i'm bored
2010 is in like a few weeks
its time to make a new years resolution topic
i never make any resolutions but because i have made a topic i will make some. i have no intention of sticking to them
anyway here they are:
-eat less (uni = increase in food intake)
-join the gym
-finish assignments a few days before the deadline (yeh right)
-be more nice
-find a job
-work on myself
-start taking driving lessons
and errm can't think of anything else
happy posting xD
I like that bit.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
-start revision on time
-find a job
-pass my test/get a car
-try and have earlier nyts (doubt that will happen lol)
-save enuff money for a plane ticket
-work on myself
Telling everyone is a great way to get resolutions off the ground and keep yourself from floundering. When you put yourself on the line you will learn to deal with petty failures, to stand up for your resolution when temptation rears its head, and to benefit from the ambient or sometimes concrete support of others. It teaches people - and not all people, not everyone buys into optimism - to relate differently to you for a few days at least so that you have the headspace to change things. Especially when resolving any longstanding issue with other people, so that a good formula to share might be: "I realised that often when I talk to you I have childhood issues in mind, so I belligerently ignore your advice or can't help getting angry about things that might not be real at this time. From now on I want to evaluate everything with a clear head and be straight-talking, and if you want to discuss those issues to put them out of our heads that is great too."
All of which is by way of delivering a tip that when you are really serious about a resolution and don't want to repeat yourself yet again, it is an idea to watch your language very closely to be sure you accept total responsibility for what you are doing, stand a chance of bringing others on board, generating pride in the enterprise (and credibility from a low point can only go up, and that is very valuable), and also not being vague. Instead of "I want to eat less", say "I want to eat healthily", and instead of "I want to be more compassionate", say "I want to be compassionate." Give yourself a position to work from, credit yourself with anything positive, and you'll feel more inclined to keep those resolutions. Doing things by degrees, ie "more" and "less", will feature in the results, just not in the promise. And then your confidence grows around the resolution, and humility around any nonsense that creeps in. You become a person that stands for something, to purloin a well-known maxim, instead of falling for anything.
This is useful for the small things but it is directed at those who get frustrated trying to make big changes.
I managed to make some headway on a few of my resolutions, and even fell back after a great start on others.
This year, nothing. I may want things to stay the way they are for ever and ever and ever. Maybe without the need for a full time job - I don't think I am made for such... exertions any longer.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
exertions! lol
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
-establish a sleeping routine
I wrote a list today of things I want done next year.
I dont know why, but next year seems daunting and gives my stomach flip flops when I think about it.
go on
Dont tempt me.
It is not for sharing yet.
Its to share, whilst I do them
So so so so so so so excited!

ok. another one to add to your list
-not to be so boring :roll:
-to be more sharing
I share loads and you know I do!
And I was going to say OI! at your 'not to be so boring'
and then I remembered the list for next year.
Now I cant tell you about it..because i'm afraid you are going to yawn tonnes. And I think you may laugh AT me too.
PS. Its much more fun than your list.
only one way to find out!
Dont do this to me!
What if they never happen and then I come on the revival to find my pathetic list that never happened?
I would be crying?
Would you like that?
Wait DONT answer that question..I have a scary feeling it will be: So?
what God wills man!
crying is good! nowt wrong with it
i'd probably cry with you!
so, whats number 1?
I know I know...Im not that pathetic, really. If they never happen then its okay too. There are a few things on the list, I have written on purpose to motivate me throughout the year, especially during exam times.
I'm glowing inside in excitement.
Erm...No! I dont like crying. I cry about twice a year! lets leave it at that!
Do you like the new Secretive Sully?
i'm pretty sure you will spill.
I'm pretty sure I will too. But lets see how long I hold it for.
It sounds like Im talking about wee.
To have the courage to accept the things i cant change and to be happy for the things i have got.
I will try to be less angry, inshallah.
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
The new year has already started people!
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I will try to do an aerial which is a cartwheel with no hands. It probably won't help me much in life, but it may provide a refreshing new prospective.
If I can pull that off, I may try to do a back flip. You guys can get in touch with me via the Trafford General switch board.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
I like that.
I just made a decision...that I will scrap the list I made for this year.
There were reasons why I made a list last year. And because it was successful...I thought it would be a good idea to do the same for this year.
But, truthfully, looking at the list..I think I am happy as how things are at the minute. I dont need anything. SO..my new years reolution is simply: Make the best of each day. And even if you have a lot on..well deal with it in a systematic way and also..give yourself lots of time to think and relax.
great resolution guys
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
David Tennant has left the building
Perhaps it would be more effective and productive to select and stick to one or two resolutions at a time. If you have too many you are unlikely to be able to focus on each and every one to the level it deserves. By sticking to one or two you will be able to focus your energies and be better equipped to achieving your goals, be they getting a job, eating more fruit or exercising more.
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
New Years Resolution: Dont over think things... most things are usually really simple. And the best explanation is usually the easiest one.
New Years resolution no2: Dont blink.............................. dang i just broke it. Oh well one resolution is good enough.
Whatever and Bless in 2010.