A girl standing in the middle of the room, holding a diamond in her hand, so strongly that her hands started bleeding, darkness have taken over the place, no light, no dancing colors on the walls, poor girl, standing all alone, bleeding...her hands, eyes, heart...
What happened to this world? why is she afraid? why isn't she letting light reflect on her diamond?
"worthless it is" she screams, "it won't shine like all the diamonds in the world", suffocating her diamond, underestimating the powers within that small diamond she carries...
sweat drops race her tears down, so afraid she is, so lonely she feels, trying to stand on her feet against all that darkness around...
She lets a slight amount of light enters her diamond now and then through her tiny wounded fingers, but not long enough till she puts her fingers tight together, to bound light...
"the light looks so beautiful, it's not me" she says.. She knows the light of Islam, but she is blocking it from entering her soul (diamond) so, the world lost the reflect of Islam on her soul (colors on the walls)...
Looking at the those colors on the wall like butterflies swinging along with the melody of Quran is just too fairytale-like to her, it's too good to be true..
Low selfesteem have crawled up not only her back, but her legs, arms and chest. Doing good deeds became such a heavy burden on her...
What shall she do?
What will make her lose her hands and let the light come in?
Has she no trust in God?
Put to sleep oh she wish...
thats really something....very nicely written.
i really like that!
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Its really good, thought provoking & different
i likeeeee
She must believe that God loves her, however much she might hate herself. And if she knows that then she also knows that God wouldnt want her to hate herself.
She should talk to God whenever she feels lonely and she should turn to praying and asking God to help her cope with life.
She should feel special to be part of Islam and not feel that it is too good to be true because she hasnt done anything wrong and why shouldnt she deserve the beautiful colours on the wall?
If she adjust her grip on the diamond then it wouldnt hurt as much and her hand will be able to heal and her hand will be stronger than most people so she'll be able to hold on to the diamond even tighter and closer.
She should also knows that they are others around who would be ready to soften the edges of the diamond so that it doesn't hurt too much. Even though it wont last forever, it still is useful.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?