Have a look around. See anything you dislike? Think you can do better?
Do you think the website theme can be spruced up - or even replaced with something better?
Prove it!
This website needs some people with a legendary graphics designs skills to fill all sort of needs. There are two types of people required:
Website layout and design
First, there is the bigger picture stuff, like the overall layout and design of the site - for those who think they can help here.
We use Drupal and no, we will not move to some other Software system. You do not need to know drupal - if needs be plain html or even Photoshop mock-ups can be used and made into a Drupal theme.
A consideration is that since most of the content on this site is mostly text, any layout expecting loads of Graphics in the content will most likely fail.
Content specific art
This is the second type of help required - adding graphics/art/photos to existing and new content as and when the need arises.
There is already plenty of content on the site which has no imagery associated to it. Finding associated imagery under appropriately licensable terms or even creating your own is what would be required here.
This second role can be more informal and has no long term cost - anyone can do it and it can be for a specific piece of content if required.
Comics Section
(insert Monty Python sketch here)
This is just at the idea stage, but if we can collect people who like drawing comics and have an idea, we can provide the space for comics. Here though the individual(s) will have to drive forward their own ideas be be self motivated and have the passion to push these things forward.
Any and all of this will be done on a voluntary basis and any due credit will be given.
So do you think you have what it takes? Its time to prove it.
id be glad to help ... i do art but ive not done any major graphics before but i could do the drawings and pictures ...
I will be doing graphics and stuff like website design on the course that im going to do in a few months but thats ages away ...
Welcome aboard.
There is no official drafting process and no... guidance either. Have a look around and the three categories of help are broadly outlined above and see where you want to pitch in.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Ill go with the 'content specific art' ...
ill help just tell me what t'do. im good with graphic and desighn and web layout. im pretty good with making pictures and all that
It is more a case of looking around and seeing where you can be of service.
I wouldn't mind a new theme some time in the near future, but it all depends on how things look and fit in.
For smaller things, if you see an article for which there is no artwork and you think you can provide something appropriate, that would be much appreciated.
Be aware: A lot of work may go unused etc. especially if goping for a whole new theme, as that is a big task and sometimes it can only be figured out if the direction is right or wrong after a long time.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
so how am i ment to add artwork? i cant exactly edit the site
depends on the type of artwork.
If it is images to go with articles, upload as usual - click "create content" and them "image" and then when done, tell someone which article it should go with.
As for site theme, that is more dificult. We use Drupal for the site, so you can email a theme over, or if that is too much (which it most likely is), send over sample pictures or an html version of the theme via email.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
follow the above link and it will take you 2 ebay, but i will let u know now i only do work by hand.
after all i am the master calligrapher!
People often mistake Virtue with Honour
Virtue is what we do
Honour is how we do it.
theres no more items shown when you click on the link...
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
ive changed the link follow the link again.^
seek and u shall find!
People often mistake Virtue with Honour
Virtue is what we do
Honour is how we do it.