Emergency National Demonstration - Are you going?


Demonstration tomorrow
Anyone going?
Do you beleive in matches/demonstrations?
what do they acheive?
Is it just a matter of feeling better or thinking you have done 'something'?
or is it vital to take part to show our support for our Palestinian brothers and sisters?

Emergency National Demonstration Saturday 5th June

The world has looked on aghast as more and more details emerge of the violent attack by the Israeli Government on the unarmed flotilla of boats carrying essential medical supplies to the besieged people of Gaza. Tens of people have been killed and scores more injured.

Those who survived the brutal attack have been illegally imprisoned, without access to legal representatives.

To show our outrage at the brutal and illegal actions of the Israeli Government, PSC along with CND, Stop the War, British Muslim Initiative, Friends of Al-Aqsa, Palestinian Forum of Britain and Viva Palestina have called an emergency demonstration on Saturday 5th June.

The march will start from Downing Street at 1.30 pm and head to the Israeli Embassy in Kensington where there will be a rally.


Given that this Government has already condemned the actions by Israel, this march is kind of a waste of time. Better to March to the Israeli embassy!

But with respect to the ongoing (Illegal) blockade of Gaza, the strongest possible actions would be for the UK to expel the Israeli diplomats considering this and the passport fiasco.

Sign this petition

I have read somewhere that close to 80% of Tory MPs are members of the CFI - so that is unlikelt to happen IMO.

Putting pressure on them though is a good thing - it might remind them that they can be voted out just as they were voted in.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Most parties and their members in this country have strong links to Israel and friends of Israel - party leaders like those in the US have regularly confirmed their unswerving support of Israel - thus asking them to do anything is a waste of time (reiterated many times in the Quran - if we choose to look there!).

The real solution is to apply pressure on the Muslim countries to use their militaries to intervene - if they refuse, encourage for the Muslim militaries to overthrow them and replace them with sincere leadership who cares about Muslims and will do something.

Otherwise what's the point of hundreds of billions being spent on weapons every year by Muslim countries if they will never be used to defend Muslims? Just spend the money on the poor!

Anonymous1 wrote:
The real solution is to apply pressure on the Muslim countries to use their militaries to intervene - if they refuse, encourage for the Muslim militaries to overthrow them and replace them with sincere leadership who cares about Muslims and will do something.

People whoend towards power are generally power hungry and the people who are brought to the forefront will often not be the people you would want to be in power (besides, the classical scholars were against revolutions even if the leadership was seen as corrupt. Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah even said suffering under an unjust leader for 70 years was better than having one night without any leader).

"doing something" is not the same as getting their behinds handed to them. again.

Your approach has no hikmah (though I do think eventually you will come back with an "I told you so", but it would be different as writing to the Muslim leaders will not be what caused whatever events are caused).

Were you not the person being adamant that people act on the hadith where if you cannot do something to stop evil, you must speak out against it? Why are you now trying to speak out against people who are speaking out against evil that they see but cannot prevent?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Just to add to what I wrote before, many of the surrounding arab countries have got Palestinian refugees. and guess what? they treat them like dirt.

60 years and they still have not been given citizenship. 60 years on and they still live in refugee camps. Many have also carried out military operations against the Palestinian refugees in order to break their back.

They only cry for the Palestinians because it is convenient for them.

Are these the countries that you want to rescue the Gazans?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

i always thght demonstrations achieve nothing, and the iraq demonstration qualified that for me. So what do i think of this demo, the same it's fruitless. You can beg the government, i'd rather beg Allah. As has been said most of them are friends of israel. They're quite happy for israel to investigage itself, it's laughable, how is that going to be impartial? it's like a criminal saying i'll be my own judge and jury.

Working with muslims and making du'a is better than begging the allies of the enemy.

“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]

I don't think the investigation is the important thing, but getting the siege lifted is.

And working with Non Muslims can help there too - knowledge/information makes some difference here.

As for the Iraq war/demonstrations, while it had no immediate consequence, I do think there were longer term ramifications that managed to damage some people involved. Blair got off scot free but others were not able topush it under the carpet as they would have liked.

(For me the issue is not one only of effectiveness - take away peoples voice and they may resort to other means. Secondly, if people try to raise a voice, they are acting upon a hadith which sets it as the second level, so it should not be discouraged even if we feel it is pointless.)

The problem with working with muslims here is that the HT are generally an exclusionary group. I have not seen them work well with other Muslims. Maybe I have been partial or blind though, so if the case is otherwise, I will lvoe tohave my eyes open.

If people could attend the HT rally, then that is good too. But that does not mean the larger moreorganised ones should be ignored or discouraged for people who are into such things.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.