MI5 'knew Guantanamo detainee Binyam Mohamed was being tortured'

MI5 knew that Binyam Mohamed, the former Guantanamo detainee, was being tortured by the CIA, a Court of Appeal judgment has revealed.

Evidence held by the Foreign Office, which had until now been kept secret, shows that the Security Service was aware that Mr Mohamed was deprived of sleep, "shackled" during interrogation and threatened with the idea that he might "disappear".

MI5 has also been accused of feeding questions to Mr Mohamed's interrogators, leading to accusations that it was “complicit” in his torture.

Read more @ The Telegraph

From the linked article:

In an unrelated case in the US last November, a judge referred to Mr Mohamed’s two-year torture ordeal, saying: “During that time he was physically and psychologically tortured. His genitals were mutilated. He was deprived of sleep and food. He was summarily transported from one foreign prison to another. Captors held him in stress positions for days at a time. He was forced to listen to piercingly loud music and the screams of other prisoners while locked in a pitch black cell.

All the while he was forced to inculpate himself and others in various plots to imperil Americans. The Government does not dispute this evidence.”

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Evidence held by the Foreign Office, which had until now been kept secret, shows that the Security Service was aware that Mr Mohamed was deprived of sleep, [url=http://www.certpaper.com/70-640.htm]70-640[/url] "shackled" during interrogation and threatened with the idea that he might "disappear".