la laa
But yeh *cough* InshaAllah!
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)