Muslim MP: security profiling at airports is 'price we have to pay'

A Muslim MP has opened up divisions within the Islamic community by saying it is reasonable for Muslims to be singled out for extra airport security measures following the Detroit bomb attempt.

Khalid Mahmood, the Labour MP for Birmingham Perry Barr, said it had become necessary to 'profile' passengers from certain racial and religious groups in order to weed out possible terror suspects.

He said: "I think most people would rather be profiled than blown up. It wouldn't be victimisation of an entire community.

Read more @ Telegraph

The annoying thing in general about things like this is that the regular folk get searched, wire tapped and what not, whilst the terrorists have probably come up with a way to get round it.

Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.

Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes

Fuel to fire.

I agree with this MP even though he may be total ass (I don't know).

I would rather I be stripped searched if it meant my children/family were safe. I would give that right up for the greater good. Indeed, it would be a gross violation of human rights, hence why I think this wont be put in place and if it is, then the road we go down is very slippery.

Plus if Gordy wants to see me nekkid, so be it.

Lets put the issue to bed of it singling out Muslims. I only see 'so called Muslim's' terrorising the world. They do not discriminate between Muslim and non-Muslim albeit non-Muslims are their targets they will gladly kill a few Muslims.

Agree - BUT only if it is Muslim men aged between 18 and say 45.

I don't think it is a controversial opinion - its not the fault of the security services, but of the individuals trying to smuggle weaponry onto planes.

and no, its not going to work if it is limited to "Muslim men aged between 18 and 45" because such groups are increasingly turning to use women as their new weapons of choice to get around such issues.

There is a price that has to be paid, and unfortunately its the normal peaceable people that have to pay it. Men and women, old and young.

(by "muslims", we probably mean african, arab and indian looking people, even if they believe in a faith other than Islam as I hear some sikhs get riled over being searched often as they are "mistaken" for being Muslims by some who cannot differentiate in dress sense/head gear.)

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Profiling will probably stop attacks on airplanes. Suicide bombers aren't gonna walk through an airport with explosives concealed on their bodies if they know that they will be singled out for a search.

But profiling will increase feelings of resentment and disenchantment among some, not all, young Muslims. Some of them may even end up in a cell. And rather than targeting an aeroplane they will go after trains, ships and other such targets.

But at least there won't be any attacks on aeroplanes.

The lesson from the Nigerian and his explosive underwear plot is that the intelligence failed - not that there is a need for profiling. If the CIA had managed to connect the dots this guy would never have got on a plane.

Besides, if this guy had real help and had used better explosives he would have been caught alot earlier. If he had contacted higher-up al Qaeda people then that would have alerted the security services sooner. If he had been going around purchasing controlled explosives, then too, he would have raised signals. But, because he spoke only to angry guys in beards and looked in his kitchen cupboard for things that go bang, he was bound to fail.

If we accept security profiling at airports then where will you draw the line? By logic the next step should be similar checks at train stations or on buses, right? What about schools, libraries, supermarkets? I could go on till the cows come home.

The fact remains that real terrorists will find other avenues and means by which to carry out their aims if airports are out of the picture.

This alarmist idea stems as a result of the recent botched and failed bomb plot. I anticipate that this talk will fade in a few weeks.

In so far as stopping "muslim-looking" people is concerned this only alienates a community who are already feeling second-class. It disengages the muslim community even further and incites hatred and distrust. It serves little purpose and instead creates a breeding ground for would-be terrorists.

We cannot downplay the importance of civil liberties which will be infringed by the introduction of such security profiling. Muslim people are humans too. Muslims on the whole are innocent, hard-working and law-abiding. They have not, and do not on the whole, do anything wrong so it is grossly unfair to view them and treat them differently. We need to stop this strange idea that we are guilty of something and consequently expect and permit our rights to be infringed.

May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.