If pretty pretty pictures can speak a thousand words, what does that say about motion/video?
I am sure a lot of you will have been in this situation where there is someone about to edicate you about something Islamic... and you may even be interested and then the person starts...
"Nahmaduhu wa nusalleee"
and you rarely get past this bit stilla wake as it is so... ordered and pretentious and fake. then there is the contents that drone on and on, pretending to be atlreast 50 years older than the person is as if that privides gravitas and importance... allowing you to have a quick nap until some moron shouts "Takbeer!" making you jump up as if someone had attacked you...
What if there was another way?
Yesterday after making some chips I got to see a bit of a production of something on Noor TV. I have no idea how it started, but the basic story was about the punishment of the grave.
It revolved around a husband and wife.. the (pretty) wife was the typical wholesome woman caricature, forever trying to be perfect, hard working, religious etc etc. The husband was the opposite - living this world etc, no car ein the world for religion.
And then they died. Actually there was a bit before that where they were in a coma after a car accident, but were not aware of it, so they could do some spooky horror things where they think they are at home, but really aren't... but eventually they find out and then they die. and that is when it starts.
The husband is tortured for his sins etc, begs the people to pray for him after his death etc while they are talking about how good he was but for non religious reasons, telling people to dress up etc... live the life.
For the woman, her good actions save her.
While the husband is seen tortured, beaten, in a bad shape, she is shown by a peaceful and tranquil.
There were other smaller characters too - some woman that had been into fashion, some guy who had checked her out... he had a chisel hammered into his eye. Nice.
Overall, the story was weak, the acting not much better and the visual effects abysmal. But you know what? it still worked better than a thousand speeches.
So why is there so mush telling people about Islam isntead of showing?
Go to saudi Arabia and important places, instead of having signs telling people it is not important to visit those places, why not have there be maps etc to show how exactly they happened - or maybe even reenactions? Get people in touch with their Islamic heritage.
One of the ways that other communities have managed to keeptheir histories alive is through plays and getting kids to interact with the past by participating in the stories. But if that happened with Muslims, just think of the fatwas that wopuld come! "how dare he pretend he is person X!"
This is also one of the reasons ALi and Jamal is popular - it may be pretty crap, but when it is compared with "Nahmuduhu wa nusalleee", its much more exicting and much more real. People read it beause they want to - it is somethign they can relate to.
There isn't really a point to this blog other than to say that somethings can be spiced up, made more xciting than they are.
This does not mean there needs to be an end to textbook education, but that there needs to be variation other things get snory.
i agree
Why did those stories you saw, have an affect on you?
they didn't. but no matter how poor the production values etc were, it was infintesimally better than yet another lecture.
At the same time, it was still just another lecture to ignore...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I've always found the following very inspiring - embodying history and values with noble characters - an the importance of thought... outthinking your enemy... preservation of muslim life... difficult to put into words - the images do a great job...
I find when i'm made to sit through them, i do get into them and they do become interesting.
about the stuff that's made into video and short films; it's a great medium if it's used properly. stuff like thenoor tv productions, i personally find annoying, the lame acting skills don't help. But i guess it's good they're finding new ways to both entertain and educate people.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
you wouldnt say this near my mum... she probably considers the acting oscar worthy and would not be able to understand how someone would not be affected by the show.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi