i'd be glad to give my views. sorry for the late replys...got home about half 9pm, was there in manchester for 8am! and it didnt end there, at 10pm went Karims with the scholars and organisers for lunch. in the end, home for 11ish dead and knackered....so badly, i think my addiction to this forum is keeping me here.
1st things 1st.....organisation was a joke, i was sat in a crummy hotel room from 8 till half 2 packing the goody bags, not the islamic relife ones by the way, and no1 got them in the end :x 1400 revivals need recovering now! we ran out at the end of the confrence (only gave out 400), so we just gave little advertising cards for the leaflet.
anways, once i got to the hall at half 2ish, i was in involved in the disaster called 'food'. 1st it was weve ran out of water, then tissues, then kheer, then no food at all.....quite a good amount of people got turned away. promised their was more food to come, was there heck!
it was nothing to do with me, but i'll apologise all the same for the terrible food and service. (only 1 per person!)
kash, that was my little brother Hassan. the 2 with the beards and glasses were Ed and Admin (still dont knw admins real name!), i was the other 1.....the 1 who lukd like hasnt bothered shavin in the last few weeks
as far as i know, billal phillips didnt turn up nor did Imam Siraj Wahaj...nor danny williams and amir khan (the latter was at a charity dinner in bradford!) i only had the chance to listen to Abdul Hakim Quick, who was ok....but i fell asleep
all in all.........it wasnt that good anyway, coz Zakir Naik (bieng a salfi/wahhabi) grilled the sunni's in his last speach...and not many clicked on and applauded him.
Only Shaykh Yahya was good, propper traditioanl scholar and sunni! personally me and a few others felt like it was more of a media event and evrything was pre-planned. a lot of press turned up for the press confrence, and with the extensive mentioning of the Islam Channel and very simple, basic points on Unity............wasnt worth going down 4
for all those who missed it, fear not. Stick to Prof. Qadri........a million tymz better than the scholars there. (Shaykh Yahya is a good guy tho)
At Karims, buffet resteraunt, Dr Zakir Naik was bombared by people who were dying to take a photo with him...including some women dressed like it was a wedding....very shocking considering the amount of men there :shock: i was near him, and i even bumped in2 him at his hotel earlier in the day but didnt have any desire to meet him as such.....his aqeedah is diffrent from Ahle-Sunnah-wal Jamaat. dont get me wrong, hes very learned and his talk on terrorism 2mrw should be interesting....but ive been on a 15 hr shift with no food until after 14 hours....and its my b'day so i think i'll take a day off
after Al Hidyah, nothing else compares
best part of the day was introducing people to the revival, and even tho we ran out very soon due to some idiots losing everything.........the response was great! some people asked for one to be delivered to them, and many others asked several questions.
admin, you shud hav had an access all areas pass like moi
The organisation was poor, no real prayer facilities, but I remember the wembley conference was much badly organised then this, as after 5 minutes of Shaykh Habib Ali Jefferi talk, the wembley people start shutting the arena down and we all had to leave, without getting to hear him speak. However all conference are like that, when you are trying to accomodate the amount of people you are and scholars as well. You just have too take what you can out of the event.
I can appreciate Hayder annoyance, I would want blood after what happen to him, but as brother Umar said at the end, it was their first time in doing something like this and they can't control all aspect, so we should just be please and remember Allah will reward us for whatever good we do.
On Zakir Naik talk, his talk was the only one that was really on aqueedah, I only heard half. The other scholar where much more on other issues. I don't think Zakir Naik a Deobandi, Brewali, Wahabbi, Salafi or any other sect, he just has his own specific ideas of what islam is about. I personally agreed with him alot as he based everything on Quran and Sunnah. My mate left as well as he thought he was cussing the 4 imaam, but he made his point clear on that as well. The 4 imaam objective was too make Islam more easier for the masses and at time it has become so rigid for some people, so I could fully understand his point. Nothing wrong with looking at the Quran and Sunnah primary for your answer. He clearly has load of respect for the 4 imaams, but just doesn't look at them for all his answer.
I was disappointed that not more talks was like Zakir Naik, but for all the people of different sects that were meant to come, not many actually made it, which made it a proper sunni or poiltical event. Don't like the way people claps at these event, I blame the women and old men. Out of all the talks, Abdul Hakim Quick was the best, he cover what most scholar and speaker said in his one speech. He pointed out nationalism and the danager the pride factor has on out beliefs. The race issue was also brought out and the fact that everyone want a white and bright husband or wife, he goes that worldly issue has affect on our muslim personality and till we made collective taubah we will not acheieve anything. Definitely gave the best speech IMO. But what I found interesting was the comment afterwards, people had obviously embrace the idea of unity but at the same time were not able too still accept some of the people point of view, which make me think that though the intention is right, there still along way to go. I think this event was mostly about people taking the concept of unity away with them and I hope for our and future generation sake it happens.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
organisation wasnt great but most conferences are like that
we got there at 10ISH....
straight away I got Zahid Maqboo , The Revival media spokesman to do an interview with ITV...
then we went in..and throughout the day me and The Revival team spoke to all the stalls, made business contacts, spoke about the magazine to many ppl....
THEN zAHID mAQBOOL DID FEW MORE INTERVIEWS with BBC, Daily Telegraph and others...
distribuited the magazines at the end..but it wasnt as good as it ought to be, we distributed just over 500 when it was suppose to be 2000..
but all in all it wasa good day for The Revival...
in term sof teh talks, Asghar Bukhari did the most inspirational talk,
i missed Yvonne Ridleys and Shabir Ally's talk..
Abdul Hakim Quick was good and to the point, the HT guy was good but all their speeches are the same and get people emotional...
I heard only the first bit of Zakir Naiks talk and he was just proving that following ONE madhab is wrong- and he was here to cretae unity, but as result after speaking to other he just increased the disunity....
now the things said need to be implemented and followed up...
i was there for almost 12 hours and i ate half a box of cold, tasteless rice....:-)
i saw a bit about the conference on the news...didnt see any interviews though
well done to those who helped out...n had a crap time doing so lol
im sure Allah Almighty will reward u for your efforts+i sincerely hope that the lost revival goody bags are found!! :!:
oh wel atleast u know for next time 2 not bother helping out...and like bro Hayder said stick to Dr Qadri!!! btw happy birthday bro!
oh yeah, i seen Zakir Naik slide a bunch of revival magazines in2 his bag on the low-low :shock:
heh, thats a good thing aint it?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
in term sof teh talks, Asghar Bukhari did the most inspirational talk,
i missed Yvonne Ridleys and Shabir Ally's talk..
Abdul Hakim Quick was good and to the point, the HT guy was good but all their speeches are the same and get people emotional...
I heard only the first bit of Zakir Naiks talk and he was just proving that following ONE madhab is wrong- and he was here to cretae unity, but as result after speaking to other he just increased the disunity....
all in all the conference was good.
Asghar talk was good, Yvonne Ridley was excellent, she had everyone in the areana going.
On the Zakir Naik talk, I had a cousin sitting with me all the way through the event and he was flipping, I could tell he was hating it, he ain't that practicing. But I saw him today and he love the event, just because of Zakir Naik talk. There this aura about Zakir Naik, which no other scholar has in my opinion. He always had the crowd stunned with amazement with his knowledge and memory. I did see some people leave early, but too me, there was no point of these people coming too these type of event, if they were not able to listen too some difference of opinion. He back everything with evidence from the Quran and Sunnah. On the School of thought, well I don't think it should create disunity, if someone came on stage and said we should keep tight to one school of thought, most people would not say he creating disunity so why should it be any difference with Dr Zakir Naik as well, he definitely a authority on islam and anyone who think he ain't are just blind to the facts, so he allow his opinion. He was definitely the highlight of the show IMO. .
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
in a unity conference , the idea is believe what u want but work together- what is the point of going in to detail of which madhab is correct and what you should follow.. he was highlighting difference an dstill saying to those people, what you believe is incorrect...
im sorry, but Zakir Naik is good at interfaith and islam and science and may be an authority on that...but i wouldnt say he is an authority on Islam....
What he explain was the misconception that many have with following a school of thought. He explain what Abu Hanifah (ra) said on the matter and how his own student follow what he said, about if any of his work contradicted the Sunnah, so if evidence is present people should use it, as the great work on hadith was done after his death. But today people have become too rigid, it consider a insult, even if you raise a question. He was stated that it important to know all the fact about something before coming to a judgement.
What he highlighted was that the most important aspect was the Quran and Sunnah, which if follow correctly would eradicate disunity. I agree with everything he said and looking at the reaction from the arena I would say most peope did also. I personally give it too him for talking on the subject, instead of like many people on the day skirting the issues, it only when we openly discuss these ideas will we have unity. And IMO he defintely a authority on Islam
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
i co-sign Ed's comments. Zakir Naik is very learned but to say hes the best scholar......i'd have to disagree.
back to the answer to my question to Shaykh-Ul-Islam at the camp......a lot if its all talk.
they can go on about creating unity all they want, im sticking to what i believe in whilst respecting all the other sects just as we should respect all of mankind.
seemed more about publicity more than anything. it was a good outing tho
with the amount of confusion regarding wahabs/HT/brelvi's and god knows what else i came to a conclsuion 2day.............im sticking to Prof Qadri for knowledge! what i learnt from him in so little time doesnt compare to the whole of yesterdays convention.....and theres no press confrences and advertisin etc.
thanx 4 the b'day wishes Muslim_Kuri.............had a good day, but back to work 2mrw
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
i co-sign Ed's comments. Zakir Naik is very learned but to say hes the best scholar......i'd have to disagree.
back to the answer to my question to Shaykh-Ul-Islam at the camp......a lot if its all talk.
they can go on about creating unity all they want, im sticking to what i believe in whilst respecting all the other sects just as we should respect all of mankind.
seemed more about publicity more than anything. it was a good outing tho
with the amount of confusion regarding wahabs/HT/brelvi's and god knows what else i came to a conclsuion 2day.............im sticking to Prof Qadri for knowledge! what i learnt from him in so little time doesnt compare to the whole of yesterdays convention.....and theres no press confrences and advertisin etc.
Brother, it not about who the best scholar. I been to see nearly all the scholars, I seen Dr Tahir Ul Qadri, Hamza Yusuf, Yusuf Al Qaradawi and the lists can go on and on. Alhamduillah they are brillant speakers, but too me Zakir Naik still stick out due to his unique style, most scholar carry on stage a massive book for thier talk but some scholar just know what to say. I only hold Shaykh Habib Ali Jefferi in a higher level, but this is my personal opinion.
This event is the first really massive one, that tackled the problem of unity. Normally you hear group within their own little meeting calling on unity and you right it normally all talk, however as the main brother said on the day, they ask alot of people to come and alot of people just turn them away, however the people who came, we have to give it too them and say that they really want unity. Yes there is alot of confusion around with groups, but it is important to realise that the truth is still out there. Alhamudillah it seem you found your with DR Tahir Ul Qadri, but you have to realise that everyone require different answer for the same problems.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
does unity mean proving your belief
or discussing your aqeeda
or believe whateva you want but still work together for the sake and betterment of islam on the common causes?
i always thought it was the latter....
because you will NEVER get everyone to agree on your beliefs/ aqeedah, and why should they?
u can be sunni/wahabbi/deobandi/salafi/brelwi/shia and still work together and fight racism, islamophobia, be effective in the media, so you have one voice in the media, one voice against the kuffaar....
It is to hard, you only have to talk to 10 random muslims and discuss about other groups and then you realise what you facing, because there too much hate for people to even want to work together. The No hijab march that the HT went on, a common cause, but what did we see, the MAB and MCB standing outside the French Embassy with a small gathering of their own. A common cause, but when two parties don't want too associate themselves with each other it become hard, and commonly we see these people blame each other, which never helps.
We also see people refusing to read behind certain Imaams, plus there alot of misinformation about each other out there, either you love the prophet to much or not enough. Aqueedah plays such a important role, I could tell by the fact that some people walk out of Zakir Naik talk, is it that hard to listen and try to understand the other person point of view.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
the BEST Muslims IMO are those who work with others for a good cause and IGNORE and REFUSE to discuss their differnces in beliefs
Not really as when the time for action and no talk come, some people show there real colour. So it easy saying something about unity but when the time for action come, that when we really see if they really believe in what they say.
But I agree with you on who are the best muslims
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
ameen and jazaakullah, same goes to you. i wish i could have stayed at home, gona spend half 2mrw sleeping in now lol. takin day off from work!
no1 missed much, fear not
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
oh yeah, i seen Zakir Naik slide a bunch of revival magazines in2 his bag on the low-low :shock:
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
The organisation was poor, no real prayer facilities, but I remember the wembley conference was much badly organised then this, as after 5 minutes of Shaykh Habib Ali Jefferi talk, the wembley people start shutting the arena down and we all had to leave, without getting to hear him speak. However all conference are like that, when you are trying to accomodate the amount of people you are and scholars as well. You just have too take what you can out of the event.
I can appreciate Hayder annoyance, I would want blood after what happen to him, but as brother Umar said at the end, it was their first time in doing something like this and they can't control all aspect, so we should just be please and remember Allah will reward us for whatever good we do.
On Zakir Naik talk, his talk was the only one that was really on aqueedah, I only heard half. The other scholar where much more on other issues. I don't think Zakir Naik a Deobandi, Brewali, Wahabbi, Salafi or any other sect, he just has his own specific ideas of what islam is about. I personally agreed with him alot as he based everything on Quran and Sunnah. My mate left as well as he thought he was cussing the 4 imaam, but he made his point clear on that as well. The 4 imaam objective was too make Islam more easier for the masses and at time it has become so rigid for some people, so I could fully understand his point. Nothing wrong with looking at the Quran and Sunnah primary for your answer. He clearly has load of respect for the 4 imaams, but just doesn't look at them for all his answer.
I was disappointed that not more talks was like Zakir Naik, but for all the people of different sects that were meant to come, not many actually made it, which made it a proper sunni or poiltical event. Don't like the way people claps at these event, I blame the women and old men. Out of all the talks, Abdul Hakim Quick was the best, he cover what most scholar and speaker said in his one speech. He pointed out nationalism and the danager the pride factor has on out beliefs. The race issue was also brought out and the fact that everyone want a white and bright husband or wife, he goes that worldly issue has affect on our muslim personality and till we made collective taubah we will not acheieve anything. Definitely gave the best speech IMO. But what I found interesting was the comment afterwards, people had obviously embrace the idea of unity but at the same time were not able too still accept some of the people point of view, which make me think that though the intention is right, there still along way to go. I think this event was mostly about people taking the concept of unity away with them and I hope for our and future generation sake it happens.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
hectic day at the conference yesterday...
organisation wasnt great but most conferences are like that
we got there at 10ISH....
straight away I got Zahid Maqboo , The Revival media spokesman to do an interview with ITV...
then we went in..and throughout the day me and The Revival team spoke to all the stalls, made business contacts, spoke about the magazine to many ppl....
THEN zAHID mAQBOOL DID FEW MORE INTERVIEWS with BBC, Daily Telegraph and others...
distribuited the magazines at the end..but it wasnt as good as it ought to be, we distributed just over 500 when it was suppose to be 2000..
but all in all it wasa good day for The Revival...
in term sof teh talks, Asghar Bukhari did the most inspirational talk,
i missed Yvonne Ridleys and Shabir Ally's talk..
Abdul Hakim Quick was good and to the point, the HT guy was good but all their speeches are the same and get people emotional...
I heard only the first bit of Zakir Naiks talk and he was just proving that following ONE madhab is wrong- and he was here to cretae unity, but as result after speaking to other he just increased the disunity....
now the things said need to be implemented and followed up...
i was there for almost 12 hours and i ate half a box of cold, tasteless rice....:-)
i saw a bit about the conference on the news...didnt see any interviews though
well done to those who helped out...n had a crap time doing so lol
im sure Allah Almighty will reward u for your efforts+i sincerely hope that the lost revival goody bags are found!! :!:
oh wel atleast u know for next time 2 not bother helping out...and like bro Hayder said stick to Dr Qadri!!! btw happy birthday bro!
heh, thats a good thing aint it?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Asghar talk was good, Yvonne Ridley was excellent, she had everyone in the areana going.
On the Zakir Naik talk, I had a cousin sitting with me all the way through the event and he was flipping, I could tell he was hating it, he ain't that practicing. But I saw him today and he love the event, just because of Zakir Naik talk. There this aura about Zakir Naik, which no other scholar has in my opinion. He always had the crowd stunned with amazement with his knowledge and memory. I did see some people leave early, but too me, there was no point of these people coming too these type of event, if they were not able to listen too some difference of opinion. He back everything with evidence from the Quran and Sunnah. On the School of thought, well I don't think it should create disunity, if someone came on stage and said we should keep tight to one school of thought, most people would not say he creating disunity so why should it be any difference with Dr Zakir Naik as well, he definitely a authority on islam and anyone who think he ain't are just blind to the facts, so he allow his opinion. He was definitely the highlight of the show IMO. .
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
in a unity conference , the idea is believe what u want but work together- what is the point of going in to detail of which madhab is correct and what you should follow.. he was highlighting difference an dstill saying to those people, what you believe is incorrect...
im sorry, but Zakir Naik is good at interfaith and islam and science and may be an authority on that...but i wouldnt say he is an authority on Islam....
What he explain was the misconception that many have with following a school of thought. He explain what Abu Hanifah (ra) said on the matter and how his own student follow what he said, about if any of his work contradicted the Sunnah, so if evidence is present people should use it, as the great work on hadith was done after his death. But today people have become too rigid, it consider a insult, even if you raise a question. He was stated that it important to know all the fact about something before coming to a judgement.
What he highlighted was that the most important aspect was the Quran and Sunnah, which if follow correctly would eradicate disunity. I agree with everything he said and looking at the reaction from the arena I would say most peope did also. I personally give it too him for talking on the subject, instead of like many people on the day skirting the issues, it only when we openly discuss these ideas will we have unity. And IMO he defintely a authority on Islam
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
i co-sign Ed's comments. Zakir Naik is very learned but to say hes the best scholar......i'd have to disagree.
back to the answer to my question to Shaykh-Ul-Islam at the camp......a lot if its all talk.
they can go on about creating unity all they want, im sticking to what i believe in whilst respecting all the other sects just as we should respect all of mankind.
seemed more about publicity more than anything. it was a good outing tho
with the amount of confusion regarding wahabs/HT/brelvi's and god knows what else i came to a conclsuion 2day.............im sticking to Prof Qadri for knowledge! what i learnt from him in so little time doesnt compare to the whole of yesterdays convention.....and theres no press confrences and advertisin etc.
thanx 4 the b'day wishes Muslim_Kuri.............had a good day, but back to work 2mrw
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Brother, it not about who the best scholar. I been to see nearly all the scholars, I seen Dr Tahir Ul Qadri, Hamza Yusuf, Yusuf Al Qaradawi and the lists can go on and on. Alhamduillah they are brillant speakers, but too me Zakir Naik still stick out due to his unique style, most scholar carry on stage a massive book for thier talk but some scholar just know what to say. I only hold Shaykh Habib Ali Jefferi in a higher level, but this is my personal opinion.
This event is the first really massive one, that tackled the problem of unity. Normally you hear group within their own little meeting calling on unity and you right it normally all talk, however as the main brother said on the day, they ask alot of people to come and alot of people just turn them away, however the people who came, we have to give it too them and say that they really want unity. Yes there is alot of confusion around with groups, but it is important to realise that the truth is still out there. Alhamudillah it seem you found your with DR Tahir Ul Qadri, but you have to realise that everyone require different answer for the same problems.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
aye, to each their own. me no fan of him tho, he is good tho
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
does unity mean proving your belief
or discussing your aqeeda
or believe whateva you want but still work together for the sake and betterment of islam on the common causes?
i always thought it was the latter....
because you will NEVER get everyone to agree on your beliefs/ aqeedah, and why should they?
u can be sunni/wahabbi/deobandi/salafi/brelwi/shia and still work together and fight racism, islamophobia, be effective in the media, so you have one voice in the media, one voice against the kuffaar....
cant be that hard can it, really? or is it?
It is to hard, you only have to talk to 10 random muslims and discuss about other groups and then you realise what you facing, because there too much hate for people to even want to work together. The No hijab march that the HT went on, a common cause, but what did we see, the MAB and MCB standing outside the French Embassy with a small gathering of their own. A common cause, but when two parties don't want too associate themselves with each other it become hard, and commonly we see these people blame each other, which never helps.
We also see people refusing to read behind certain Imaams, plus there alot of misinformation about each other out there, either you love the prophet
to much or not enough. Aqueedah plays such a important role, I could tell by the fact that some people walk out of Zakir Naik talk, is it that hard to listen and try to understand the other person point of view.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
i disagree
only SOME people hold extreme prejudices
not everyone is like that
not everyone has an issue working with others-
the BEST Muslims IMO are those who work with others for a good cause and IGNORE and REFUSE to discuss their differnces in beliefs
Well put
Back in BLACK
Of Course.
Everyone knows I'm all for Unity
I'm only anti sexist arrogant Arabs-I'd NEVER work with them
Not really as when the time for action and no talk come, some people show there real colour. So it easy saying something about unity but when the time for action come, that when we really see if they really believe in what they say.
But I agree with you on who are the best muslims
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."