Awlia, we love you!

Don't know why the account seems to have been deleted, but if you want to, create a new one.

Just avoid calling scholars non-muslims and I am sure others will also love you too.

awlias friend here bro

He'll be back sometime in the future but now now.

As for myself well i aint a forum person so my last day.

But the ban was probably due to the tahirul qadri and nazim and sufi deviants thread.

Shame that the argument got heated if it did - no need to slander ohters when discussing the issues.

nooruddin wrote:
As for myself well i aint a forum person so my last day.

well, you can become a forum person if you want to be.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:
Shame that the argument got heated if it did - no need to slander ohters when discussing the issues.

nooruddin wrote:
As for myself well i aint a forum person so my last day.

well, you can become a forum person if you want to be.

thats your opinion, and his as his, but in islam it said dont follow a scholar blindly, so he though its important to expose tahirul qadri.

As for me no thanks i prefare to stay away from forums.

Any way asalamualaikum.

He's actually gone? Why??


im glad aulia user has gone!!we dont want members that offend others.

I love him too but he is a bit lost.
I think my pure Shia belief might have shocked him. Eveyone runs away from Shia Muslims.
Truth is bitter for most people.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan". is external)

That may not be the only reason.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

malik wrote:
I love him too but he is a bit lost.
I think my pure Shia belief might have shocked him. Eveyone runs away from Shia Muslims.
Truth is bitter for most people.

your belief is nothing but thrash, you shias are nothing but thrash, and now i will prove the thrash you and shias are, i was never planning to come back here, as i believed i already done my thing here, while here i showed many flaws of sufism with evidence, now its your turn, the cursed ones shia, and nobody runs away from shia muslims, you are the cowards, pets of america, humiliated in many battles, and who can forget the humiliation salauddin ayyubi gave to you, when he kicked you out of the country, you cowards were such wimps salauddin didnt even need to fight you to defeat you. Mire, ottomans, ore defeats by abbasid empire and i can go on, ali RA hated you shias, he called you blind deaf and dumb, hussayn RA curse is still affecting you today, and more members of ali RA family cursed and hated you. Anyway in my next thread i will put all the quotes and reference of them.

forget 1, i already proved the whole thing wrong, now let me see you with your weak lies refute it, as ali RA said you shias are dumb blind and deaf, what would a bunch of disables like you know on truth and history.

Am I allowed to also find the new anti-shia threads annoying?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

malik wrote:
one is fine, just one shia belief.
give clear proof that one is unislamic.

Shia deny existance of Allah and Nabih
Neither we believe the Allah nor the Prophet of the God whose khalifah is Abu Bakr . (Anwar-ul-nomania, page #278).
I don’t believe in that Allah who gives government to Usman and Ma’avia. (Kashf-ul-asrar, page #107, Khamini).

as for more more falsehood of shia, check my thread deviation fo the shia and youll get more info.

malik wrote:
one is fine, just one shia belief.
give clear proof that one is unislamic.

Shia deny existance of Allah and Nabih
Neither we believe the Allah nor the Prophet of the God whose khalifah is Abu Bakr . (Anwar-ul-nomania, page #278).
I don’t believe in that Allah who gives government to Usman and Ma’avia. (Kashf-ul-asrar, page #107, Khamini).

as for more more falsehood of shia, check my thread deviation fo the shia and youll get more info.

Can we talk about just one claim which you can actually prove?
I know you want to talk a lot and everywhere, but if you cannot manage to debate something in a rational way, then I wont be wasting time chasing you all over the place.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan". is external)

You wrote:
Am I allowed to also find the new anti-shia threads annoying?

Yes can you please tell this baander to stop jumping so much.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan". is external)

erm... manners. to both.

@al-albani - the forums are to discuss things and I think they work better when used in that context instead of just going for others' jugular.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.


awlia was banned for creating sectarianism, division, hatred, insulting ulema and ridiculing peoples beliefs. None of this acceptable on this forum. Now he has come backed under user name albani which now has also been banned. He doent know how to discuss but insult and create fitna that is why there is no room for him on this forum!


TheRevivalEditor wrote:

awlia was banned for creating sectarianism, division, hatred, insulting ulema and ridiculing peoples beliefs. None of this acceptable on this forum. Now he has come back under user name albani which now has also been banned. He doent know how to discuss but insult and create fitna that is why there is no room for him on this forum!

...and the best way to teach him forum etiquette was to ban him from the forums? :/

Correct me if i'm wrong, but I thought the Muslim way was more to actually HELP those who need it rather than shun them.

#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #

Yes. I agree.

Banning people is not the right thing.

After all, Awlia is a "friend" of God.

MakeMeRawr_6TeenF wrote:
TheRevivalEditor wrote:

awlia was banned for creating sectarianism, division, hatred, insulting ulema and ridiculing peoples beliefs. None of this acceptable on this forum. Now he has come back under user name albani which now has also been banned. He doent know how to discuss but insult and create fitna that is why there is no room for him on this forum!

...and the best way to teach him forum etiquette was to ban him from the forums? :/

Correct me if i'm wrong, but I thought the Muslim way was more to actually HELP those who need it rather than shun them.

he was told politely to kick out the sectarianism and insults but his response was so childish and his intention was so clear: to guide us of our deviations etc etc.... that made my decision to ban him more easy! His aim is to rattle ppl, offend them, insult them, ridicule them, get in to sectarian debates, arguing , etc etc.....
I ain't gonna allow that to happen. end of.


"Awlia-Allah" is "friends of God".

Awlia is simply "friends" (with other meanings for it too, including leader etc etc). Since he came on here to debunk others may have been sarcasm on his part

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

TheRevivalEditor wrote:
MakeMeRawr_6TeenF wrote:

...and the best way to teach him forum etiquette was to ban him from the forums? :/

Correct me if i'm wrong, but I thought the Muslim way was more to actually HELP those who need it rather than shun them.

he was told politely to kick out the sectarianism and insults but his response was so childish and his intention was so clear: to guide us of our deviations etc etc.... that made my decision to ban him more easy! His aim is to rattle ppl, offend them, insult them, ridicule them, get in to sectarian debates, arguing , etc etc.....
I ain't gonna allow that to happen. end of.

He did promise to change the way he 'argued' and confessed that anger got in the way sometimes.

Did the people he was rude to complain and demand his removal?

#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #

TheRevivalEditor wrote:
he was told politely to kick out the sectarianism and insults but his response was so childish and his intention was so clear: to guide us of our deviations etc etc.... that made my decision to ban him more easy! His aim is to rattle ppl, offend them, insult them, ridicule them, get in to sectarian debates, arguing , etc etc.....
I ain't gonna allow that to happen. end of.

Surely boycotting people and groups simply because you dislike them is wrong (even unislamic)? It may be who you want to be, but since I still am running the site, adding most of the content, updates etc... it is not who I want to be.

I do not want to boycott people simply because I disagree with their views actions or mannerisms. Loving people for the sake of God means that you look beyond such things and even if I am not capable of carrying it out, atleast I am making a superficial effort.

I mentioned this on tribune once that one thing I do not want is on the day of judgement someone to say something like "such and such a person could have helped me - made me avoid the hellfire, but instead he cast me aside" to God. Do you want to be that person that is being talked about?

I think keeping in mind the purpose of this place (or if you can't that, then atleast WHY The Revival was started) in mind when making such decisions and remember that making judgements in anger can lead to bad judgements.

If there was *other* discussion on the site, your point of getting rid of the bad apples may or may not have merit (it worked wonders last time - those people were kicked out and everyone else simply left.)

Beggars shouldn't be choosers - when there is no other discussion or debate on the site, you should be grateful for what you get.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:
TheRevivalEditor wrote:
he was told politely to kick out the sectarianism and insults but his response was so childish and his intention was so clear: to guide us of our deviations etc etc.... that made my decision to ban him more easy! His aim is to rattle ppl, offend them, insult them, ridicule them, get in to sectarian debates, arguing , etc etc.....
I ain't gonna allow that to happen. end of.

Surely boycotting people and groups simply because you dislike them is wrong (even unislamic)? It may be who you want to be, but since I still am running the site, adding most of the content, updates etc... it is not who I want to be.

I do not want to boycott people simply because I disagree with their views actions or mannerisms. Loving people for the sake of God means that you look beyond such things and even if I am not capable of carrying it out, atleast I am making a superficial effort.

I mentioned this on tribune once that one thing I do not want is on the day of judgement someone to say something like "such and such a person could have helped me - made me avoid the hellfire, but instead he cast me aside" to God. Do you want to be that person that is being talked about?

I think keeping in mind the purpose of this place (or if you can't that, then atleast WHY The Revival was started) in mind when making such decisions and remember that making judgements in anger can lead to bad judgements.

If there was *other* discussion on the site, your point of getting rid of the bad apples may or may not have merit (it worked wonders last time - those people were kicked out and everyone else simply left.)

Beggars shouldn't be choosers - when there is no other discussion or debate on the site, you should be grateful for what you get.

what utter tosh. but since you are the boss on this site; i'll leave u to it


I think "You" is right..

We should not turn away from people, or shun them....

And we should not be so bigotted as not to accept the Qur'an and the Sunnah.

We all make mistakes, we are human.

What we need to do, is be humble enough to unite around the Qur'an and the Sunnah.. The Truth is in the Evidences. It is understood by the early Muslims.

So, for example, the most important thing, Aqeedah - can be understood by delving into the books of the Salaf, such as that of Imaam La'ikaa'i who, many hundreds of years ago, put together the aqeedah beliefs of many of the great imams of the Muslims.

i never knew you made this thread about me time flys thought this was around 2010 not 2009 now its 2013

i just searched my old username to find threads and i find this one

is that shia guy still around


and yeah back then i did insult people here, and not insult by being rude but literally insult the members here