ok first of all this is not meant to be offensive to anyone and shouldn't be taken seriously, just for abit of fun
ok, You Know Your Part Paki When :
1)You have an endless supply of dhal, dates, figs, and salan, and gosht.
2)Your refer to your dad's friends as, "uncle".
3)Your Armani pants don't fit you, but you wear them anyways.
4)You own a fake Rolex, Omega, or TAG.
5)You order hot tea any place you can
6)Your wardrobe consists of either black, black, and more black or white, white and more white.
7)You have a houka as a centerpiece in your living room.
8)you have endless relatives living on the same road as you do ...or 5 minutes away
9)After a family meal, the women fight to the death over who should wash the dishes (or each insist that they will do it) while the men sit on their behinds and talking about world issues, waiting for their tea. << applies on eid get togethers etc.
9)Your dad tells you daily,
"Baita, asay nehi kartay" ("Son/Daughter this is not the right thing to do.")
10)You get shocked when someone slows down at a yellow light.. or stops when its red
11)You live on giving "missed calls"
12)You've never had dinner at a shaadi before midnight
13)Everyone is a family friend
14)Everyone from your extended family comes to pick you up at the airport
15)You have annoying nicknames like 'Chotu', 'Munnoo', 'Pappu', 'Guddu' , 'sehli' etc…
16)Your parents compare you to all of your friends
17)Your parents are never satisfied with your grades
18)anything apart from an A is a fail in your parents eyes
19)After talking to a girl once, you think you are boyfriend-girlfriend and are already planning on getting married
20)You cannot complete a sentence in Urdu without using at least one English word
21)Your food needs more oil than your car
22)add salt to food even when you dont need to
23)Your grandparents (or even parents) don't realize phone connections to foreign countries have improved in the last few years, and still scream at the top of their lungs when making long distance calls
24)Wear Shorts With Dress Socks And Tennis Shoes
25) generally chat shit behind peoples back
26)Eat Half Of A Pizza At A Restaurant And Then Complaining That It
Wasn't Made Right (I Want Refund!)
27)Talk For An Hour At The Front Door When Leaving Someone's House Etc
28)Loading Up The Family Car With As Many pakistanis As Possible When It's A "Pay Per Car" Entrance Fee
29)when in backhome 10 people in one car is the norm'
30)When People Show Up Late To A Function...just In Time For The
31)see a pakistani on a western channel and get excited
32) have mad water fights in the summer
33)Plastic Covers Anything New In Your Parents' House Whether It Is The Remote Control To The Vcr Or The New Livingroom Couch.
34)have stupid decorations all over the house and numerous artificial flowers
35)go for the buy 1 get 1 free! offers
36)A sale means your up at 5 in the morning rushing to town
37)When Family Friends Come Over, You Have Ten Conversations Goin On In The Same Room At The Same Time Very Loudly.
38)white clothes? NOOO! the stains never come out
39)all your school pictures end up in pakistan
40)parents are not fond of you going out of town for uni because you may talk to the opposite sex...
Again hope this doesn't offend anyone
ok there were about 40 of them but dont nw why they dont all come up ...maybe admin can help me here
These things are all from facebook groups are they not?
yup fb and other various websites
hahahaha lol
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
98% of that dont apply to me.
Back in BLACK
6/40 for me... (im just going to ignore the last one)
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
black/white clothes?? why only those colours?? I thought as a paki you're way more colourful...or maybe thats just me o.O
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Yep-lol, some of these apply to me/my family....
Love is a serious mental disease.
lool!!! this is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo true!! appplie to mee n family ad frends and all d othere paki ppl i kno!!! looool!
Yh these r partly true but not only pakis do these. Others do it too even white people sometimes but they hide it. Us pakis manage to gt news around in less than 5 seconds:D wherea white people and others manage to keep it to themselves:)
Ha! Heard quite a few of these before. Only about 5 out of the 40 applied to me. I am definitely not your typical Pakistani, (thats probably because some people think im Afro-Carribbean!)
NONE of them apply to me.
Woo Hoo........
'Tum bahoot juwt bowlteh howh'!
See, no English there!
OK OK - other than number 11, they all apply to me.
I can't actually believe you do every single one of them, you must be the only one to do so! You didn't have to reveal 'that' many of your cultural secrets! You're a very proud and patriotic Pakistani LOL!
That the odd t hing - I'm not even Pakistani....
Fine, okay okay, Your what? Kasmiri?
Now stop trying to be that Pakistani who pretends that they're all British, with no association to their home country.
aap jhoot kyu bolrey ho...?
I paid the price for number 10
Suhail, he admitted to all of them! See above.
um - because it's fun. You should try it.
Sounds like my aunt
I thought you were Indian
(not that there's much difference bit still)
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Sadly most of this is so true...
6 ish. most of them would apply if i was back in france with fam/when french fam comes over.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
no dude. you're part Jamaican part Russian. you're grey.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
How nice (!) When filling forms, they'll be too many boxes to tick!
just tick other and write russiaican
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?