If the veil was banned, would you

Start wearing it - civil disobedience baby!
5% (4 votes)
Stop wearing it - for the greater good.
1% (1 vote)
Avoid places where it was banned
8% (6 votes)
be banned from going to such places by someone forcing me to wear the veil
3% (2 votes)
Wouldn't bother me
5% (4 votes)
I support the ban
21% (16 votes)
I would be against the ban
57% (44 votes)
Total votes: 77

France is a dying nation. Its getting desperate. Now it is oppressing women.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

I would support any act that banned the odious malicek

His first two points might be correct though. Hehehe.

malik wrote:
France is a dying nation. Its getting desperate. Now it is oppressing women.

How is that oppressing women? It is not welcome in France. Get use to it.


rakibm wrote:
malik wrote:
France is a dying nation. Its getting desperate. Now it is oppressing women.

How is that oppressing women? It is not welcome in France. Get use to it.

you have to understand that France is a european country and it should value freedom of practicing ones own religion and culture ... i dont understand why all these countries say they are deomcratic and respect everyones values when they are clearly prejudice.

&& the thing is that if you give into one thing then your just showing your weak and people just walk all over you when you start to give in
Muslims in France should never stop fighting for what they believe in

and if britian was to ever face the ban of the viel and headscarf then they would have great trouble on their hands that they will never be able to handle ... theres no doubt this goverment is scared otherwise they would have done banned such things already.

lol i like the idea of the 1st option 'civil disobedience babyy!' lol

so would you wear one?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

no lol but if it was in relation to something a guy could do then yhh 'civil disobedience babyy!!' lol