Some would say we're treated as 2nd class citizens. We're demonised by the media. There are calls for the Niqab to be banned. All Muslims are seen as potential terrorists. Others would add that Muslims have to prove they are not the 'enemy within'. Some would even go as far as saying that Muslims have to prove they are 'British first, Muslims second'.
The above doesn't paint a pretty picture now does it?
On the flip side I suppose that's how most Muslims are, or can be expected to be, treated in most non-Muslim countries in the current environment, especially post 9/11, 7/7 and the rise of the suicide bomb worldwide.
The Challenges
Now apart from the dodgy weather let’s see what the real challenges are for British Muslims living in the UK...
The Crown Prosecution Statistics for 2007 alone showed that 82% of convictions for religiously aggravated offences were for attacks on Muslims. This includes incidences where children have been bullied, sisters have had their veils ripped off and sadly much worse happenings. Since 9/11 Islamophobia has definitely increased worldwide but even more so after 7/7. However, on the positive side it has also led to the public questioning and studying Islam more and as a result understanding misconceptions and even embracing the religion.
Government's obsession with terrorism
The reality for a long time now has been that Muslims have been arrested simply for owning an A-Z of London, or carrying a tent, or even religious books! And it's true that with each new act or legislation the Government is widening the scope of what defines extremism. Not only that but these never-ending government plans very successfully fuel the climate of fear. The following info really hit me hard when I first came across it:
From 11 Sept 2001 to March 2007 in regards to Terrorist acts in the UK: 1,228 people were arrested from which ONLY 41 were convicted to date, others are said to be convicted of "other criminal offences". Whilst 669 were released with NO charge, and 114 still awaiting trial. (Source: Home Office)
I suppose the eye is on the Muslims due to increased terrorist activity carried out by Muslims. If we're innocent we have nothing to worry about and should treat it as the Government doing its job. If we're mistreated or abused then that's a different kettle of fish altogether.
Yes, the media like in most non-Muslim countries can be anti-Muslim in some of its reporting and articles, but it’s better to have a free media than a controlled one. If there are attacks it’s better to have a defence instead of removing the attack altogether.
British culture
Now other points which can be seen as negatives are the British values, or more accurately, the British 'culture' which is portrayed as being the norm, such as having a boy/girlfriend, having one-night stands, binge-drinking, promoting homosexuality and so on. But I would say this is universal in non-Muslim countries and of course most of this happens in Muslim countries too but undercover! Also every nation has its own cultures which are dodgy but it doesn't mean that everyone from that culture or nation is like that; for example in the Indian sub-continent you get a lot of dodgy cultures like forced marriage, honour killings and so on, but that doesn't mean all or most Asians do that or even agree to it. More importantly it's up to YOU if you want to be affected by certain behaviour as nothing is forcing you to adopt any such aspects of western culture. If your Islamic identity is strong then none of these issues should be a problem for you.
The Benefits
You see challenges like the governments take on terrorism and the media’s focus on Muslims will pass over time and aren't permanent, but our gains, if we remain good law abiding citizens which our Deen tells us to, will always be the same. And never forget that the benefits of living in the UK as a British Muslim totally outweigh the negatives. Let's be honest - the standard of living in the UK is as good as it gets and the freedoms that we get here you don't get in most countries. Let’s just go through some of the luxuries we take for granted...
We have a wonderful (in my opinion) health care system called the NHS. Although not everyone likes it as waiting times can be long and the food not fantastic, I still think the ability to simply go to a doctor or hospital whenever I need to and be given the treatment I need without hassle or money issues is excellent. It is a service that hasn't failed me personally yet. I pay for this through my wages with a relatively small tax called National Insurance. It's a small amount which I never miss for which I get a lot for in return. Most people in the world, especially those in poor Muslim lands, would see this as a blessing.
Free Education
Right up until college. At uni you have to pay a fee but now there are Grants available to aid that.
Stable Country
We live in a democracy not a dictatorship. There is peace here not war. There is law and order and not civil war or anarchy; to many people worldwide this is indeed a blessing.
British Passport
This enables you to travel very easily to almost any country in the world and be able to work in any European country legally without a work permit or emigrate to other countries easily.
You get the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life, colour, religion, background or nationality. This enhances your personality and your mentality. This is something which is probably lacking in most Muslim countries.
Government not Anti-Islam/Muslim
Unlike Turkey where you can't wear a headscarf in public office, or France where you can’t wear it in schools, or Switzerland where even minarets are banned - in the UK there are no laws that target Muslims or Islam.
Freedom To Practice
You are free to practise your faith in the UK. Free to keep a beard, wear a headscarf, wear religious clothes, build mosques, hold events, have religious marches, have inter-faith forums, have a public call to prayer (Adhaan) on Fridays and so on. You don't get this in a lot of non-Muslim countries or even in some Muslim countries.
Chance to give Dawah
Living in a non-Muslim country, it's a great opportunity to become walking, talking adverts for Islam. Through our behaviour and practise we can give a good image of Islam to the West and also eradicate any misconceptions.
Halal Food
We have Halal food everywhere even at most work places. The same cannot be said in a lot of other countries. A friend of mine just came back from Malta and mentioned there was just one Halal meat shop in the whole town he was staying in!
Prayer Room At Work Places
This is now widely available and if it isn't you can ask for it. At my work place we have two prayer rooms and even an ablution room!
Opportunity To Create Our Own Media
We complain about the media but don't realise we're free to create our own media. We have many local and national magazines and newspapers as well as radio stations and now several Muslim TV Channels based in the UK.
Opportunity To Succeed All The Way
No matter who you are - black or white, Muslim or Atheist - you have the opportunity to reach to the top. We have Muslims in the House of Commons and the Lords, professional sportsmen like Amir Khan and Sajid Mahmood, a prominent Muslim lawyer Imran Khan, comedian Shazia Mirza and many more Muslim professionals in all fields. You can do or be whatever you want, it's really up to us and how badly we want it!
As British Muslims we have more rights here than in some Muslim countries, so rather than moaning and playing the victim we should be proud of being British Muslims. We need to ask ourselves how do we as British Muslims contribute to the British way of life? Do we want to convert everyone to Islam and implement Shariah Law here like one or two crackpot groups call for? Or do we want to make sure that as Muslims we help and contribute to make this country a better place. That we do our bit for the economy, do our bit for the environment, do our bit for charity, do our bit for peace and security and so on.
Living in the UK is actually something we should thank Allah (swt) for. Britain is our home so be proud of it and contribute to it. You're free to practise your faith so don't abuse your freedom but appreciate it.
Well-said mashallah! I keep hearing some Muslims moaning about their life and having a strong dream to do hijrah. I have lived in various countries and from my experiance I can say, mashallah I feel I can lead a better muslim life here in the UK alhamdulillah. The fact is, there is no perfect 'islamic country'to settle in. Let us stop moaning and play an active role as Muslims. We have wasted enough time just dreaming and moaning and doing nothing to be proud of as Muslims. We are here for a reason. Allah swt is the best of planner and the best of the judge.
"O Allah, I seek refuge with You from distress and grief , from incapacity and laziness, from miserliness and cowardice and I seek refuge in You from the burden of debt and from being overpowered by men"
Does that mean you will provide us with installments of "Umm Imran's Travels"?
(think Gulliver Tales)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I like this editorial
well sais Ed
I think a lot of Muslims just play the part of aa "victim"
oohhh we're demonised everyone hates us
its a two way thing
some muslims just segregate themselves and dont bother to mix in with other ppl
and then u get idiots saying oh its haram to vote because the parties arent muslims
its alright to accept benefits from the non muslim govt but heaven forbid if we get involed with anything else
This may not be as applicable as it was when it was written now.
'Think' David Cameron.
#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #
He's just the devil we don't know. Things could turn up fine, but we are in the period where it could turn out not fine.
But Cameron is not a Mugabe, a Saddam or a Dubya. World of a difference.
And some policies will be useful too, like I emntioned the free schools one - depending on how it is set up.
The longer lasting harm IMO will be with him pulling away from continental europe.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
No, your wrong, he has already held a war cabinet, he is a neo-con, just like bush, and blair. and yes muslims voted for them as well. shame some muslims never learn, they are deaf dumb and blind, that the western system is a kufr system, and its kalima shahada is to worship the false god of money, how can you believe in that ? if you do actually believe and follow it, you become converted to be a kafir.
Way Forward
Muslims must be political upon islam ( not kufr), forging unity and self reliance. this would give muslims the means to engage, whilst retaining the islamic values and dignity, and avoid exploitation and humiliation, both in tthe duniyah and the akhira
“If anyone follows a Deen other than Islam, never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter, he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (their selves in the Hellfire).” TMQ
This article, as is the whole of it, and its magazine, has an agenda to convert muslims into british subjects. Just like the Qadiannis were in british India, and we know they are kafir.
It is funded diretly or indirectly by the government pve fund.
Consequently, much if not all, is actually assisted written work by government agencies and then falsely presented as the work of young muslims.
You want proof ? well i have spoken with the perpetrators of this website, and it was admitted to me that even the editorial is not the work of the editor, and that the alleged picture of him is someone else !
Prove it.
Prove that a single penny has come from the government. I dares you.
Islamic principle says that the accuser must prove his accusation.
If you cannot do that and simply dislike this article, you can point out which bits are wrong.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Yes, the editor is wrong, he has sold his soul, and the ummah for the benefits he mentions.
Seems he is a believer in secularism, just like all the other religions like hindu, christian, sikh, etc, when we know Islam came to replace those religions with the Islamic Deen.
He has converted to a new religion of which he calls "british islam", and has rejected vast parts of the Holy Quran, and the Sunnah, which proves Islam is a DEEN.
He is following a path of kufr, which leads you astray, he want you to rip out half the pages of Holy Quran, and insert pages written by him and his paymasters, the uk kufr government .
We muslims should work for a strong independent community based upon Islam, then engage on that basis. You dont engage on the basis of non-islam, since that leads you further away from Islam.
Way Forward
Muslims must be political upon islam ( not kufr), forging unity and self reliance. this would give muslims the means to engage, whilst retaining the islamic values and dignity, and avoid exploitation and humiliation, both in tthe duniyah and the akhira
“If anyone follows a Deen other than Islam, never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter, he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (their selves in the Hellfire).” TMQ
I dfont have to prove it, the whole website has the agenda that conforms stricty to the government plan staked out in contest 2 strategy. that is no accident, and so is proof.
and the srategy has nothing to do with terrorism, it has all to do with "integrating"
read, converting young muslims into clones of themselves, sikh, hindu, christian and now ..."british-muslim" secular believers.
These neo-qadiannis are compliant and accept gay rights, right to draw abusive pictures, right to invade other countries, and enslave the, right to israel to exist etc.
This website and magazine is worse than them,
they have fake people on here, creating a false momentum
Actually you do - Islam requires that of you.
It is a bit rich of you to accuse others of losing their faith when you are not willing to follow it yourself.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Cant be hard especially as you are this adamant and sure about things.
Now time for you to follow the islamic way and provide your evidence.
Or is your takfeeri nature ironic and hypocritical?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
This article is aligned, and in coalition with the western way of life.
The proof is in the pudding, what you say, what you do.
If you act like a duck, quack like a duck, and walk like a duck, yes, you are a duck !
paid a penny or not.
Thank Allah i am a Muslim, a member of the Ummah ( and not a 'british muslim')I believe in all of the book ( not only the bits that fit under kufr system),
A muslim can never acccept sovereignty of man over Islamic sovereignty
Islam did not come to fit into existing man-made systems, it came to replace them with Allah( swt) laws. That is why it is the final revelation with solutions for all problems
If the editor and others believe in secularism, as seems to be the case, they should be honest and say they are apostates, and should stop mixing islam with kufr
The pve money was in a slush fund anyway, they are not gonna account for every penny are they, when it is out there to sweeten the conversion of people like "the editor", whoever that is...
its what you say that does matter.
each of the sub-headings of this article, falsley accredited to the editor,
match perfectly, are one and the same being peddled by (some)puppet imams at friday khutbas, by the laughing stock quillam foundation, and by the muslim mps, and by the goverment.
Way Forward
Muslims must be political upon islam, forging unity and self reliance. this would give muslims the means to engage, whilst retaining the islamic values and dignity, and avoid exploitation and humiliation, both in tthe duniyah and the akhira
Say: " nothing will happen to us except what Allah has decreed for us: He is our protector; and in Allah let the believers put their trust." TMQ
You need to substantiate your claims.
That is the islamic requirement. You claim to be Muslim, to be more practicing than others yet you do not act that way be following what is required of you.
More, you are ignorant and the majority of scholars from all the groups in the world would disagree with you on your assessment of politics.
You are a coward who would not stand up to defend your brothers sisters when it matters, when your voice can be heard, but afterwards if their rights are curtailed you will complain and moan about it inneffectivly on some internet forum or to friends.
But that will have been after the fact, after you could have helped them but refused.
Once again I ask you to substantiate your allegations of government funding. That is not my requirement for you, but what Islam demands of you. You do claim to be Muslim, right? So live and act like one.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
So what you're saying is that you dislike what was said,but because you could not actually find a flaw in the content (which I am sure there are ample), you decided to make up a lie in order to support your view?
Very big and brave of you to accuse other Muslims of kufr. Who needs enemies when we have people like you around?
It seems that your position on this is counter to the Islamic one and the majority of scholars not only allow voting, but consider it a requirement when not voting could harm the Muslims.
Scholars from all around rthe world from all denominations have spoken out in favour of taking part in politics and in voting, yet you seem to know better and condemn the scholars and the majority of the ummah and call them kaafir. Fear Allah (swt)!
if you think voting is kufr, I fear you do not know what Islam is and wouldnt know what it was if it came and smacked you in the face.
But your posts are contradictory to this aim - you want Muslims to rely on others good will because you require us to not stand up for ourselves.
More, you fall for conspiracies where you think our fate is controlled by others and not ourselves.
Have some coherency please. How do you propose we get into a situation of self reliance without taking active measures, without taking part in the system?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
blindly following minority puppet "scholars" who claim voting is allowed is wrong.
was alive today he would never take part in this kufr system.
They would say that wouldnt they. A majority does not make something right. If you knew the Quran and Sirah, and the western history, you would know that the british deen of life is secularism, and this is 100% kufr. Sovereignty belongs to Allah (swt), mankind cannot take the law into his own hands, to legislate and over rule Islamic Law, as you are proudly proclaiming and urging us to do.
If Muhammed
But the editor, is happy to cut Islam down into just another religion, to make it fit kufr, with a hijab and halal meat, well thats no different to a turban, or kosher meat. I am sorry to tell you Islam is much more than that, and that is the only reason why the western kufr nations have a problem with muslims and Islam. ie We do not accept freedom from gods' law.
The real Islamic verdict says it is not allowed to choose someone who, on your behalf, will take part in a kufr based ruling system, since it overules islamic law.
ONLY IF YOUR LIFE DEPENDED ON IT could you do so temporarily, and that only without beleiving in it.
This is similar to eating a bite of pork to save your life, or taking a sip of alcohol to save your life, you cant down the whole bottle, and then say its halal !
Now this is completely different to what the article is urging you to beleive in it hook line and sinker.
We are not allowed to sell out our fellow muslim ummah for the sake of a few benefits.
The article also chooses to ignore the fact that most of our countries ara also secular kufr puppet states, so how can we compare them to the west. they are one and the same thing, since the west set them up in the first place.
The article claims we should work from within the western system, but i have explained how by doing that it would drown us with a deeper and deeper kufr, where we would never get out. No political party, least of all the labour or conservative party will ever tolerate any hidden islamic agenda, they will never. So your work will be reinforcing kufr, even if your intention was not.
The way forward is for muslims to live by Islam. That means forging a strong independent community with our own structures and business networks. We will then engage the society from that position of strength.
Name your Scholars. Let's see which reputed scholars even tolerate your view, let alone call it ludicrous.
Because I can tell you this that scholars from all around the world from all groups habe said tjat political participation is allowed and does not infringe on the sovereignity of Allah (swt).
More, your position is one that makes it more likely for muslim rights to be curtailed, for muslims to be prohibited from practising Islam.
When the early Muslims migrated to Abysinnia abd the Quraysh called for their return, the Muslims did not reply to the Negus "Who are you? Allah is the only sovereign!" These Muslims included the first caliph of Islam.
Secondly there is a hadith that the best of kings are those at the doorsteps of Scholars. It does not say that the rulers be scholars. It even goes further and says that the woret of scholars are at the doorstep of kings.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
its people like you
(not You)
that give Muslims a bad name
if u hate the western way of life
go to a Muslim country
stop spouting your poison and go to a Muslim country
we all know how high in pronciple they are n sooo stable, giving their people all the rights theyre entitled to
My God i have annoyed a few people havent I![Smile](
So what exactly is it about my editorial that you guys disagree with and that allows you to throw insults and accuse me of kufr?
Yes i hate the western way of life.
to be a muslim with the least amount of iman, you have to hate kufr in your heart.
To deny Allah(swt) sovereignty to your own man-made Capitalism is major kufr, i goes to the heart of what Islam is. It separates Islam from Kufr.
How can real muslims love a system that has freedom from gods law as its Kalima Shahadat, and consequently makes up the global rules to suit itself, through violence.
I would love to go to a muslim country, but the western way of life that you want us to follow is also interfering over there for centuries. If its not invading it or killing our brothers and sisters and children directly, its controlling us through puppets and its global institution like the world bank. So what your making fun of is your own rotten belief in western Captalism - a kufr belief. If you understand and then believe that , you are an apostate.
The poison is yours, the devil is suceeding in taking mankind away from what Allah(swt) said Muhammed
said, and you want us to down it like alcohol, so we are deluded out of Islam...thanks, but no thanks !
If you believe in following secular capitalism, then why dont you admit it, dont cheat us, saying on the one hand your a muslim, whilst rejecting Islam and following you own man-made path on the other
Beware of this website it is the devil with a hijab on
First of all, Abysinnia was ruled by a just king, who followed christianity and its laws, not capitalism. So sovereignty was still gods, not mans.
Actually, the first khaleefah of Islam Abu Bakr Siddique(ra), did not go to Abysinnia.
However after Ja'far quoted from the Holy Quran, the Negus (king) gave back the bribes (presents) from the Quraish, and allowed the Muslims to stay and live according to Islam.
Todays uk benefits are like the bribes
Second islam was still being revealed, and the muslims did not adapt or change Islam to fit, they merely quoted Quran.
The Muslims did not become Abysinian, even afer the Negus allowed them to stay.
In fact it is reported that it was the Negus who converted his belief about Isa (as) to the Islamic view before he died, not the other way around.
Neither did they partake in anything that was not Islamic, neither did they try to make Islam fit, despite the quraish attempt to extradite them.
Todays uk is a kufr state where man is sovereign, it is not a christian state, it reformed itself into this secularism in the middle ages. Today its ruling system is not just, and it follows the devils freedom, and money worship, not gods law.
It is this devils-system that is the cause of global disaster, not Islam.
The followers of this system have gotton rich through ill gotton gains, for us this is not allowed.
Islamic Scholars must not become renta-sheikhs, twisting and bending Islam to fit what Kings or other rulers want it to be. Jafar (ra) did not do that, and neither should we.
( source The life of Muhammed translated from Ibn Ishaq)
just so that you know, Islam is also capitalist. You are finding barriers where none exist.
No one is holding british law above God. Firstly, Brish law does not force you to do haraam - it does not compell you to drink alcohol, commit zina or use usury. Secondly, british common law can trace ts heritage to maliki fiqh - islmic law.
Right now there is no contradiction between following british law a Islam. However I suspect if you had your way, there would be. And it ould be Muslims that suffer the consequences. If, say the hijab is bamked, it would be because morons like you did not take a stand. I bet you would be tre after the fact though, ranting and raving like a lunatic taking the moral high ground, but it will be too late and the cowards way.
Your position only hurts Muslims
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Watchout for the Neo-Qadiannis
You is so ignorant, having lost the argument, he or she resorts to western style negative insults, like they do, and he or she does not even know what capitalism is LOL !!!
Now i have heard everything,Islam is certainly not capitalist, is this a joke or what ? is this guy on drugs ? weird !
This is the state of the Ummah the deaf dumb and blind (mis-)leading us ?
I advise people like this to shut their mouths and seek knowledge and wisdom even upto China, before they tell others what to do.
The western system is built on a base of freedom, their biggest pillar is economic freedom, other freedoms are personal ( free mixing), and religious ( within the temple) etc
the economic freedom gave rise to the name money-ism or capital-ism. ince money is what they worship and strive for.
This is why the rich get richer by exploiting the weak, charging interest, and farming them like sheep.
However Allah(swt) has said that taking interest, "... is a declaration of war against Allah and his Messenger "
Unlike capitalism where man is sovereign, Islam is based on Quran and Sunnah, and certainly not what the multi-nationals business say. In Islam there can be no interest, and wealth is distributed not concentrated " .so that it does not make a circuit amongst themselves" TMQ
Way Forward
Muslims must be political upon islam, forging unity and self reliance. this would give muslims the means to engage, whilst retaining the islamic values and dignity, and avoid exploitation and humiliation, both in tthe duniyah and the akhira
Say: " nothing will happen to us except what Allah has decreed for us: He is our protector; and in Allah let the believers put their trust." TMQ 9:51
Beware of this website it is the devil with a hijab on
the proof is the editors article, and now the shocking global exclusive claim by You that islam is Capitalism -- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this statement (if understood and believed) makes one an apostate,
stay away from these peoples own dangerous loose tongue lest the devil influence you.
to be british is in itself haram
to separate oneself by a border and preventing others is divisive and nationalisic and not allowed. Muhammed(saw) said "....stay away from it"
secondly the man-made law guarantees you the right to commit sins like drinking, and zina, and usury.
Moreover the atmosphere is designed to make these things cool,and normal, whereas in islam it is illegal, and no business or bank could ever advertise or sell these things
If this was the case, Muhammed(saw) would have stayed in Makkah and would never have establsihed the Islamic State in Medina
as for maliki fiqh law, etc, the west certainly learnt knowledge like science, mathematics, medicine by forcing muslim scholars in Spanish Inquisition to translate their massive knowledge base libraries and works.
However this is a million miles away from adopting islamic law
The current concept of a matiom state is only a few hundred years old, so hen you apply ahadith to it, you are misappropriating the hadith, which in itself is a crime. The Islamic definition of nationalism is from hadith and it specifies that it is only wrong when you support your people in something that is wrong.
More, the qur'an mentioned that people were created in tribes so that they could recognise each other. Not division. Same thing applies here.
More, I assume you ha heard when readimg seerah of hadhrat Salman Farsi (ra) and hadhrat Bilal Habashi (ra). If such recognition was not allowed, te sahabah would not have been given such titles. When bleeting on about ram this and haraam that you hould be careful because here you are infact suggesting that you know better than the sahabah and that they were partaking in haraam activity. Astghfirullah.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
However it does not force you to do them. We are entirely capable of not partaking in such things.
But once again, you are not forced to participate. More, even within sharih law, such this would not be prohibited for non Muslims and as such, they could alsk exist especially in places where there is significant non muslim presence.
None of this is forcing you to commit haram acts. I assume you have burnt you British Passport?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Lets be honest the things I have been accused of are just laughable- these chaps are the HT/Al Muhajiroun/Al Guraba/ Omar bakri/ Anjum Chaudhry clan..... eg voting is haram, political lobbying is haram, following law of land is haram, saying British Muslims is haram cos we're 'Muslims living in Britain' apparently- crackpot ideas.
These guys have no scholars, no mosques, no leadership... just slogans like KHILAFA,
Every point these two chaps have made are refuted by MAJORITY of scholars WORLDWIDE from all 4 madhabs and all sects out there...these chaps are a meaningless minority. Great scholars from Hamza Yusuf to Qaradawi, Shaykh Abdullah Bin Bayah, Shaykh Ibrahim Ossi-Effa, Zaid Shakir, Shaykh Yaqoubi,Abu Bakr sudani, Habib Al Jiffri, Muhammad Alwi al Maliki, Zakir Naik, Tariq Ramadan, Abdul hakim Murad, Mufti Taqi Usmaani, Farraz Rabbani,Nuh Keller, Jamal Badawi, Abdul hakim Quick, Shaykh Sagarji and i could go on and on and on.....
Over 1000 mosques, none support or are run by these guys, 100's of fully qualified and respectable scholars none support these hot heads.
The majority of scholars and organisations world wide all agree that:
1-calling yourself british/paksitani/american muslim is absolutely fine. Your Islamic values never change no matter what country you live in. You worship Allah (swt) and follow Allah (swt) and His Messenger (saw). 'British' etc is a nationality, thats all- if you have a british passport you are a British citizen- that is a fact. By being a British Msulim means you are a British citizen who follows the faith of Islam. You're not compromising your Islam in any way , shape or form.
2-following law of the land that doesnt cotradict shariah is not just fine but demanded from you in a non muslim land. If you cant follow or live by Islamic teachings in a non -Muslim land then it is fardh upon you to do hijrah to a Muslim land.
3- voting in non muslim lands is not just permissible but neccessary for muslims to have a say or speak out against injustice. very few scholars world wide disagree with this.
4- to say accepting nation states is kufr is laughable. to say i am a paksitani muslim is nationalism and haram is a joke- nationalism or 'asabiyah' is when your nation comes before your deen, when being a pakistani is more important than being a Muslim; when pakistani laws, rules and customs are more important that shariah.
National n international Islamic groups & organisations totally disagree with these crack pots views like YM, YMO, MCB, MAB, BMF, UKIM, MQ,MPAC, Ikhwan, Tablighi Jamaat, Ahle-Sunnah wa Jamaat UK & Europe, Ahle-Hadith, Jamaat-e-Islaami, Dawate Islaami, Zaytoun Institue, Jamia AlKaram, World Islamic Mission, JIMAS, Islamonline, and so on and so on....
anyone who disagrees with you automatically becomes a puppet scholar or agent of the west lol
proper crackpots!!!!!!
your doing damage to the deen with out even realising!
its bacuse of you crackpots that the BNP AND EDL have come to rise!!!! they wanna kick islam out of britain cos of ur deviated views.
you're happy to take benefits from this kufr country like the free health care and education, jsa, tax credit allowance, child benfit, uni grants etc and then say how kufr and dirty this land and system is- how hypocritical is that!
You dont really know what capitalism is, do you? Goes quite well with the fact that you don't really know what Islam is either. I suspect you wouldnt recognised it if it came and hit you in the face...
Islam allows and encourages trade. There are even ahadith where a beggar went to the prophet
and was instead provided a loan to buy an axe and earn his living.
What Islam does not allow is a casino economy, which the big banks have been participating in. However even here, the non-banking people have realised the errors of their ways and want reform into something less evil. Will it happen? no idea.
But if you had studied economics and Islamic economics, this would have been a perfect place to jump in, offer people an alternative and get reform which would benefit everyone and prevent the evils of the past.
Oh, did I mention that you make false allegations and spread lies? Calling other Muslims non-Muslim is a reflection on your own faith and then you lie further by comparing others to qadiyanis who believe in a false prophet.
Lying is haraam brother. Your testimony in an Islamic court would not be accepted due to your ample use of lies.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.